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Everything posted by d0ublestr0ker0ll

  1. I know right? The instances I coulda caught a cap to the dome in... Just cuz broskie angry as Beal. I got you in the sights of my scope Beal! Sucka likes to ignore me...😆
  2. Yeah shiddd, I feel like you were closer to Waldorf and the primpy areas. I was in the townhouses of Laurel. A lot of surprise-shootings. I didn't see one ounce of **** talk. Just...bam. Great times other than that. Great people.
  3. Word. Lived there for 3 years. Literally my move-in, someone was murdered across the street. 🤜
  4. A drill sergeant, good coach, will tell you everything you need to know, day 1. This is now forbidden. You're fat, lazy, out of shape. Now do as many pullups and pushups as you can do, and then you run because you're a bamma. Worked so well.
  5. ****. Two nights ago. Farts for 2 days that would make a billie goat puke. Garlic bread. I blame the garlic bread dude. I'm 7'5", 400 lbs of muscle. Run a 3.8 40. I climbed Mt. Everest twice yesterday. What say you, Beal? Bamma.
  6. The last Dale Senior car? You mean the one he died in? Bro I'm too busy telling Beal he's a bamma to pay attention to that. Mary a creepy one!!!
  7. I endorse this. I also would like to point out my post from yesterday, where I said it gives depressed over-eaters hope. I don't know how else to put it. If anything, this gives overweight people hope. Good stuff. However. Get on Tyra Banks level workouts. She isn't anorexic, she works hard.
  8. Jesus Christ, this got personal. @BatteredFanSyndrome thinks he knows me! Stalker! I'm fine, bamma (is that word cliche now?)
  9. Called a cheat meal, ****boy. I ran 5 miles today, probably again tonight. Hopefully it's raining.
  10. Destino...my MMA guy. Low blow at the beginning there. Fighting words. You'd probably gogoplata him but hey. What does that prove? I think he's looking out for the health of the human race. Not having us give billions to Nestle every year, leading to heart attacks and whatever. I think you would be better at the comp being in shape, not letting it turn you in to the hunchback of Notre Dame.
  11. I know you're a deep thinker. I'm saying that there are things happening wildly worse than this. And those are the things that should discourage us.
  12. What? That's what you hate about this planet? How about human trafficking. That bother you less? Yes. Where is the human trafficking thread, with all the white knights defending a rich fat girl like she's your crush?
  13. Looks like a lil tornado threat tonight. Ryan Hall going live at 5. His streams feel like football games to me. Colorado is under a red flag fire warning, but then a winter storm rolls in. Looks like the east coast is experiencing a heat wave for a while. Sittin' pretty in Oklahoma...
  14. The passive aggressiveness and circle jerking this forum is providing for the betas...I tell ya... Diverting points and everything. Luckily I have this night off to tell y'all to lift some weights and run some hills. Not jerk your chicken cuz your wife wants someone like me. Night fat lovers.
  15. I wanna know how bammas became cliche. That's our word. You're a b***h. Is the message. Used too much? Now it's made fun of??? What list? The nobody gives a **** list???
  16. So see, he is referring to me, but doesn't have the balls to @ me, because he wants you as friends because he doesn't have any. Okay...go outside...step 1. Look at the Sun. Well don't look at it, directly....lol. Then hopefully you die from texting while driving in to a telephone pole.
  17. Victimhood? Omg, you all beat me down, you're all against me! I don't give a ****.
  18. That's, I guess, old school DC talk. If that's grounds for my argument being cancelled by the cucks, so be it. Bammas.
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