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Commander PK

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Everything posted by Commander PK

  1. Washington Commanders - Inside the NFL franchise's search for a new nickname and logo (espn.com) Seems like a good time to link this piece by Keim again. I first posted this a few days after the name was announced in the "We are now" thread. Anyone wanting another rebranding process with a new owner would do well to read this and see what they had to go through. All of the rules that Snyder and company had to follow for this would also have to be followed by a new owner. I get that some people think that Snyder is more or less synonymous with Commanders, but the difficulties of accomplishing another rebrand that ends with even 1/2 the fan base happy would be near impossible. I don't think we can do better than what we ended up with. I just don't.
  2. Commanders is not the name I would have chosen. I wanted Warriors and was very hopeful that is the route they would go. As many people were crushed when Red Wolves was eliminated, I was crushed when the team revealed that they could not make that one happen as well. (Even prior to eliminating Red Wolves) Initially, I was not thrilled with the final choice, and was vocal here about my dislike. I didn't like the short could be "Commies" in the Nation's Capital. In the intervening months, I tried to get on board as much as I could, and now I dare say that the name has grown on me and I actually do like the name Commanders now. For one, it's safe. What some people call bland and non-specific, I call safe, and safe is good for an NFL team. (I won't step further into this territory here). I like the non-literal tie in to the Military and the Presidency. I like the W logo a lot, and I like the Black Jerseys, although I would have made the inner color of the number's burgundy and the outline gold. I like the new Burgundy jerseys a little less, but that is the first one I chose to buy. The White...ehh. I'm more or less indifferent to them now, but I won't be buying one of those. I have pointed this out before, and I have to agree with them, the team said the more they went over the available choices this one just seemed to "fit." I do think this name fits the Nation's Capital. Put simply, I get it. By way of comparison, Wizards has never grown on me, although I do like the branding they are doing now as opposed to the Wizard performing a layup logo they initially had. I still think Wizards is the dumbest name in D.C. Sports, and it's not even close. What sense does "Wizards" make for Washington D.C?
  3. Queensryche is another that is on a late career renaissance. They went back to the sound of their earlier records with the new singer Todd La Torre, and they have put out some great albums with him. Few of the original guys remain at this point, but the music they are putting out is top shelf. Their Condition Human album from 2015 is highly recommended. Operation: Mindcrime, Empire, and Rage for Order are early Ryche essentials.
  4. Very good track. I’ve liked most everything they have done since Death Magnetic, and Hardwired was a step up from that one. Hopefully 72 Seasons is more of the same, and this first track lends me to believe it will be. Around 15 years ago they found themselves again.
  5. Maybe you are right, but I don’t think we ever get the chance to find out. Truth is Commanders gear is selling, and in time I think people will be used to it. We are already seeing it happen. For me, WFT was a non-starter, and Red Wolves is owned by somebody else, aside from the well documented fact that I personally didn’t care for that name. Maybe they could have made some kind of agreement with Arkansas State, but I think they wanted a name they had exclusive rights to. Takes a lot of money to make this machine run. I truly believe in 10 years or less the fan base, those of us that remain, and those that have joined up will be totally used to Commanders. The more they win the more people will forget about how much they hated the name at first.
  6. THIS right here, gets to the heart of the issue. For most, not all, but most.
  7. Excellent point Bottom line, it's pretty much getting lucky with the QB, but if the surrounding cast lacks in talent it's not going to make a difference. Outside of the Brady-Belichick era of the Patriots over the last 20 years, the rest of the winners could have been anyone. For most, things went right at the right time. The good organizations consistently put themselves in position to have a chance in the end, but it's often better to be lucky than good. lol Taylor is certainly an over-achiever, but I believe his personality is a big reason why. Some people just have "it".
  8. I did some research a while back and made a post, but I can't remember in which thread, where I showed that for the most part drafting a topflight "franchise" QB is a crap shoot. You can pretty much find one anywhere, but who succeeds and who fails is very random. Definitely not based on where you draft. The top pick guarantees nothing. I believe having to draft in the top 3 of the draft to get a "franchise QB" is largely a myth. The overall results in the free agency era speak for themselves. Very few ever pan out that are taken that high, and the ones that end up having the best careers could have been drafted anywhere. The truth is very few of these guys exist on the planet, and nobody has quite figured out how to ensure you got the right one. I come back to him because he's the most obvious choice. Andrew Luck was considered to be a generational talent at QB. Just ask the "Suck for Luck" crowd. He had a good career, but he was not that guy.
  9. A few of the things I have observed about Taylor, even considering his shortcomings is that he seems to genuinely be excited and fired-up about being the QB of this team. Not just a team, but THIS team. When was the last time we saw anybody that fired up to play QB for this team? I saw it in Colt McCoy also when he got his chances. I didn't see that kind of fire out of Cousins, Smith, or Wentz. I didn't get a real chance to see it out of Fitzpatrick. I'm not saying the others didn't care, I'm just saying I didn't see that kind of public enthusiasm out of them. I didn't see that kind of fire in them during the games. Enthusiasm goes a long way with me. I can forgive a lot when a guy has that kind of fire in him, and you know he is trying his best to win. A personality like Taylor's is infectious. The question was asked on the junkies this morning do you think they would be 6-1 over the last 7 games with Wentz behind center. I don't think they would. Wentz takes a sack when Taylor scrambles and makes a throw. Maybe if Wentz has to come back in at some point things are better than in September. I hope they continue to find a way to win and we don't have to find out.
  10. I've been home about an hour and a 1/2. Just started getting my feeling back, lol. Wasn't that cold really. If we lost I would have been really pissed off, but we didn't so all is well.
  11. We went, despite that it was raining. Had a great time. The more you drink the less you notice the cold, lol.
  12. Checked on the game here and there while at a family reunion. Looks like we took care of business. I was worried about a bit of a let down after Monday night.
  13. Yup me also. A couple bad plays are the difference between 5-5 and 7-3 and at least a realistic shot at the Division title.
  14. I agree, If you can’t enjoy moments like this than I don’t know why you are a fan. Suspend objective criticism for a while and get caught up in the moment. Wins like this are why we are all here. Savor the moment
  15. Taylor is the right guy for this team right now. They like him and want to play for him. He makes others play their best ball. I don’t think people understand how important that is when the team is clearly in your corner. The team clearly prefers Taylor.
  16. They have no excuses. If they are who they say they are they easily beat us at home tonight. They couldn’t do that. I hope this is where there season turns. I knew it was going to at some point.
  17. Yes, but this is a game that they were not expected to win. They won on Monday night, in Philthy, against an undefeated team. that is huge
  18. As much as those assholes ruin our day in our own stadium it feels oh so good to return the favor. Nice packed house got to watch the loss. ****ing beautiful!
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