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Commander PK

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Everything posted by Commander PK

  1. Defense has played incredible all day. We literally are a QB away people.
  2. I swear….in just a quick glance down my Facebook feed I will paraphrase the following opinions among others…. “Howell is starting, great now I have a reason to watch the game.” “I can’t believe they are starting Howell with that o-line, way to get the kid killed Ron!” ”Too late now, should have started him when Wentz went down” ”Ron was pressured by the fans to start Howell, which proves he has lost it” ”Cool, Howell is starting. Change the name back to Redskins!” ”who cares…Dan is selling the team” ”Heinicke told Ron pack sand, now he has to start Howell” ”Go get ‘em kid, HTTC!” Our fanbase is all over the place and would drive anybody to drink.
  3. Some people already hate them because they hate everything and everyone. Misery loves company, and no doubt some people will start picking the new owner(s) apart the day it is announced. My guess for the majority would be right after an announcement is made the name is not changing again. Then if he does say we will undergo another rebrand/name change the people that have spent the last year coming around on Commanders will begin complaining about how dumb it is we are going to change our name again. Sometimes I feel like there is no way back for this franchise.
  4. Hadn’t thought of that, lol. Good point. Would definitely have had to pick a different game. Probably, which is why it would be a good idea for the new owner to state their position on the brand very quickly after purchasing. If the plan is Commanders is here to stay it would be better for them to take their lumps on it early. The one thing we can all be certain of though is that the name is not going back to Redskins. People hoping for this are wasting their time and energy.
  5. I was kind of hoping for a German Shepard because I think that fits the Commanders brand better, but I agree it’s not as bad as some people are making it out or be. The mascot in my eyes is mainly for the kids. Bottom line, for some as long as the name is Commanders they are going to ridicule anything the team does for the brand. If the new owner changes the name and starts the whole process over again more power to them, but I would be very surprised if that happens.
  6. I think he did somewhat in the back half years. I think he has largely been hands off the Football operations since Gruden, but his reputation prevented the best of the best from wanting to come here. For example, Steve Spagnolo when he was a serious head coaching candidate showed zero interest in the gig. A lot of people myself included believed that was not because of Washington but because of not wanting to work for Snyder.
  7. I don’t know where his head is at now, but once upon a time this was Snyder. For me, in a new owner I want somebody who is wealthy enough and savvy enough to be able buy our NFL team, and give our fans what they want, Lombardis…a destination stadium with year round entertainment… at RFK for example… …but who is also self aware enough to realize that their ability to accumulate wealth does not necessarily translate to an ability to build a NFL Champion. In other words, hire the best most competent NFL people available and then get out of their way. Among other things, Snyder could never figure that out, and then once he did he could never escape his own reputation.
  8. I’m down for this. I want to see Howell. We need to know if we have a QB for 2023 on this team.
  9. I've cooled off quite a bit since last night, but I'm not going to lie. Last night was as angry as I have been with this team in a VERY long time. I still feel like they just **** the bed, after telling everyone to come out this is a playoff game. Just boggles the mind that they could have put on such a pitiful display after calling the fans out to be there. Yes, the refs sucked, but the game should not have had to come down to that anyway. I still believe we are better than the Giants. I don't respect them at all. **** the Giants
  10. Maybe instead of worrying about how many ****ing fans were going to be in the stands they should have focused more on a game plan that would actually win the ****ing game.
  11. We sucked hard tonight but anybody who doesn’t seriously believe at this point that the NFL is not trying to control the outcome of these games through the officiating is delusional. They are like a notch above the WWE at this point. **** is straight up slanted.
  12. This game is a shadow of what it once was and this product sucks ass. **** them all
  13. We aren’t good enough to dominate anyone, so the game plan is play to keep every game close and have a chance at the end.
  14. I would be there if we weren't celebrating Christmas a week early with my parents. We will be pulling for them from Mom and Dad's. Give 'em hell home crowd! I hope everybody arrives early, has a great time, and has a safe trip home.
  15. I was able to watch the 4th quarter and the overtime. A tie is infinitely better for us than a loss and the Giants play Philthy next. This game is less about the tie and more about their inability to beat us at home. I like that we have the bye now which gives us extra time to prepare for them at home. it’s all good
  16. until somebody makes a post that states "now the new owner can change that horrible name" again 😄
  17. Well it’s good to see we have all finally come to a consensus on this issue.
  18. @FootballZombie Thanks for the response, and a great post. From what I can tell though, you are mostly talking about the launch of the brand not the brand itself. I agree 100%. The launch was ****. No question. Did set a negative tone, and was very anticlimactic. The wrong dates in the crest was unforgivable. The Today show announcement was embarrassing. We are now 10 months into this thing though. I think at this point it’s two things, the name itself, and the look. The launch was what it was, and it set the tone, but I think most people aren’t thinking about that now. You and I are probably better versed in everything that led us up to where we are today, along with a few others here, who kept the Branding thread at the top of the list for nearly 2 years. There are so many factors that made this particular rebranding very unique. Only Cleveland comes close and that is a significantly less popular sport, with a far less polarizing former name, in a place that isn’t the Nation’s Capitol. I still don’t see how they could have done better with all that taken into consideration. This was an impossible task with everybody screaming at you on all sides. Pleasing this group pisses off another. Leaving this or that in the past isn’t going far enough, or changing everything leaves no ties to what existed before. Can’t get this name or that because this entity already owns it. What a mess.
  19. It’s not the same though. New brand. Nothing to compare it to. You aren’t rebranding a 90 year old team.
  20. They could get away with this because their former name wasn’t and still isn’t considered a “dictionary defined racial slur.” They could simply see which way the wind was blowing and got ahead of the issue.
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