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Commander PK

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Everything posted by Commander PK

  1. One was a Cowboy. What do we expect? He has always been slanted in how he calls our games.
  2. Touchdown Robinson up the middle!
  3. Wow look at that. Robinson ran up the middle immediately
  4. Why in the **** would you do that twice in the same game?
  5. McLaurin screen…haven’t seen that in a while
  6. Total missed opportunity there, it’s like they were in shock the ball came out
  7. There was a time here when “keeping it close” as a moral victory wasn’t even a consideration.
  8. We built a paper defense in an offensive based league. We are going nowhere fast building a team like that in the modern game.
  9. Yes, a game can turn on a single play.
  10. They are incapable of putting together a total game it seems. You can have a half but not both.
  11. We need to stick with the offensive game plan and run the clock to hope to have a chance. Their offense has figured **** out. We need to keep them off the field
  12. They need another balanced drive that ends in a touchdown here.
  13. If we hope to have any chance the Defense needs to tighten up, that was pathetic.
  14. Good offensive start to the game. Hopefully the defense can hold.
  15. because people think it’s an alpha move to go into somebody else’s house with the opposing jersey on. Times have changed.
  16. Nope, it's much improved. Don't let a few drunk idiots make you feel otherwise, especially one stupid enough to show up to a game that his team isn't even playing in.
  17. Yes, because the NFL grew and the stadiums are larger. People travel in greater numbers. The best “home field advantages” exist in places where there isn’t much else to get excited about. Part of our biggest problem here is that we haven’t won a Championship that anybody under the age of 40 can even remember watching, and the Ravens who have done nearly everything right since their inception have won two. We lost a lot of people to the Ravens over the last 27 years.
  18. I am also going with some work friends. I can’t go to them all but I go when I can.
  19. The fact is a large part of the problem is not that “other teams fans travel well” it’s many of them live right here in the DMV. Most of those Bills fans in the stadium did not travel here from Buffalo. We are an area where a lot of people who are NFL fans have for whatever reason chosen to be a fan of a team not from here. Also, just like with many Nationals fans being former Orioles fans, many Ravens fans are former Washington fans. The long time stalwarts here in the DMV, the Redskins and Orioles took their fanbase for granted for too many years and a lot of so called “fans” jumped ship from both franchises.
  20. At the end of the day they lost a game that most people expected them to lose. We are 2-1 after 3 weeks. They have plenty of time to improve and have a meaningful season. The loss was ugly but whether it was 37-3 or 10-7 it still only counts as one loss.
  21. I couldn’t participate in the thread today but I’m sure it was just as rational and even-keeled as normal. 😄 Sometimes they do this early in the season. I’m certainly not happy about the ugly loss today but we are far from toast. Today nothing went right. The game just got away from them.
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