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Commander PK

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Everything posted by Commander PK

  1. I firmly believe our franchise QB was born last year. We just have to stay patient.
  2. Since our last Super Bowl win Dallas has won 3 Giants have won 2 Eagles will be playing for their 2nd Add to that the NFC Championships won by the Eagles and Giants. God the last 30 years have sucked ass. No good reason why this team should have fallen this far.
  3. **** the ****ing Eagles I’m either a Bengals or Chiefs fan for the rest of the season. Prefer the Bengals get their first
  4. True, but this is the Nations Capital and the hub of the Federal Government. People flock here for governments/military/contractor gigs. A lot of people that live here now, are not from here. With that said, the “home town advantage” as it was only exists in a couple places now. People travel and move around at much greater numbers. People will fly across the country to watch their team play on the other coast. I think that is largely a new phenomenon. You also have people who couldn’t find their team’s town on a map, but are lifelong “die hard” fans of that team. I’ve never been able to understand that one.
  5. I agree and I would add, the DMV in general has a lot of cash to spend. I was at the Wizards game against the Knicks last Friday night. The place was 1/2 full of Knicks fans. We have a ton of transplants here in a place where the teams other than the Caps are not consistent winners. Bottom line, this area is just not the place where fans at large will continually shell out cash year after year for an inferior product. There is too much else to do. The new owner needs to recognize that this is D.C. and here casual fans just don’t just blindly shell out their cash to watch their team lose. They need to win…often. We need more entertainment than just the game itself on game day.
  6. Yup, we also don't have any concrete evidence that Snyder would not sell to Bezos. People have assumed that would be the case, but nobody knows for sure. A lot of people are assuming Bezos' ownership of the Post makes him Snyder's enemy. Maybe it does maybe it doesn't.
  7. "Sorry kids, I could have netted your inheritance another Billion plus change, but there is no way I was selling the team to that prick" Hey, I guess anything is possible even for Dan. If I recall correctly when he fired Marty, he allegedly told him he didn't want a "1960's offense," or something to that effect. LOL I have always considered that firing one of the worst decisions of his tenure. What might have been had he left him alone for a few years.
  8. I definitely agree with this take. Bezos has owned the Post for 10 years. Most of the worst stuff written about Dan was published well before 2013. First and foremost, Snyder is a business man. I can't see Snyder being so daft as to turn down a sizable additional financial gain with a Bezos bid just because he owns the Post. I mean there is petty and then there is outright stupidity.
  9. What trips me out is the cat sitting at the table chowing down, listening to his podcast, not giving 2 ****s about the brawl going on just a few feet away. He doesn’t skip a beat or move a muscle. 😂
  10. I hope it’s Bezos because without question he has the means to give us all what we want. A stadium back in the district at RFK or in SE. I like the idea of using the Fed Ex site as the team HQ and practice area also. So I hope he swoops in with 7 billion at some point.
  11. We should be upset, because it’s apparent we should be in the playoffs. Our team underachieved. The Vikings loss, the Titans loss, the Giants tie, the Giants loss at home are all games that made the difference. ****ting the bed against the Browns also. Bottom line, they should have played this weekend. It’s a shame. They would have beaten this Tampa team. Unless Brady Brady’s in the second half.
  12. If he truly cares about the team and the organization, who he sells to would be his last chance to prove it. Sell to a person that has the ability to give the team and the fans what he could not. Bezos has the dough to make it all happen. Maybe he doesn’t have that much humility.
  13. For the record, my issues are where they would put the Stadium in Virginia, not Virginia itself. No place that I heard discussed was reasonably close to the city in my opinion. The Dulles and Dumfries areas are entirely too far away. If they could find a decent spot somewhere in the Alexandria area, while not ideal I could live with that.
  14. Far and away my first wish is for RFK. Make it a year round destination. I want the stadium built around the same field. If not there, somewhere in SE near Nats park. If not there, National Harbor. Really don’t want them in Virginia. Even Fed Ex Field is just outside the City.
  15. I have made similar comments here before. There is no draft pick we could have had in April, that would have made me wish for a different result yesterday. Yesterday is what I LIVE for as a fan. A home blow out victory vs. the Pukes and all their fans filing out dejected. GLORIOUS
  16. and with that said Sam has played very well in his first start
  17. Defense has played incredible all day. We literally are a QB away people.
  18. I swear….in just a quick glance down my Facebook feed I will paraphrase the following opinions among others…. “Howell is starting, great now I have a reason to watch the game.” “I can’t believe they are starting Howell with that o-line, way to get the kid killed Ron!” ”Too late now, should have started him when Wentz went down” ”Ron was pressured by the fans to start Howell, which proves he has lost it” ”Cool, Howell is starting. Change the name back to Redskins!” ”who cares…Dan is selling the team” ”Heinicke told Ron pack sand, now he has to start Howell” ”Go get ‘em kid, HTTC!” Our fanbase is all over the place and would drive anybody to drink.
  19. Some people already hate them because they hate everything and everyone. Misery loves company, and no doubt some people will start picking the new owner(s) apart the day it is announced. My guess for the majority would be right after an announcement is made the name is not changing again. Then if he does say we will undergo another rebrand/name change the people that have spent the last year coming around on Commanders will begin complaining about how dumb it is we are going to change our name again. Sometimes I feel like there is no way back for this franchise.
  20. Hadn’t thought of that, lol. Good point. Would definitely have had to pick a different game. Probably, which is why it would be a good idea for the new owner to state their position on the brand very quickly after purchasing. If the plan is Commanders is here to stay it would be better for them to take their lumps on it early. The one thing we can all be certain of though is that the name is not going back to Redskins. People hoping for this are wasting their time and energy.
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