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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. I guess I'd just say that, given the tweet on Suozzi's position is from a Bloomberg reporter, it sounds like he was asked the question directly, and so he answered it. My personal read is Suozzi is a seasoned pol (he's in his 4th term), and knows that he can give a milquetoast answer that doesn't offend any of his constituents and then can go along with whatever Hakeem Jeffries negotiates. And I think the Dems have made the (in my view very reasonable) determination that Johnson is the best they are going to get out of the GOP caucus. The most obvious next pick is Jim Jordan. Then it's like Emmer and Scalise. Jordan said he didn't want it last time, but I get strong Shiv Palpatine vibes from him. Speaker Jordan would be a downgrade for Dems. Emmer would also be worse. BUT, the Dems shouldn't save the GOP from another few weeks of chaos (AGAIN) during an election year without extracting a price. Assessments on what price is reasonable may vary. Finally, I don't really see how one person saying he doesn't have preconditions gives away the Dem's leverage, you'll need to explain that to me.
  2. IM SO PUMPED FOR THIS GAME. If they come out lifeless, I'm going to be so pissed.
  3. I hear ya but, first, I think this particular Member is in an extremely swingy district (I think he's George Santos' replacement), so he's not going to be the guy to draw a hard line in public, there is no upside for him to do so. Second, he's a Congressperson, so what he says in public and what he does in the back room are not necessarily related.
  4. Dems have got to be feeling pretty good about the situation they find themselves in. They are the minority, but if Johnson wants to keep his job, he needs Democrats to support him. So now it comes down to what the Dems asking price is. Looks like it's going to be funding for Ukraine and Taiwan. They should ask for the Senate immigration bill that Trump tanked to be given a vote too, but that's probably too much.
  5. I'm just going to use the car service as much as I can, and I have a ton of travel coming up. My community does have a guy who is a lawyer for the government so he (1) is a lawyer and (2) has a lot of free time. He's like the neighborhood HOA watchdog, and I learned about this whole thing because he sends a periodic "newsletter" reporting on the HOA (literally from an email address that is [his first name]HOAupdate@gmail.com. Ah suburbia.
  6. My "yard" is 2' x 5.' The rest of my frontage is driveway and I don't have a backyard. My HOA recently had some drama. Turns out the HOA board a few months ago entered into an agreement with a car service to pick people up and take them to the airport (any of National, BWI or Dulles). Under the agreement, any homeowner in our community can schedule this free car services. However, the Board didn't tell anyone that they entered into the agreement. Someone looked into the Board member's facebook feeds and, turns out, several of them travel a lot for work. So, essentially, the HOA Board hired themselves a private car service using HOA money.
  7. The full report can be downloaded here: https://www.apa.org/topics/social-media-internet/youth-social-media-2024 A summary is here: https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2024/04/social-media-companies-protect-youth
  8. Yes, that's a good point. I guess I was thinking he'd be pretty easily identifiable. Here is the issue boiled down by the Supreme Court experts at ScotusBlog. Issue: Whether the First Amendment and this court’s decision in NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co. foreclose a state law negligence action making a leader of a protest demonstration personally liable in damages for injuries inflicted by an unidentified person’s violent act, when it is undisputed that the leader neither authorized, directed, nor ratified the perpetrator’s act, nor engaged in or intended violence of any kind. If you want to assume facts like the protest was somehow unlawful, you're going to have to provide some justification for that assumption.
  9. This is the kind of trade you find in the Stadium. Let's trade for an all time great, all it will take is two special teamers.
  10. Get all the permits you want, the point is if you organize a protest, and ONE PERSON gets out of line, the organizer of the protest is liable for that one person's actions under the 5th Circuit ruling (which, again, I've only looked at at a very surface level (i.e., ScotusBlog's summary) and have not read the actual holding). This might concern me if I had any confidence that Trumpy false-flag actors had any competence at all, and exhibit 1 wouldn't be *the person's entire Facebook feed shouting how Trumpy they are.*
  11. The case, which I've only read a very high-level summary of, doesn't seem to appear to be about sentencing participants in protests that get out of hand. It appears to be about holding the organizers financially responsible if anyone at a protest they organized does something illegal. So it would be like levying a civil monetary penalty against Donald Trump because some rando MAGA dumbass PATRIOT decided to punch a cop on Jan. 6 after Trump organized his little public remarks and encouraged everyone to "head down to the Capital."
  12. There are few things more "old person" than falling asleep in a chair at inappropriate times. I'm sure Trump would claim he was "just resting his eyes." LOL
  13. Not sure but I look forward to it happening so people can start claiming that NASDAQ is socialist.
  14. So amazing. I've lost my retirement because I bought stock in a company run by a known fraudster, which has less revenue than the average Chic Fil A franchise, but THE CRITICS are the ones who are brainwashed. 😆
  15. Its weird that Australia had a stabbing attack that killed 6 and they act like it’s 9/11.
  16. I’ve lived in my house for 10 years. This has never happened before. A (probably small) dog is going absolutely bonkers barking. Barkbarkbark. Constantly I hear a lady clapping her hands and yelling “stop!” Dog is still going bonkers. Barkbarkbark. Not sure what to do here, probably nothing. Edit. Jk, me and my dog are gonna go investigate. Yes ive been drinking.
  17. You guys need to invest in a Tile. https://www.tile.com/products/tile-slim Hit 2 buttons on your phone and it will tell you where your wallet on a map and your wallet will emit a high pitched beep. Great for keys too.
  18. I love the games (aside from 76) and watched all of episode 1. It was very solid and had a lot of little details that only people very familiar with the lore will pick up, but you don’t lose the thread if you’ve never played the games.
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