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Everything posted by Destino

  1. I’ve been wondering when they were going to get around to this. The accusations made against him are bad. If he did it, I hope he was dumb enough to keep evidence proving so beyond a doubt.
  2. Hey if you like Sam Elliott and bad movies I have a recommendation that can’t be beat. Behold!
  3. I’ll add that the reluctant killer trope kind of bores me. Poor Patrick Swayze is forced to kill a guy and he just feels terrible about it. Then he goes murdering his way through a rich guys house but feels awful the whole time because no one ever wins a fight or pain don’t hurt or whatever. Jake Gyllenhaal On the other hand is walking around thinking “keep it happy man, they’re paying good money so as long as I don’t kill anyone I can live on that boat.” It’s clear that he’s barely in control annd wildly over compensating to keep the demon under control. Dude tries to tell people, but they’re like “what you dangerous? No man, you’re so nice!” but no one stops him from getting on that bus. lol if you ask me which the more believable character is, there’s no contest. Amateur philosopher and famous bouncer that reluctantly rips out throats is not more believable than violent twitchy man with a violent past losing his **** and killing some dudes.
  4. What? Nothing about the OG Dalton was believable. The entire movie was so cheesy it should come with a side of nachos. That was the entire point. It never tried to make sense it just gave you fun stupidity. I mean it starts with the premise that bouncers are famous. And this was before the internet so presumably he’s been in a nationally circulated paper. lol
  5. They just reward a different kind of aggression. One that’s less noisy and energetic but more dishonest and treacherous.
  6. Being assertive and competitive is often interpreted as aggression. Both of those offer significant advantages in professional life.
  7. Well, that needs to end for a while. Call it a friendly moratorium. I’m sure things will get crazy again because we men feel very strongly about these things and have little control over their emotions, but we must endeavor to try.
  8. Let’s keep friendlier than this please. It’s entirely possible to discuss which shiny new QB we want amicably.
  9. Yeah Michigan state is cooked. I hate seeing most of the blue and white teams win.
  10. There’s something about really bad sports takes that I find irresistible. Like this one.
  11. I watched it too and thought it was hilarious. I’m not sure it was meant to be funny, but it was. I feel like this was in the spirit of the original which was also so hilariously bad that it was funny. It’s a very different movie but it’s in the same spirit of stupid action movies. I knew I was going to like it early. The first fight scene with post Malone was very well shot. Unexpected for this sort of movie. It made me put down the iPad. Then when this new Dalton asks the guy that just stabbed if he wants to take his knife back, that’s still in his hip… I was all in. The first road house was about inexplicably famous bouncer that fancied himself a white hat, but wasn’t. This new one is about a crazy guy that knows he’s horrible, but remains uncertain as to why people keep talking to him. Both have appeal. Worst part of the movie is Conor Mcgregors acting. Well, his oddly squeaky voice, and then his acting. He sells being a crazy person well enough, because that’s really not acting. The rest is infomercial bad. If you like absurd action movies and have ever wondered just how many times you can stab an Irish guy with splinters of pieces of wood, give this one a look.
  12. She wouldn’t spit it out. My daughter was yelling “just tell the dragon already” at the tv like 20 times.
  13. I’d respect him a tiny bit more if he had that much personality. He doesn’t.
  14. they actively avoid what would be an obvious foul in favor of a off balance sideways drift floater to over two defenders. This is how we develop basketball players in the US? No wonder Europe is sending over hyper skilled players, they’re playing near nba ball at the same age.
  15. I’ve watched maybe 30 minutes of the “first four” and I’m reminded why I don’t watch college basketball. So many awful possession. Pass pass pass dribble into a crowd and throw up a flailing awful shot. Repeat. Still going to watch, but I just can’t see how anyone can prefer this to the nba.
  16. it can be. It can also get your QB killed if they’re fast but not elusive. We’ve all had a front row seat for that. And since we all like college stats here is RG3 last season at baylor 72.4% 4,293yds 10.7avg 37TDs 6Ints Impressive. Couldn’t pass if his life depended on it once he tried to be a pocket passer. The only thing that matters is if they can thrive passing it in the NFl. Everything else is noise not worth worrying about. if out coaches think Daniels is a better passer than Maye, they need to take him. If they think Maye is a better passer, then he’s the choice. Ignore the running.
  17. I think running QB is only valuable as a secondary skill. Icing on the cake. There’s no way around having to be an excellent passer. Eventually some team will force the QB to win with his arm against good coverage. Either by scheme or by a big lead that makes running the ball a poor option. It’s unavoidable. This is why I don’t care if Daniels can run for ten yards in the NFL, I care if he can throw for 4,000. Fields can’t, and that’s why despite running like the very best of them… he got traded for a bag of peanuts. That skill simply does not matter if the passing isn’t there.
  18. That’s almost certain. Even if they go LT in the second round, that’s not a can’t miss prospect. Anything in the later rounds is as likely to be mediocre as good. Especially in year one. we need a major upgrade to the line this season. Otherwise you’re throwing a rookie QB to the wolves. I was hoping to see at least two upgrades in FA.
  19. Starting LT isn’t a small deal, but so far we have just a single upgrade and most free agents are spoken for.
  20. Not as much FA activity as I was hoping for. Got a center lost a tackle. Still a weak line.
  21. coaching them up how? If they don’t start they get virtually no reps. If they do start they have to win almost immediately or the owner might get impatient and fire the coaching staff. which brings up another element, risk aversion. When evaluating QBs coaches and GMs are probably much more concerned with the perceived “floor” of a player than fans are. Their jobs depend on it.
  22. Would have gone smoother if they’d just informed her in conversational tones that once she grabbed her order she needed to leave immediately or they’d be forced to arrest her. wouldn’t hurt to thank her for cooperating. Costs nothing to be kind. When they start yelling right away it makes certain personality types immediately get defensive. Creates an incident, which I suspect is their goal. They probably view making more arrests as a positive thing, proof that they’re working hard for the city or whatever. but yeah, she should have left. It’s never worth arguing with an angry cop. There’s no upside.
  23. I agree the cops are power tripping. It’s kind of funny to see a guy trying to project toughness in a bicycle helmet. They immediately started barking, as usual. That said, how is this not enforcing curfew? Curfew enforcement is usually fairly straight forward. If you’re out past it you have to leave immediately or be arrested.
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