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Everything posted by Destino

  1. I had exactly this reaction to seeing the image and I’m glad someone else took the time to write it out.
  2. So this is blowing up on social media. Facebook parent being listed as the source on Dr Phil does not strike me as credible. Sounds like total bull****. So I headed over to Reddit teachers, and sure enough it’s being discussed, but the answer is not the clear “no this is bull****” I was hoping for. See for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/s/6PVH884z6I Anyone here want to dispel this nightmare? Please tell me that no where in US public schools is getting 70% wrong on all submitted work, still passing.
  3. I’m not expecting CJ Stroud. Hell, I’m not expecting year two of CJ Stroud to match year one. He had an absurd year in terms of limiting turnovers and mistakes. I am expecting a QB that looks the part. Sam Howell did for about half a season and then fell apart. How good i expect them to play largely depends on if they’re playing behind a good offensive line, or the wet toilet paper we have currently.
  4. I’m not buying this. JD is in a near ideal situation at LSU. A dominant OLine and wide outs running wide open. So open that he rarely used the middle of the field, and still put up monstrous numbers. That isn’t remotely what awaits him in the NFL, and his ability to run will not change that. I think JD has a future in the NFL but I think he’s going to struggle early versus expectations.
  5. Is it time to start talking about how bad this draft class is?
  6. Game went like I thought it would. South Carolina was just too good.
  7. Clark showed up today. 18 point first qtr.
  8. UConn is a machine. Alabama brought max effort and hit a lot of shots, and it didn’t matter.
  9. The impact of women’s ncaa basketball is bigger than I imagined.
  10. It’s a great thing for women’s basketball that so many people are outraged about a late call. Twitter is alive with it. the refs will be fine. This is just another day for the them. The sun rises, fans hate their calls, the sun sets.
  11. You’re right. Watch the second video. the second angle makes it look much more egregious.
  12. That was an awful call.
  13. I like nba ball, and I’m excited for the playoffs, but I’m really enjoying this women’s tournament. Glad ESPN has given it so much press. I like the one shot earlier of Geno being yanked back onto the sideline by his female assistant coach. You don’t see that level of relationship professionally between men and women often. This is a great ****ing basketball game.
  14. Stuelke deserves the largest piece of pie if Iowa can hang on and cost @PleaseBlitz a hundo.
  15. Clark is kind of terrible off ball. You’d think someone so often compared to Steph, would be better moving without the ball.
  16. I thought LSU was just bigger, but Iowa is hilariously bad at rebounding. UConn’s offense is miles ahead of Iowa. They screen into screens, and their screeners have actions.
  17. I’ll give it a look. I like this podcast on the subject. Really captures how a bad idea snowballs based on limited information. https://features.apmreports.org/sold-a-story/
  18. That’s rough just to read, can’t imagine experiencing it. Sorry that’s happened to you.
  19. a lot of kids read fine today, many of them have good parents that are unaware how much of the reading instruction they ended up doing themselves. A lot of kids are not. Look into the damage. Look at what teachers down stream from kids taught to read this way, are saying about the level of reading proficiency they’ve seen in their classrooms. but remember this has been going on for a long time, so it’s not limited to kids. There are no studies surveying just how badly schools ****ed up an entire generation of kids. With the best of intentions of course. We know damage was done, but the system that did it is simply going to turn the page and move on. We also know that in the last decade there has been a sharp decline in reading among adults.
  20. Not spending three decades or so teaching kids a reading system so flawed that it made children feel stupid, wonder if there was something wrong with them, and end up diagnosed (wrongly) with a learning disorder. Yet that’s what happened. State’s had to ban three cueing to get schools, who spent fortunes on this new reading system to move away from it despite the evidence. Colombia’s famous and respected school of education just closed Lucy Calkins office down a few months ago. The fact that this hasn’t lead to a tidal wave of rage from parents is only because the media largely stayed quiet on what happened. There was no front page news for several weeks telling everyone that the school they trusted has been teaching kids how not to read, but pretend they could, and then passing them from grade to grade anyway, for decades. Most parents, don’t know. They shouldn’t be following pop trends and should make moves supported by evidence. Then check to see if the new methods are working as intended. Not blindly change everything, ignore the downsides, and then pretend not to see when it doesn’t work. they should also stop lying and I do think lying is the right word. When they claim not to want to hold anyone back, but remove math classes in certain grades in the name of equity, they’re lying. They are intentionally holding high achievers back in hopes to narrow a gap…. But the gap does not narrow and then they lie about that as well. Trying to keep everyone in the same class has largely failed to achieve anything but force brighter kids to spend more time in extra courses outside of the regular school year.
  21. I refer to my sister in law as just “sister.”
  22. I haven’t even told you about my brother-in-law yet. lol My family is happy though, this stuff is in the past.
  23. She wasn’t able to empty the accounts. She tried but the bank called his son. the house, according to her brothers, was the ol disappearing will trick. Don’t know the details of how she pulled it off. They were pissed, sure she falsified documents, but none of them seemed surprised. Why would they be, I’d known her for a much shorter time and I thought it was entirely on brand. I walked far away after that, my wife was losing weight and crying all the time. I just told everyone to leave us out of it.
  24. My mother-in-law is hilariously awful. Let’s start with the first words she ever said to me. My wife introduced me and she said “it’s so nice to see my daughter make a white friend.” I then told her my name, which is unmistakably Hispanic and she said “hah, so much for that.” If you think being a ridiculous racist is bad, dear reader we have only just begun. She skipped her own brothers funeral, which I attended, to rifle through his belongings and steal a bunch of ****. She also got a death certificate and tried to empty his bank accounts. Damn shame too because my wife’s uncle, the dearly departed, might be the coolest guy I’ve ever met. Navy cook, jazz musician, music teacher, wearer of many great hats, and all around man of the world. We all found out at the funeral he was in the CIA when about 20 CIA employees showed up. No one knew. Not even his ex wife and son. Back to my mother-in-law, as this sordid tale continues. She had my wife removed from her grandmothers house, telling police she was an intruder. My wife was there to help take care of her grandmother because her health took a bad turn. Poor old lady had a front row seat to watch her son die of a heart attack. She fell from her wheelchair trying to reach for a phone and couldn’t get up. She was screaming for help on the kitchen floor while he passed. Anyway it seemed weird that my mother-in-law was irrationally demanding that only she care for her mother. Confusion soon cleared when my mother in law effectively stole the house, and the entire estate, the moment the her mom died. it gets worse. She decided not to bury the grandma next to grandpa, despite her wishes to be buried next to her husband having been made clear. When asked why she would do such a thing, she said that she herself may want to be buried next to her father one day. We’ll leave it there. I could say more but I think I’ve provided enough to paint a fine portrait. We haven’t spoken to her in ten years or so. Fine by me, but it’s hard on my wife. my father-in-law is dead, but I did meet him on his death bed. I think my wife and I had been dating for a few months. That was the first time my wife had seen him since she was in elementary school. He did the whole cliche leave your family and go start another family in another state thing, only to show up again to die and express all his deep regrets. He even told me to take care of his little girl, just like in the movies. And I have. My sister-in-law is cool though. So it’s not all bad.
  25. https://www.seattletimes.com/education-lab/why-seattle-public-schools-is-closing-its-highly-capable-cohort-program/ the more I read about equity leadership in public schools the more it looks like their critics were right. They are trying to manipulate outcomes and that does include slowing down high achievers. I’m not buying this crap that there’ll just elevate every classroom and it will be the same as the gifted program thing anymore. They’re bull****ting and people need to stop supporting this ****. Especially being that’s it’s failed to lift the floor. its also become evident to me that changing curriculum, like the disastrous three cueing system, is more driven by selling training and books than actual evidence. Let’s all remember to act surprised when Jo Boaler falls out of favor and the next school of education rockstar pops up to sell a new method, for a steep price. One that’s entirely inline with the current political winds of course.
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