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Everything posted by Destino

  1. Agreed. There was chatter this past offseason that he could be an MVP candidate. Madness. He has been straight up garbage passing the ball. We got more value out of trading Sam Howell for a reason. (He can actually throw the ball)
  2. Can’t even get McDonald’s in Miami past curfew.
  3. So 9-5 in a cubicle is worth sticking around, but when things get exciting you check out? Nah. I want to see what the world cracking like an egg shell looks like from the surface. If I have to survive a few plagues, floods, tentacled horrors and I don’t know weregoats or something to see it, so be it.
  4. Forget her fame, she’s working a case that will be in the history books. Anything that ****s this up has far reaching consequences beyond Fani personally. I bet a lot of democrats were hoping that she’d step aside and put someone competent in her place. Though I doubt many would trust her judgement enough to do even that at this stage. if she loses this case, she’s going to find out who her real friends are.
  5. Howell is super cheap for two years, younger, and is imo the better passer. If you think he has potential, and I suspect Seattle does, it makes sense to go get him and let him learn. the league might think Fields is a known quantity on a much more expensive expiring contract.
  6. Yup. I kick everyone out of the kitchen when I’m cooking. Unless you’re chopping veggies or stirring something for me, get out. My wife and daughter like to pretend they’ve just wandered in for a hug just so I’ll let them linger. What they really want is to start eating my ingredients and ask me things while I’m busy.
  7. An extra third round pick can turn into a pretty good guard. Sam should have had better circumstances here but he’s going to a place where he might get another shot. Happy for him, and happy for us.
  8. Booster crashed but the ship full of orphan children and puppies has made it to space. The next phase is to release them through the payload door. theres a chance my information is not entirely accurate.
  9. We really need a law that says this sort of reorganization opens executives personal assets to a companies creditors for no more than the total compensation received by executives, including stock sales, during their time time with the company. It’s theft and it screws over a lot of working people.
  10. The damage is done, there is nothing that will help in the short term. There is now a non negligible number of passengers do not want to fly on Boeing aircraft. Reporting on this will continue and so will the bad news as investigations progress. Whatever damage they did to cut costs and boost profits by cracking the whip on labor while cutting corners will take time to undo. Even if they wanted to undo it immediately it’s likely not possible. Quality is easier to lose than reestablish.
  11. I’m surprised the axe hasn’t fallen on the C-suite already. I don’t know exactly who did what, but standards suddenly dropping for a major trusted brand is a well known story by now. It just usually doesn’t happen to airplanes that might fall out of the sky.
  12. my question to you, dear reader: Do you feel it was right to arrest this mother for this vigilante vinaigrette incident?
  13. I think it shows racial bias, intentionally or otherwise, of the person posting it and the people praising it. The pilot is doing nothing wrong but the implication is that a black woman flying a plane is somehow bad. Obviously this isn’t true. It’s a racist post. it’s been getting absolutely slammed on Twitter, and received a community note (which you can see).
  14. The fact that you and others are even thinking along those terms is a very bad sign for Boeing. Just ask yourself how many times in your life you’ve known which aircraft you wanted to avoid.
  15. You can’t just go around throwing undiluted honesty on the streets without warning. People could die.
  16. The fact that someone could ask such a question and not immediately die of shame is disappointing.
  17. These three do not exist in my life unless I’m at the beach. I couldn’t even tell you why. maybe it just feels weird holding a bourbon on a hundred degree beach.
  18. Is it odd to see a democrat be willing to spend on big infrastructure projects that create lots of middle class jobs and keep energy costs low? That’s practically the platform. That’s what won us the working class. And facts? You’ve offered unestablished social costs and sending jobs away because we don’t really need them. With promises of making CEOs pay for it, that rings about as true as Mexico paying for a border wall. When have democrats ever balked at infrastructure spending? Want to hit CEOs in the pocketbook? Tax Capital Gains exactly like income. Raise taxes on the top tax bracket. Fund the IRS. Want to hit companies and help workers? Expand unions. Tech has grown more efficient over time though. Significantly so. Everything from light bulbs to computer processors to washing machines have grown more efficient over time without having to raise costs. Should we stop subsidizing green energy too? It wouldn’t have gotten off the ground had we done that. Infrastructure spending grows the economy and improves quality of life. It can also shift us away from fossil fuels. Sending jobs away and making our lives more expensive is not what we elect democrats to do. Nuclear is part of the energy future, expensive as it may be. So is energy research.
  19. It’s a sin tax and attempts to dress it up with this modern rhetorical trick of “true cost” doesn’t change it. Your plan is simply to make electricity more expensive so that people will try harder to use less. Just like every sin tax it’s justified by claiming the extra tax money will pay for societal costs of the sin you’re hoping to discourage. I’ve seen the exact same argument made for eating meat, owning cars, and entering a city in a car. Raising the cost of energy sounds great when framed against CEO pay, less great when bankrupts the local bakery. Worse still when jobs flow over the border or across the sea while CEO pay continues to rise unbothered, as it always does. And in the end, you still need more energy. You’re still left with a world where transportation is switching to electric, where AIs are on the rise, and more of everything we do switches from fossil fuels to electricity. All while populations rise. I think nuclear is part of the solution, and the price tag doesn’t scare me. I’m an old fashioned democrat, massive terrifyingly expensive infrastructure projects are my idea of heaven. Let’s build 12. To start. With union labor, of course.
  20. I used to think this way, but then rock died and rappers started mumbling. Suddenly some country and folk offerings started to sound downright necessary. It’s rough out here.
  21. The motivations toward efficiency already in place are simple. It reduces costs. Something most businesses are constantly looking to do. This is true despite what CEO salaries might be, which is an entirely different topic. Taxing software for not being efficient enough sounds insane to me in an era where AI development is considered a major focus of technology research. Why would we want that? Could Reddit be a bit more efficient. Maybe? Ultimately I care little. Major advances in efficiency tend to come from the hardware side of things. I could see rewards being offered for improving efficiency, but simply raising taxes on energy feels more like a sin tax than anything else. I don’t see how that creates jobs or improves the quality of life of any American. Chasing jobs out of the US by asking questions like if we really needs data centers, seems to be entirely wrong minded to me. One that takes too much for granted. We need every good job. We need more good jobs. We need to plan to create more of them so our people can thrive. The future will see increased energy consumption. We have every reason to produce more, and more cleanly, than ever before.
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