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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. I can dig what you are saying, and have seen this point come up before. I gotta say though, that we shouldn't be trying to watch everyone, but be able to more easily connect the dots ahead of time.We keep hearing after the fact how such and such had this info, and such and such had that info, but there was no centralized place to put together and recognize patterns then sound the alarm dynamically. We're not looking for Joe Schmo (nor should we). We're looking for people with possible terrorist ties or history mental illness buying large amounts of ammunition. At that point it doesn't matter why, because of the risk of possible intent is worth investigating just to be sure. I'd want us to at least do that.
  2. Obama is running out of time, that's for sure. lolz
  3. The "with what resources" question should be taken off the table at this point, too many people dying. We may not agree on ammo limits, and I'd like to get a better idea of what law enforcement would consider a "red flag". Buying large amounts of ammo for mulitple weapons at the same time would be one. I would go so far as to say 1000 rounds at one time shouldn't be ignored. A monthly cap should not be out the question, but framework needs to be in place to track how much ammo someone is buying first. Aurora is first one that comes to mind (too many firearms and ammo purchased in short period of time): http://www.cbsnews.com/news/colo-shooter-purchased-guns-legally-from-3-different-stores/ San Bernardino shooters had close to 6000 rounds of ammunition in their house, not counting what they had on them when they were killed. Subsidies for businesses in general. Bout to checkout your links in a second. Was looking for costs and found this:
  4. That's a tough one that needs a middle ground. I can see the government wanting that as a requirement, and the club owner trying to make ends meet. Part of me wants to say if a club is making so little money they cannot afford armed security to protect their patrons, they should be out of business anyway. I know, that sounds harsh as hell, and would want the government to help out some way when they can, like the ability to write that off on taxes or something. Hell, make it a tax incentive to have armed personnel at your establishment. "Normal" has changed, gotta adjust.
  5. I don't like DC's either, but one bullet sounds like preventing someone from buying ammo for a firearm they don't have registered under their name. I like that one. http://smartgunlaws.org/ammunition-regulation-in-washington-d-c/ Looking around it seem impractical to actually mark the bullets themselves. New York has pretty decent rules in place for keeping track of ammo sold between dealers (including serial numbers for each pack of bullets): http://smartgunlaws.org/ammunition-regulation-in-new-york/ Establishing that information as not being public record is something I like as well. It should be up to each state to be able to see dynamically guns and ammo being purchased then compare to warning signs and watch lists from other states and jurisdictions. Its a start, because it doesn't feel like anyone is talking to anyone about what anyone is doing right now.
  6. I will keep that in mind, and emphasize that you are one person in a country of over 300 million. That is not a solution. When you get a chance, check out my response you your idea of training teachers.
  7. I agree with transparency and allowing an agency to do what they gotta do. Somebody has to be able to look at what the DoJ is doing and making sure it isn't going too far. Again, I'm not sure where swearing allegiance to terrorist groups fall under 1st amendment, but they should not be able to get a firearm if DoJ is reviewing it, or especially if its confirmed. Our focus on protecting people's rights is a double-edge sword all day.
  8. My mom used to work in DC Public schools and had to bring her own school supplies with her own money to fill gaps. You will not get me to support allocating resources to giving SWAT training to school employees with the current state of our public school system. Get more cops / private security in schools, and stop asking people to do things they should not have to be doing.
  9. What are you Rambo now? Most people didn't laugh at more security guards or police in schools. They were more likely appalled at the proposal to arm teachers and administrators in school and expect them to respond to a situations that they are not trained for.
  10. Is it a slippery slope to say an individual the US government can prove has sworn allegiance to a terrorists organization bent on causing the US harm should not be able to purchase a firearm? Is that protected by the first amendment or something? Ya, it's just talk until they actually commit a mass murder, though what is the point of a watch list if we cannot factor that in to things like firearm purchases? I know I'm not the first person to say that today, but I can still support AR-15s being available to the public and scratch my head on this question. The mass murder situation is a multi-prong issue, and I'm really getting tired of the idea it's too complex to say we should do anything concerning further regulating firearm purchases. I, too, want to know how much ammo he used. Wasn't the idea thrown around to track ammo purchases as well so red flags can be set off? I would support registering ammunition and putting caps on the amount people can have at one time. There is a happy medium here, it does not need to be all or nothing.
  11. Yikes. He ended up doing something else, but I did hear about an "init" alternative (so I guess that's it, huh?). I'll need to read more into it, but you can count in me in the "is that really necessary" camp as well right now. I figured the community would have bigger fish to fry, like Bash and OpenSSL vulnerabilities, or working on remaining driver compatibility issues for their best Desktop OS's like Ubuntu and Mint to help sway more converts. Containers sound cool, and the conference might as well have been sponsored by Red Hat this year : ) Curious about the rumor Linus is going to start taking a less "rough around the edges" approach to how he deals with people in and outside the Open Source community. Some things I'm still feeling out, though it comes across as him being sort of a tone setter and many not agreeing with his tone (cultural differences or not). I can totally see that.
  12. Funny you mention that, because there's a session my best friend is going to about that that's same time as end of day Keynote I wanted to go to. Learning a lot about MySQL (job is starting to spinning up LAMP stacks to host for people for specific product we offer), but it's the On-Call session that really hit home. I cannot keep doing what I'm doing how I'm doing it, but its different hearing it from people with similar experiences that realized the same thing I'm realizing and accepting now.
  13. At SouthEast Linux Fest in Charlotte, NC. Learning a lot, anyone else ever been?
  14. This is another thing that bothers me in discussions about best PGs in the league and where Wall fits. I can understand he can't consistently score well as some other top PGs, but some of these "top PGs" are NOT PGs.
  15. Meh, if they were going to win a game, it was going to be this one.
  16. Two things: 1. That didn't save them last year 2. I'm annoyed we're even having this conversation about "when is he going to turn it on". It's June for crying out loud.
  17. I really don't care if the series is over. The story to me right now is whether or not Lebron can even go super-saiyan anymore. Seriously, if he can't that changes the whole dynamic of his future and future of that franchise. He's starting to look mortal enough that I'm starting to doubt it, and combined with not having that Mamba type killer instinct to will his team to victory, this may be an incredible fall from grace in the making. Lue is getting out-coached. The Cavs are getting outplayed. It's only two games, but this feels like Groundhog day when the Spurs ripped the Heatles a new one in the Finals to win the championship and the writing was on the wall for the Heat as well for all to see.
  18. I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say Indiana is a better situation then Washington right now, at least roster-wise.
  19. My dad has been bringing up the Paul George alternative if KD doesn't come here. I would not be against that at all.
  20. Every time I see a trailer for Angie Tribeca I want to cry laughing. See 92% on rotten tomatoes, is this as funny it looks? Bout to check out anyway, just throwing it out there. : )
  21. That's the last thing Cavs need, splash Bros gettin hot.
  22. Iggy has been my secret second favorite player for a while now. Saw him pull up on that, oh I know he wanted to, you could see it.
  23. Nah, no way would I condone Cleveland trying to beat the Warriors at their own game (3 point shooting). It's a lost cause, they need to find another way to win. Space Jam 2 has "failbus" written all over it (and this is coming from someone who could re-run the original in my head like the VHS had fused with it).
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