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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. It's like getting your haircut in a barbershop in here.
  2. I don't feel Durant would get sucked into hero ball with a PG like Wall. Push comes to shove, Westbrook will try to do it himself, and there's really not much else Durant can do since he's the only other consistent scoring threat on the team. His role would be clear: Get open so Wall can find you. That franchise is too cheap to maintain the talent level needed to come out the West and win a ring. Durant has got to figure that out for himself before its too late.
  3. I'd be fine if Warriors win game seven (better story), though still want Cavs to win the series. It would bring some closure to my rivalry hatred for the Lebron if he can get at least one championship for that area he's from. Having said that, what I want to happen and what will happen are two completely different things.
  4. It was better then last stand, but they still found a way to bad taste in my mouth with how they handled Jean Grey by the end of the movie. I agree Fox needs to get out the way and let the professionals handle X-Men movies going forward.
  5. I know that look. That's the "I'm not going to see these guys til next year" look.
  6. "Oh my God" is right. Did anyone else hear that lady screaming that? They should just forfeit game 7 instead of wasting our time. Playing not to lose against one of the best teams in NBA history is failbus, all day. I fully expect the Splash Bros to set some type of record in Oakland to close this out.
  7. I don't like it either, but you gotta start somewhere. We'd need some type of sustained success in order to rebuild our fanbase. We've sucked for too long, imo.
  8. This isn't the Wizards thread, so I'm going to try my best not to derail this with KD2DC talk (especially with a game going on). I just want to put out a disclaimer that anytime I see a post that I feel maybe trying to generalize Wizards fans, I reserve the right to respond/defend them.
  9. Because Cleveland isn't 50% opposing fans when Lebron is on their team, maybe?
  10. Went and saw X-Men instead. Had a feeling that game would suck.
  11. Anyone else get the feeling there are people in the private sector financially influencing government officials to help make government inefficient so they can both the argument for having the private sector do it instead? Of course Government isn't going to work if its like pulling teeth to get the budget passed and we kept having people threaten or even accomplish shutting down the federal government all together. And I was turned off when reading an article about the Nuke system and it was mentioned using floppies in certain places was somehow security through obscurity actually means anything. Some of the first pieces of malware were spread via floppy, before USB became more popular.
  12. Thunder better not come back to Oakland, that's all I'm saying.
  13. I get what you're saying (glut of PGs vs other positions), but is that the same way you feel about DeMarcus Cousins last year or Goran Dragić the year before that? They didn't make the playoffs, either. Do you feel Lowry > Wall this year? I don't. I can't do it.
  14. You're killing me, man. Kevin Love never made the playoffs with the Timberwolves, and he still made second team twice.
  15. Trying not to crush the mouse in my hand seeing Lowry on that list over Wall.
  16. It's fair to say the Thunder can win at home against either of these teams.
  17. I said 16-0 regular season as in comparing to 2007 Patriots. As impressive as a 73 win season is, it will be hard to brag about because it did not result in a championship.
  18. I don't really hear too many people talking about that 16-0 regular season either, now that I think about it.
  19. The basketball god's suspended him anyway.
  20. Somebody needs to tell the chef the water is burning. 6 minutes left in the half and 7 points.
  21. Not sure I agree with calling flagrant fouls differently in the playoffs versus trying to maintain a consistent line not to cross.
  22. I'll admit it, I'm actively rooting against your basketball team tonight.
  23. I just scrunched up my nose while watching this game. I smell blood.
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