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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. No, because democrats have decide the right to choose is more important. There's been studies into pushing minorities into higher abortion rates, seen numbers where black women are four times as likely to get an abortion as white women nationally, its not even close in the inner cities like New York. Sometimes I wonder if that's really about factors like money and the number of single parents that leads to that more then concerted effort to keep the black population down. But that is one way to do it, encourage black women to get abortions and put as many black men in jail as possible. As for whites trying to save their population, their birthrate and life expectancy is dropping in this country. When the doors are closed and no one's looking, I do believe there's more to these pushes for limiting abortion rights then just religious reasons. When your voting base is dying off...
  2. I wouldn't be shocked if KD never plays another game for them.
  3. My understanding is Klay is going to be out there for game 4 and not going to be limping. I don't believe they let KD out their limping, either. If they both are playing healthy, Raptors don't win another game. Toronto is a good team I was wrong on the gentleman sweep.
  4. I don't care how many injuries you have, allow 123 points at home you probably gonna lose. They were doing dumb **** early. I agree they don't look like they have a lot of shooters tonight, yikes on saying they aren't a playoff team. Really?
  5. Finally do it, put 100 cameras in the stadium and let them call it remotely from New York.
  6. Finally do it, put 100 cameras in the stadium and let them call it remotely from New York.
  7. I don't know why I'm sitting here with my hand on my chin watching this. Somehow I'm not only rooting for the Warriors, I'm feeling bad for them. This is literally the only way to bet them, their players get hurt.
  8. Boogie is not 100%, it is what it is. I'd still pick him up as a Wizards fan if GS doesn't want him, especially for that contract they got him for.
  9. Toronto can beat them, but they can't kill them, even without KD and Klay. This game should be over by now and its not, I can respect that.
  10. It certainly looks like Toronto is winning the war of attrition tonight. IDK, man, it's 13 now, Golden State is just running out of time at this point.
  11. It's really mind-boggling that Toronto is at full strength and this has been hovering around single digits most of the game.
  12. Way I'd hope it'd be treated is on a building by building basis, an actual plan for first responders and whoever they are calling for backup. Do a risk assessment, you have SOPs and Incident Response Plans to go with your Security Policy (hopefully having one). The truth in computer security is the most important thing to protect are the people, not the computers, physical security has its own chapters in certifications like Security+ and CISSP. You can fail for not thinking a lit parking lot at night for your employees was important.
  13. Lowry looks like somebody's kid who's parents lost him in the mall and just started playing basketball in one of the stores.
  14. Siakim had homeboy on skates. Don't want to see his confidence go up.
  15. KL is the perfect Spur, damn shame his not in San Antonio anymore
  16. Should win has nothing to do with it, all the more reason they won't. Pierce just jinxed it, throw it in the bag.
  17. Which is why I believe every purchase of a firearm should require a doctor's note saying it's ok for them to have it. That's far less people told no then a total ban.
  18. The motive won't be clear, that's the next trend.
  19. You didn't limit your ban to people the doctors actual said were violent that doctors noted were obsessed with violence. That's the profile for people like Virginia tech and Newtown, would know I was taking medication if I didn't tell you? People go through bouts they think are depression, are you banned for life? You will lose the crazies obsessed with violence getting help if you implemented that plan, theyd stop going to their doctor for sure..
  20. B. The next logical step is anything that as a side effect a doctor can offer antidepressants.
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