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Everything posted by Bang

  1. ^That is exactly right. Trump is deranged and he's an idiot, but he's also standing right at the top of the wave when it comes to setting a narrative for his followers. They literally will believe everything he says, no matter how stupid, easily disproven, or incoherent it actually is. Full on Cult of Personality and NO sign that ANY of this has gotten through to them. ~Bang
  2. So in our culture, this is where we are. I'll never understand how reasonable people let us get to the point where lunatics literally run our asylum. Nothing will happen. No changes no matter how bad it gets. We may as well call this country "Rivera". ~Bang
  3. An exceedingly dangerous cartoon who's antics end up with people getting hurt and teetering our nation on the brink. Yeah. Great. ~Bang
  4. Trump can drink Clorox and eat Ivermectin. Then he can swallow a sun lamp. Amazing they are so concerned about a hoax. They should inquire in open court whether the fat **** has been vaccinated and make him say it on he record, along with how many boosters and which ****ing medicine he got. ~Bang
  5. Trial? What trial? Nobody ever said anything about a trial, there is no trial. NO trial. ~Dong
  6. Beneath a Scarlet Sky, by Mark Sullivan. Interesting story about a teenager in fascist Italy as the battle for Italy starts to heat up. Pretty good. ~Bang
  7. Yeah, he's definitely right. I wouldn't have even texted her back, and if i was young and in the mood, I might even drag her ass all over the road for being a complete pig. ~Bang
  8. Hopefully this signals the beginning of the end. ~Bang
  9. So... make him pay. So far all of this **** is just a big circle jerk. These assholes act like the worst people on earth, get sued and lose or even convicted of actual crimes, and nothing happens as a result. They go on and on and on and on. What is the actual purpose of law? Why even have it? ~Bang
  10. As part of her plea I think she should have to insert her head into a pencil sharpener. ~Bang
  11. I got this one for bowling.. I was the best bowler ...and many people say that I probably still am.. the best bowling player. Look, here's one from Playboy magazine. I was on the cover. And here! Look at my wife! ~Bang
  12. At this point all lawyers with even a shred of dignity or common sense have fled the possibility of representing the big fat traitor, so expect that some of them will have some smudges, like inability to spell their own name, uncontrollable drooling, even being able to speak only Russian. ~Bang
  13. Nazis. Plain and simple. But we all know that. ~Bang
  14. I say they ceremonially throw him into the Potomac. One from the good ol' days with plenty of huzzahs and hip hip hoorays! ~Bang
  15. So his lackeys just publish what he wants them to say, then he's just "posting articles'. Throw his ass in ****ing prison and take away his ****ing phone before someone gets killed. No hyperbole. ~Bang
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