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Everything posted by Bang

  1. Back in the day when we did the Bang Radio Hour, we had a piece of audio of Bob Knight being confronted by an angry man who claims some buckshot had landed in his pool. He went out to confront whoever, and he found Bobby Knight. Bobby was out hunting with his friend (apparently named Bob also) in an area designated for hunting (this was in Texas somewhere), and this guy's house was nearby. This guy went out there and confronted them with his phone on. (This was maybe 2006? So not a good video. But good audio) What ensues was one of the funniest things we ever had on the show. The guy is irate.. "I'm just playin' in mah swimmin' pool, and all this shot come down!".. Bobby is BOBBY, arguing, just a totally dismissive dick to the guy, blaming everything but himself, even trying to pin it on his friend, "how do you know I did it? How do you know bob here didn't do it?" Telling the guy to shut up and all kinds of fun. All the guy wants them to do is move down away from his house.. "Well it says we can shoot here!" says Bobby. The guy is screaming that there's about a thousand acres out there. Bobby refused to move. Anyway, RIP. ~Bang
  2. It truly depends on which one of them the party decides should be there. Will he protect Trump? That is the key question. No other position matters, there are no other issues. Santos is already pals with that cabal. If he votes their way and definitely pisses off the libs just for being there, they will endorse him. the GOP voters will be straight up told which one to vote for, and they will. ~Bang
  3. Hey, don't be so rough, Jumbo! I'd bet each of those kids has a perfectly good girlfriend that goes to another school.. in Canada. ~Bang
  4. Yay. By the time he runs again, some new horrifying threats to God and Kids and "Murica will be slopped all over their favorite propaganda trough, and they will eat it up. Like i said,, unless they primary him, those registered GOP will vote for him again. The GOP could tell you his opponent Democrat is a former cross dressing fraud with multiple identities, ties to Russia and dark money, that they funnel off campaign contributions to pay for their lifestyle, they make up phony campaign officers when questioned about it, and that George Santos is the All American High School quarterback who just loves God so much he'd give Jesus himself a handjob. And they'll believe it. And they will vote for him, even though everything they accuse his opponent of will be exactly what he is being charged with, right in front of their faces. And if any of them question his actual charges, they wlll be told that the Deep State is out to get him and molest their kids. Doubt it? You shouldn't by now. ~Bang
  5. Unfortunately, i have no faith that voters will hold any of the worst accountable. They never do. Especially when a lot who vote that way think the "D" behind the name means "Devil worshipping blood drinking pedophile". "Oh, I'll definitely take a complete fraud over that", says your average GOP voter. And they do again and again and again. I fully expect them to do it again for Santos unless the GOP itself decides to primary him, and so long as he votes their way like a good boy, they won't. ~Bang
  6. Idea. All the other senators get to kick him square in his traitorous ass after the vote. Honestly, if he died of food poisoning tonight, i'd laugh tomorrow. Happily. ~Bang
  7. I can think of one malignant narcissist/ complete sociopath with delusions of grandeur and no discernible grip on reality that could use a good committing. ~Bang
  8. I'm thinking with Florida, Nazis showing up "uninvited" is no longer applicable. ~Bang
  9. "Another participant who had allegedly been ejected from the party..." I need more on this. ~Bang
  10. ^That is exactly right. Trump is deranged and he's an idiot, but he's also standing right at the top of the wave when it comes to setting a narrative for his followers. They literally will believe everything he says, no matter how stupid, easily disproven, or incoherent it actually is. Full on Cult of Personality and NO sign that ANY of this has gotten through to them. ~Bang
  11. So in our culture, this is where we are. I'll never understand how reasonable people let us get to the point where lunatics literally run our asylum. Nothing will happen. No changes no matter how bad it gets. We may as well call this country "Rivera". ~Bang
  12. An exceedingly dangerous cartoon who's antics end up with people getting hurt and teetering our nation on the brink. Yeah. Great. ~Bang
  13. Trump can drink Clorox and eat Ivermectin. Then he can swallow a sun lamp. Amazing they are so concerned about a hoax. They should inquire in open court whether the fat **** has been vaccinated and make him say it on he record, along with how many boosters and which ****ing medicine he got. ~Bang
  14. Trial? What trial? Nobody ever said anything about a trial, there is no trial. NO trial. ~Dong
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