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Everything posted by TheShredder

  1. Love the fact Wentz is dispelling all the Drunk Irsay myths. Taking responsible actions to correct weaknesses, going headfirst into Turners offense, embracing teammates on both sides of the ball, taking personal time for establishing connections with his receivers. Just needs to bring the hero instinct under control and play more situational football. Definitely setting 2022 up for success IMO.
  2. Logan is a company media man. Can't take his endorsements for anything more than a grain of salt-n-pepa! 'Pepa' is where he talks TE's. Bates is legit and had some clutch receptions. I like Cole in the RedZone!
  3. Yeah that part was my Hot-Take! There is a road for that happening, when the offense takes off and the 1st RD D fails.
  4. When I watch replays I see slow LB'er play, bad LB'er play, and poor execution. Blocks will be clearly forming a target gap and the LB'er won't enter the gap until they've already given up 3 yds. It happens too often. This constantly offers easily converted 3rd downs. They can't stop a 3rd and long 50% of the time, so 3rd and 4 or less is almost a guaranteed conversion. Look, I know everyone loves Ron Rivera, but he's not getting it done. I don't think he's on the hot seat like JDR but Scott Turner will be the HC after year 5 if RR doesn't fix the defense.
  5. That's a coaching flaw. +Why change what wasn't broken? +Why experiment with 'IF' a player can do something, instead of putting them in position to do EXACTLY what they do well? +Position Flex...REALLY!? What happened to scheming for talent? These are all coaches making dumb choices. FYI Cole Holcomb is slow AF - not Luke Kuechly. Decent LB'er that OC's fall in Love with every Sunday because he's dependable for 4-5 yds per play.
  6. It seems, to me anyway, that Chase was unprepared for the consequences of Pro NFL OT's diagnostics of his film. Who's the coach that failed to drive that fact into his Young head!!
  7. You're talking about his off-field failures. I didn't say anything about that. So NO! He's not been held accountable or answered any more than fluffy Julie Donaldson 'set-back' questions for his negligence in his position.
  8. I like him because he's meant to change the pace from AG. He's not going to replace what AG is or does well, however he is a legit RB with a bruiser mentality that that group needs to take the running game up a notch. If used correctly that 1-2 punch can create a lot of problems for a defense.
  9. The D was good, top 10. He should have been able to identify what was wrong and make changes, adjustments, and bench a guy who wasn't doing his job and hurting the team. He gets paid to do just that. Frankly, I don't think he did, nor take responsibility for it. Definitely wasn't held accountable at all.
  10. I agree with you and if it mattered I'd swap the Pass Rush ineffective allowing WR to get open easier. They go hand in hand so... They should have done more and fixed issues faster. So frustrating to watch every other 3rd down be a new set.
  11. It's JDR's responsibility to identify where the problems are and make the adjustments, so it is JDR. JDR is a Clown https://giphy.com/clips/christinaxingfilm-funny-reaction-clown-VaZCqsIK7gBRRPLPDl
  12. First excuse JDR makes is injuries, even though when they were at their worst, nobody was hurt. When you have talented players and there's no results, that's the coach! That's the guy designing the scheme, positioning the players, and calling the plays. That's not injuries. If an offense designs a game plan to get a QB going with some high percentage passes, why wouldn't a defense design some blitzes to get some pressure going? As far as I can tell, JDR should have been replaced the morning after the season ended. What am I missing?
  13. Why couldn't the defense get off the field in 2021 At one point WFT was the worst 3rd down defense in NFL history. The comparison of results is the fact that in 2020 they gave up a 3rd down conversion 37.83% of the time, ranking them #7 in the NFL. In 2021, they became historically bad and finished #31 only because of an inept NY Giants offense in week 18, couldn't get a 1st down. The final tally was 50%!! Why? What did they do to fix it for Week 1 2022?
  14. Even from a medical perspective there's no one size fits all with freak athletes being an added abnormality. Anything could happen, however, not wearing a knee brace at OTAs, walking around, gives me the sense that he's at least psychologically willing himself back to normal. That's 50% of rehab, trusting your repaired part. Who knows, maybe he is on the field week 1.
  15. Looks a like Nick Bosa. 7.5-9 sacks 1st year. Tears ACL 2nd year. 3rd year...we'll see. Better grow up and make some plays.
  16. You can listen to him and hear the immaturity, "ya know". Needs to grow up, shut up, and make plays. Shouldn't hit the field until he's 100%. No excuses allowed or they'll be shooting themselves in the ass and have to exercise his fifth year option on a guy with potential. Big year for Young.
  17. Complete waste of money to fuel a private jet for a check up. Why not send the Dr on a first class ticket commercial flight and save the ~20k unless it was an emergency or multitasking
  18. No. he said 'committed homicide' and the play on joke is I was insinuating he'd do it to himself.
  19. In all fairness, in many societies that's viewed as an honorable thing to do. Specifically when you have dishonored your name. I'm an expat American living in Asia for a decade and I understood how you're viewing that.
  20. Been looking around: Anthony Barr (got knee problems contemplated retirement) Joe Schobert (ex-Jaguar could be extra useful) A.J. Klein (x-panther good 3rd down)
  21. Explosive athletes tear muscles. It happens to everyone and sometimes the core muscle injuries need surgery and take a long time to get back to 100%. Samuel has had hamstring injury twice and sports hernia (groin surgery) which would key any trainer to require the athlete to report any and all muscle related abnormalities no matter how minor. That's standard protocol at the highest level. No reason to believe he's injured, or re-injured his groin or hammy. Samuels says I feel tight, off you go boy, done...see ya in camp!. Normal.
  22. Do you think Dan Snyder is broke? Probably doesn't care.
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