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Everything posted by TheShredder

  1. Yeah, the point is the tackle is happening way too late. You said it better than I did. For sure, the coaching scheme isn't good. A good NFL RB avg is a tick past 4 yds per carry. Your leading tackler can't allow more than that if you're going to win. They have to find a way to be faster to the tackle. I've seen enough that the blame lands on JDR IMO.
  2. 100% Sure, if he reads the defense and changes the play, it has to be changed to your advantage and for a reason. If he starts that BS where he's changing plays to one he just likes more, sit his ass down straight away and let him think about it for a series. If he does the same thing again, bench him. I've heard of Wentz doing this but don't remember where I saw it.
  3. Leadership has some different looks and feels for sure. If your perception of leadership at the QB position comes in the form of Peyton Manning then it's not likely you'll be satisfied with Wentz. Some guys become leaders because they get it done and share credit for success while taking full responsibility for all failures. It's the Superman technique. It doesn't work when your boss doesn't acknowledge that kind of leader or you fail in the end. Wentz can use the Superman but must be successful, where the vocal & outspoken can still retain his crown while coming up short. Wentz wins, he's the leader but if he doesn't he's a free agent.
  4. Turner's offense will be on display in full. The question will be his ability as he's out of personnel excuses in 2022. The experience he's been able to get should help. First year he got his feet wet. Second year he had to learn to do more with less. Year 3 is relatively loaded in comparison to the first 2. Structuring a game plan isn't accomplished in training camp. That's scheme time! Turner should be able to discover what the offense does really well. He'll run scenarios and review practice tape. In the meetings he'll get player input and should have enough info to put together an effective Game Plan week to week. That might mean pass first one week and pound the ground the next. Sometimes the plan might be 'Make them stop us because we're better', or faster. Hard to just say throw it 60% of the time. When the season is history the Wentz trade will be a win or a loss. Turner will still be here after being extended and we'll know if they screwed up or not with that one too. I feel like this is a put up or shut up year for RR & Co. One exception would be Jackass Del Rio who won't be here unless they're better than they were in 2020.
  5. I watched every game Wentz played last year. I wanted to see it (proof of the narrative). What gets lost is the situation in the game, momentum, and what really happened in a particular instance. Big example was INDY vs TB. Wentz played great! Outperformed Brady with lesser talent, found the open receives, extended drives on his own...and they were literally one series of running down the clock and it was game over. Dude muffs a punt return, giving them the ball inside the 10. Total 180 degree shift and it was almost like half the team stopped playing. My point is that Indy didn't miss the playoffs because of Wentz, rather the team imploded and lost winnable games for a multitude of reasons, least of which was due to Wentz. Even the Jacksonville game where they haven't won in years (for some odd inter-divisional rivalry reason). The entire team played terrible that game. Wentz was pressured on like 60% of pass attempts and the Indy OL was horrific. That game you get a feel that everything was off. Wentz didn't play terrible down the stretch, he had a couple of bad games where the Defensive game plan confused him and Wentz & the coaches didn't correct for it. He had a couple of games where he was clearly the better QB and they found a way to lose. I think his success will be easy to identify, pretty quickly. The failures will be minimal dependent upon Turner and Zampese.
  6. That is the Best Policy. Year to year, you can see how Wentz changed with his surrounding environment. He clearly lost focus on fundamentals and they became bad habits when he had turmoil with Doug Pederson. Last season exposed critical flaws. Some of those were off-season correctable and some are Training Camp tasks, Preseason tests, and scheme/play calling mediated. To correct a bad habit takes 21-days and in Sports it's 10,000 reps. It's not going to be ALL-GOOD with Wentz and all of a sudden he's Pro Bowl quality Week 1. However, he can certainly build off of 2021. He's put in the time, effort, and has the right mindset for sure, 100%. He'll need to grow into the scheme and reads which might take a few weeks once the bullets start flying. He will be better than 2021. Wentz needs a fast start for momentum. When he gets on a roll, watch out!
  7. They drafted insurance for Payne with Mathis. There's the indicator of Payne being on his last year. You don't get a comp pic for Payne if they replace him in free agency, so they drafted Mathis this year. Unfortunately that comp pick doesn't come until the following years draft, so you'd have to plan ahead (which is what they did). D.Payne is worth the most in 2022 as he's playing for a contract. He'd need an All-Pro year for them to consider an extension or tag and trade scenario.
  8. Had no idea James Smith-Williams used to be a CB...!! Gained 55 lbs and moved to DE. Says he can still drop back into cover crossing routes. Wonder who wins the starting DE replacement role until Chase is fully healthy? I think James Smith-Williams had 5-6 starts last year.
  9. Obvious concerns should be the issues that 1- Cause the most negative outcome and 2- Most frequent. Both of these come from hero ball. I don't have any issue with +20 yd attempts if they're producing results. Need to be +50% to have an impact, so pulling the trigger just to play with the gun doesn't make much sense. Still, his issues have been reading the defense, choosing the correct side of the field for targets, then reading the route response of the key defender. A lot of this is solved in the QB room (like +50%). Wentz having a good number of talented receives is going to help a lot. They will win routes or not faster. He'll have a highly dependable #1 WR who won't allow an INT in a 50/50 battle and will win most of them. When all else fails he can toss it up to #17. Check down are built into plays to gain yards, move chains, and sustain drives. Always check it down to an open receiver vs throwing to one that is not, or throw it away. Good QBs are good because they find the open receivers, throw them open, or throw it out of bounds.
  10. With Wentz working diligently on his weaknesses and Turner coaching his scheme, Wentz should improve on where the correct read is. They'll identify the keys in training camp, then drill after drill leading to Week 1. The receivers will be good and be open or not fast. I'm pretty sure the offense is the stronger unit in 2022. + Wentz shows less hesitation with one on one coverage. + Wentz gets the ball out faster. ? Will Wentz learn to check it down or throw it away vs playing hero ball? I think there's situations where extending the play has it's merit, so he has to play better situational football.
  11. Giants ran that sneak because the HC didn't want to risk giving up points with an inept offense that turns the ball over regularly. That got Da Judge fired. Giants over drafted the wrong QB and hired bad coaches. They ran 70% because they couldn't do anything else.
  12. Throwing a slant, dig, or curl for 10 yds is far from aggressive. Conservative & Predictable play calling is a loser. Time to pull the pampers off and party!
  13. Bingo! SF is a rushing offense, 2nd and Long is play action pass, bootleg, or screen. Tricky thing Shanahan does is they can run all these plays from similar formations. TB you're getting a quick read, then dink or dunk.
  14. Watching him chasing someone always reminds me of a big dog when you put socks on the paws!
  15. Pass to Run ratio is as BASIC as it gets for stats. Nothing advanced at all, it's the baseline in determining what kind of Offense a team runs. One of the most common in-game stats used by commentators to compare what's happening on game day vs what they've been doing prior. Top QBs average 38 per game. IND averaged 32 last year. An additional 3-5 passes per game doesn't look like a scheme change unless those passes are +20 yard attempts. High powered offenses like KC attempt 4 +20 yd passes per game. If WSH transitions to a high powered offense then this gives you a realistic idea of what that would look like. Could expect 3-6 more passes than runs on average and 4-5 shots of +20 yards.
  16. WSH was below avg on Pass:Run Ratio 55% PASS TO 45% RUN League was pass happy. SB teams were identical and ranked in the middle. Simple evaluation shows most success was 59% PASS TO 41% RUN A +4% change in more passing puts WSH in the ideal R/P ratio.
  17. I changed my thoughts about Sam Howell. Initially, after the pick, there's always commentary about 'the steal of the draft' and this kind of nonsense. My feeling was taking a shot on Sam Howell in the 5th round was perfect because he looks like a Baker Mayfield clone. I watched a few breakdowns (YT QB school, etc.) on him, over his college career to see why he dropped. What changed for Howell was his team, which forced him to change his game...sort of similar circumstances as Wentz with PHI. Howell's supporting cast on offense his Senior season was untalented. In 2020, PHI roster was also untalented. The QB breakdowns by Kurt Warner changed my perception about Howell and gives some evidence that he's probably the ideal development QB for WSH.
  18. Wentz benefits from a good running game. He makes great plays off of play-action and finds deep routes that develop late, often. I would caution those that think Turners offense suddenly starts throwing deep down field right off the bat. They have to establish the run and exploit the short game to get teams out of deep route covers. I'd expect them to do more of what they've done, just better, as there were plenty of deep opportunities that TH couldn't reach or attempt from limits in ball speed and distance. Wentz will be able to throw open WRs who win deep and hit them going into the endzone vs having to come back for the ball. The Running Game is the key.
  19. Agreed. Also, he had a string of poor play where he threw INTs and Pick 6's that cost them. He was injured vs TEN and looked bad vs SF. But, nobody talks about his struggling as winning in the end is all that matters. From what I saw, the Rams started being incapable of running the ball vs TEN and he was forced to pass almost every down. Similar to SF who regularly has LA's number via defensive scheme and Offense that runs the ball and controls time of possession. Stafford figured it out, as the Rams started running effectively and Cooper was unstoppable.
  20. Largest impact on every NFL team's W/L rate is injuries. Seen as the largest mover of the bet spread. There's some metrics about the impact on outcome by player and position as well. As you'd imagine, in football, the QB is most important. When you start comparing QB vs QB the stats seem to be less impressive as this comparison would need to be evaluated with them under the same circumstances (same team vs same opponents). I think the comparison of Wentz vs QBX would be difficult to bet based on Wentz hasn't played on this team. I think that the W/L o/u total might drop if Wentz couldn't play and TH was the starter. #1 because injuries have the highest impact and at the highest impact position. Currently WSH W/L TOTAL o/u 7.5 Wins Over -130 Under +110 {90% of the money is on the Over and the line has moved up from -115}
  21. When they tell you to shut it down until camp and Samuel asks if he can go run routes with the guys...
  22. At least they're doing something. There had to be a BBQ and some socializing post workout. Wentz, Terry, and Jahan getting acclamation reps is 💰 You've got athletes that are highly motivated to succeed. Wentz is in his put up or shut up season. TM is in always All-In. Jahan is playing every rep like it's the last one his cancer fighting mom will ever see!
  23. That's muted if they view Wentz as a top 15 QB as they'd still have him under contract for two more years and likely restructure his current deal to lower the cap giving him the G money he would like and feel comfortable with. Win Win
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