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Banned From Tailgate
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Everything posted by mojo

  1. Lol. I had something similar a couple nights ago. I took one of the cheapo spicy ramen bowls, added garlic chili paste, and some chopped green onion. Once it had cooked, I added a small can of crab meat. It was an excellent spicy, seafood broth.
  2. If Doctson has the game Cam did last night, there would have been a statue of him erected at the stadium overnight
  3. At least Devin Thomas had a 100 yd receiving game, something Josh has yet to do. i hope I’m wrong but I’ve about given up on Doctson. Bottom line, he just seems too soft for the league.
  4. When Cousins walks is Foles now in play for our starting QB next year?
  5. I was hoping to utilize him throwing the ball w our final play vs the Chiefs.
  6. I recently vacationed in south Florida and one thing I noticed is if you're able to put an engine on something with wheels it's apparently legal to drive there. I got passed by a roving gang riding old 4 wheelers doing wheelies through traffic.
  7. Try cooking fresh whole wings instead of the frozen split wings if you haven't already. I season them and cook them on the upper rack of my grill, the slower the better. They come out really crispy.
  8. Whenever I see the Vikings play I dig those matte finish helmets. Id love to see the Skins with MATCHING dark bergundy jerseys and helmets and using the matte finish on the helmets. Eliminate the red glitter helmets and go with old school black cleats. It would be a nasty look.
  9. I agree. That old dude is awesome though. He gets plowed into, knocked to the concrete, and takes it like a champ. Probably ex military.
  10. The only job Allen should have is running around the field at halftime shooting t shirts into the crowd out of a cannon. And yes Bruce, you can still wear a $3000 suit.
  11. I thought Phillip Daniels' comment about never meeting w Bruce during his tenure here as our player development guy was pretty damning. Bruce has always struck me as figure head type figure. Basically an empty suit. A nice suit mind you....but still empty.
  12. Good luck but considering you're on a football message board, it could be tough..lol. Honestly, If I could just have cable service from Sept through Feb., I would be a happy man.
  13. I've done it in the past and was completely satisfied other than one thing, sports. Having friends over to watch the games and having it flicker out repeatedly was annoying and now I have a new baby, DVR is a necessity. I can't take 4hours in the middle of the day to watch football anymore. So a few friends and I have started going off the grid on Sundays and getting together around 6 to fire up the games. It works out much better.
  14. I tried the Shock Top Honey Crisp Wheat beer over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised. It's basically a mix of hard cider and wheat beer. I couldn't drink more than a couple but on a hot day they're pretty refreshing.
  15. Sweet helmet. I really like the white and gold center stripe. Looks great.
  16. I watched the Vikings last night and I really like the matte paint look of their helmets, instead of the shiny almost glitter infused look of our helmets and others. The Skins helmets would look sweet if they switched up.
  17. I disagree. The current shade of burgundy looks more red than anything and the helmet and jerseys don't appear to be the same shade. I'd be happy if they kept the current uniforms but changed to the 80 anniversary color scheme.
  18. I couldn't imagine how horrible a decision it would be to even attempt to defect, knowing that if you're caught or successful, it would mean your family and close friends would end up in prison camps or worse.
  19. You might be right. I can see the front page of the North Korean Times now, a photoshop image of Kim Jong Jr in the Oval office with his foot on Obama's throat.
  20. Yes. I believe it was the same one with Lisa Ling. Great watch.
  21. There is a great documentaryabout N Korea on Netflix that documents an eye surgeon who donates his time around the world to help the underpriviliged to see. Its a great insight to how warped their society is. To the point that the first words out these patients mouths after having their bandages removed and seeing for the first times in years were to thank their Dear Leader for their sight and pledge to use it to fight Americans.
  22. His rhetoric is really the only power this idiot has
  23. Would it make you feel better if these 2 were sitting in front of 6 medium pizzas and 8 16 oz Cokes? Because that would be only thing different. Those 2 beasts would be the same.
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