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Banned From Tailgate
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Everything posted by mojo

  1. C’mon, how is a regular sized mirror going to see past the 12,000 BTU AC duck taped into your rear window?
  2. I’m positive that defense cannot get much worse
  3. It could be argued they were on their way down when we played them. They barely beat the Ben Dinucci led Cowboys a week or 2 prior and Ben got injured in that game as well.
  4. How about we skip benching and go ahead and cut him.
  5. Tired or not, it’s accurate.
  6. The difference is we played beat up teams with back up QBs when we’re ‘dominant’ last year. Brady shredded us just like every QB we’ve faced this year. If we faced Ben Dinucci every week, I bet our defense would be playing much better.
  7. I think it’s pretty simple. We played garbage offenses with back up QB’s last half of last season. That was key to our ‘dominant’ defense. Once we played a real QB like Brady, our D looked exactly how it’s has it has this year. No pass rush and can’t get off the field.
  8. Maybe not Chase but it’s time to trade one of these D linemen. We’re going to be 5-12 and lose one of them for nothing in return.
  9. So a joke about yard signs gets a suspension. I wonder if the several posts in this thread joking and wishing death on the unvaccinated got anybody suspended l?
  10. I was really year 2 in the system was going to allow the D to come out of the gates quickly but they just as lost and confused as they did at the beginning of last season.
  11. I’m glad you brought that up. Y’know what really grinds my gears? Yield signs. F*** them!
  12. It’s further proof of the dumbing down of our society. These proclamations on these signs are kind of rule of thumb ideals for decent people. Why do they need to put on a sign in your yard. My neighborhood is filled with them. I feel like have stickers made up that say “Congratulations! You’re not a slack jawed fu***ng idiot”
  13. Yard sign: WATER IS LIFE ALL LIVES MATTER When did people start disputing that water is essential to life or that lives matter? Do people just want validation for not being a moron? I'm putting a sign in my yard that says "I believe the Earth is round".
  14. % of people in this thread that have those ridiculous “we believe” signs in their yard. I’m going with about 85%.
  15. Agreed. Heinicke reminds me off Romo. Rarely does the first blitzer get him. He avoids the rush and moves in the pocket, much more of a playmaker than Grossman.
  16. They still got it. (Let’s split that $100)
  17. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/09/covid-hospitalization-numbers-can-be-misleading/620062/ In other words, the study suggests that roughly half of all the hospitalized patients showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of disease. anybody else not shocked by this news?
  18. I know the defense got a lot of hype this offseason but remember during our run at the end of the last year, it feasted on back up QBs and battered teams. Good QB’s like Brady last year and Herbert yesterday don’t have a problem against it.
  19. Then wish death on all the assholes driving down the road at 70 mph staring at their cellphone. That’s about a million times more dangerous then someone refusing to get a shot that doesn’t work.
  20. Totally agree. With all money that’s spent over the last 17 months, pay the people if it’s really such a priority. Don’t put all the pressure on the working class.
  21. My apologies. Wishing death on people is something I don’t do. Kind of a rule of thumb of mine. But you do your thing.
  22. Wishing for another variant and more death. Classy.
  23. The good news: the US has hit the 70% vax goal Biden set https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/08/02/covid-vaccine-us-reaches-bidens-70percent-goal-for-adults-a-month-behind.html the bad news: Covid cases up 300% up from last year
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