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Everything posted by PCS

  1. About 7-9 posts above the last 3 replies one can find news about the nominations.
  2. Sigh. Typical American here. Oh well. Still a fun memory.
  3. True story. I am doing my initial rotation through the base hospital my first year in the Air Force. I'm rotating through the immunizations clinic. I get stuck there for a couple of weeks. I give a shot to a little kid who just makes a sad face and one little tear from the corner of the eye. Next one in was a 6'4" 225 ish NCO who was ready to pass out just looking at the needle. I told him about the little one before him. Didn't help. I told him,with a bit of disgust,that if he passed out I wasn't going to hold his big ass up. He barely made it. Few more days until I get my first shot. Can't wait.
  4. 1st dose next Friday. Just have to keep on my toes for another month or so and hopefully I'll be good.
  5. It is a ****ty choice and I get it. One of the main sources of my frustration and anger every day I work when I see maskless wonders,(or maskholes as someone on Twitter called them not too long ago),roaming through the store. Been as many as 12 to 14 scattered through store at the same time the past week on a consistent basis. Those of us who chose to understand this nasty little virus follow the rules and I really follow and enforce the 6 foot one. All but tell them to stay the **** away from me. I actively avoid them and the area they've been hovering in when applicable Best we can do.
  6. I don't celebrate his death nor do I mourn it. The problems that many have with Rush aren't based on political differences. They're based on differences in morals and basic human values. Rush needed to get some.
  7. Pretty much. If you weren't one of those folks telling their stories from back then you knew one or 3. I volunteered to do chores to get more allowance to go see it the other 4 times in the theaters. Sacrifices had to be made.
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