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Everything posted by TD_washingtonredskins

  1. That was my take on both calls... You can tell on the illegal formation play that Terry didn't do what the ref wanted him to do to be "legal" in his view. Whether Terry thought he got the OK and misunderstood, who knows? But I don't put that on the ref. That's on the WR to be sure he's compliant with the rule. The PI should have been called...and especially should have been called if they decided to hold the flag based on game situation. It's one thing if the ref truly thought it wasn't an infraction (doubtful, but possible). It's a completely different thing if he thought it was an infraction but didn't want a penalty to decide the game...that's inexcusable to me and I hate that mindset. It's for that same reason that I've hated the Tweets since last night of Skins fans saying that the line judge shouldn't have dropped a flag on Terry "in that situation" since it didn't impact the play. A foul/penalty is a foul/penalty. First quarter, fourth quarter, preseason, Super Bowl.
  2. I don't agree. But I think you're looking at it the wrong way. I don't personally believe that losing = selling. I think Snyder had come to terms with selling and the middling product over his tenure here was baked into that decision. I do believe that a dramatic shift to winning could change his thought process. If he believed that the team was standing on the precipice of greatness, I think he's just egotistical enough to change his mind and want to be a part of that.
  3. That's why the safest long-term stance as a fan for a while now has been to root for failure. I know many people have their (legitimate) reasons to disagree with that (it's not the players' fault, winning is fun, etc.), but that's the quickest and safest path to a decent human being sitting atop the Washington NFL organization again. But, alas, every couple/few years the team goes on a winning streak that comes out of nowhere and isn't repeatable. In the past, those streaks have provided Snyder with just enough fan excitement and goodwill to stay afloat. I hope it either falls apart soon or doesn't change his course this time.
  4. I think that's easier said than done. He's going to be asked, time and again, about the non-football things that continually swirl around Snyder's team. Unless he's going to always avoid engaging in those discussions, he's going to be caught in some level of hypocrisy. "Coach, why did you feel it was appropriate to comment on the importance of your players' right to stand up for social justice, yet you don't think it's important enough to give the victims of sexual harassment and workplace bullying - which occurred here in THIS BUILDING - a voice?" It's just a hornet's nest of trouble with reporters unless he's going to turn into Belichick and say "we're onto Philadelphia" about anything that isn't football-related.
  5. Re: Snyder and being "hands on" when it comes to operations... This really can't be debated anymore. We still find fans who dispute this and claim that unless there's "proof" or a smoking gun that he's involved, it's probably not happening anymore. But there are just too many former employees and too much circumstantial evidence all the way up through the late 20-teens for anyone to reasonably bother denying it any longer. The guy IS the reason this organization spiraled out of control for 20 years. He IS the primary reason women were mistreated and employees were bullied.
  6. I don't want my opinion to get too twisted here. I'm not trying to defend her too adamantly...certainly she should understand the risks she's taking just like any adult and take personal accountability. The rules are the rules wherever we choose to travel and we need to understand and respect them...I'd tell my own 13- and 15-year old children that. All I'm saying is that I'm sure we've all made similarly careless choices with disproportionately less severe outcomes. And, in the end, my annoyance over this entire situation was never with her...but more with the whole circus it turned into around her. I don't really know much about Griner, to be honest.
  7. Yeah, I likely wouldn't travel with anything like that either. I'm not her biggest fan...I'm just trying to say that we've all done stupid **** in our lives and if we would have happened to have been caught at the worst time possible, something like this could have happened to us. That's all. My larger point is that I don't pin the circus this has become on her so much as all the people turning this into a circus.
  8. Yeah, I'm not pissed at her. She didn't ask for any of this attention. I suppose she could have known better about the rules in Russia, but I would also assume many of us would or could have made a similar mistake.
  9. Good post, @justice98. If I was personally involved, I would be ecstatic right now. I would want my government to give up anyone and anything to get either my loved one or me back. As a US citizen, I think this is ridiculous as far as a foreign policy decision. An athlete wrongly detained on a "drug" charge for a notorious arms dealer. They essentially fabricated a way to get their arms dealer back without having to give up a Marine. And we fell for it. In NFL terms, it would be like Jerry Jones claiming that one of Snyder's assistants offended him during a trip to Dallas, insisting that the only way to make it up him would be trade him would be trade Allen to the Cowboys for a conditional 7th, and Snyder saying "welp, what else can I do?" and complying...rather than saying "I'll give you Allen if you give me Micah Parsons, asshole"
  10. If you mean it's unfathomable to you that people are unwilling to CONSIDER changing their views in situations like this, then I completely agree with you. But if your point is that having kids of middle school and high school age right now and just blanketly aligning with everything they're chirping about, I think that's one of our largest issues as a society. I think our country is becoming TOO buddy-buddy with our children and looking too much to them for acceptance, rather than setting the example for them. Should we be open? Absolutely! Should we accept our son if he comes to us and says he's gay? Of course! But just swallowing everything and anything that a 13-year old disagrees with us about isn't the right answer either.
  11. I don't think that's it. The Ravens have had that identity basically since they moved to Baltimore and they have a rabid following. As has been pointed out, as recently as 2016, the Skins were flying up and down the field with Cousins, Garcon, Jackson, Crowder, Reed, Thompson, etc. and scoring a lot of points. It's the organization, not the composition of the team on the field, that is keeping the fans away. If there was a tradition of winning supported by an owner that the fans could respect then you'd have a packed stadium even if the games were held at 8pm on Christmas Eve. The game would be woven into holiday traditions...holidays being right around the corner wouldn't be used as excuses not to show up.
  12. I wonder how those things work (and this isn't my usual "crush the team" post, but more a general curiosity)... Once a former player is invited, I wonder if the organization 1) coordinates travel and lodging accommodations for them, 2) has them figure those things out on their own but covers the expenses, or 3) neither? And, for the sake of argument, if Washington's protocol is to choose option #2...are there organizations out there that actual do option #1? Are there organizations out there that do option #3? Maybe no teams pay for this at all and all former players are on their own to figure it out and pay their way...like I said, it is more a curiosity than anything else.
  13. Right...and with things like alternate totals (rushing yards, spreads, passing yards, whatever) you can give yourself some very soft landings. For example, last night on the Thursday night game, I didn't wager on whatever the "50/50" over/under was for Josh Allen's passing yards were. I picked a much more attainable 200-yard total and picked the over. Granted, I got worse odds, but when you batch 4-5 of those things together it's kind of fun. I think I wagered $10 on Allen over 200 passing yards, Diggs over 50 receiving yards, Stevenson over 40 rushing yards, Diggs to score a TD, and Bills ML. The other thing I do a lot (maybe I have a problem) is that I find random overseas basketball games that are in-progress and have -250ish MLs. I combine 3-4 of those and just throw $5-10 on that parlay. I usually win 3 or 4 out of every 5 of those. It's a way to build up my account for the NFL and NCAA weekends where I technically "know what I'm doing" but lose way more often
  14. They are just so damned fun! I think most people understand that they have very, very long odds to hit one (given the, well, long odds as you add items to a parlay). What I like though is the relative low risk/high reward. Once you've built up some money in your account, you can bet a couple units to win a ****load. Then, you only have to win occasionally for it to pay off.
  15. I caught an episode or two of The Patient also, he's very good. The Way Way Back is also a good example of him outside his typical role.
  16. Yes! I knew I had seen him in something pretty serious. Thank you. I also think he plays a pretty serious role in "Dan in Real Life" but there are glimpses of humor in that one.
  17. I can't see Washington losing this game...I think the Giants are dead in the water. I do think Jones might make a play or two, because he is relatively mobile. But that won't add up to more than 10-13 total points when all is said and done. Final will be something like 23-10, Washington.
  18. That's a great observation. Someone who I've also enjoyed seeing transition from comedy to more mature roles is Steve Carell, even though none of the movies (at least that I've seen) have been truly "stone cold" or dark. He's played some very straight and serious roles and does them well. But, he always has a light-heartedness to him that reminds you of Michael Scott. Still, I enjoy seeing him not be the idiot because I think he's a great actor. Back to your point, Carrey and Bateman, along with the late Williams, are great examples.
  19. Not to mention the Browns and Broncos - depending on whichever one was playing on the road in the playoffs back in the 80s.
  20. Holy **** @Simmsy that looks ugly. I hope it's just a scarier looking wolf spider, but I don't know.
  21. Honestly, I don't think the Falcons game is a harbinger of things to come. I believe their OL is VERY good and they are a dynamic rushing offense. I don't think any team that Washington faces moving forward will run the ball that well against them. They will face a couple BETTER OVERALL teams, but not any team that is a better rushing team than Atlanta (OL, running backs, running scheme, running QB, etc.), in my opinion.
  22. I checked this too late, but I had a nice SGP... Eagles ML Hurts ALT Rushing Yards (Over 25) Sanders ALT Rushing Yards (Over 25) Smith ALT Receiving Yards (Over 40) Brown Any Time TD Watson Any Time TD +1742 Tonight I'm rolling with: Steelers +2.5 Freiermuth ALT Receiving Yards (Over 40) Pickens ALT Receiving Yards (Over 25) Campbell ALT Receiving Yards (Over 25) Pittman ALT Receiving Yards (Over 40) Pittman Any Time TD Harris ALT Rushing Yards (Over 40) Taylor ALT Rushing Yards (Over 50) +3322 I won't hit two of those longshots in a row, but need to strike while the iron is hot!
  23. See...I disagree, and let me explain. On the surface, of course, his daughter's opinion is extremely important. But the organization or anyone defending the organization pointing to a young woman being overwhelmed with gratitude and emotion when her murdered father is honored in any way doesn't really mean much to me. Of course she's going to appreciate any gesture! But that still doesn't automatically mean the gesture was proportionate or adequate to the build up or hype that the team led with. When the sad day comes that I am in her shoes, I'm going to feel genuine heartfelt appreciation for anyone who takes the time to say any nice words to me about my deceased parent 15 years later...so a day in their honor, a memorial, a statue, a street name, etc. is going to resonate. But, I also think that makes her one of the least representative opinions out there when gauging how the team did with this tribute. My two cents.
  24. As a resident antagonist and hater, I have to say that the current style is sufficient to win enough remaining games to coast into the playoffs. So, as much as I'd love to see Ron meddle and change up the chemistry, the right thing to do would be to stay the course. This team with this formula will pretty easily split with or sweep the Giants and beat Cleveland. I think the Cowboys and 49ers would be tough. But that's either 9 or 10 wins and a playoff trip by just not getting their own way and riding their defense.
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