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Everything posted by SkinsGuy

  1. You obviously weren't alive back in the 1980s. Or weren't paying attention. You don't get what an impact MTV had on a generation and a culture then. Lauper was a big deal back then. Simply because everybody that had hit videos on MTV were a big deal back then. She wasn't my cup of tea (I was more of a heavy metal guy), but she was a big celebrity. Celebrity news shows and magazines, and even regular news programs covered her feud in the WWF. Not as if it were real , but just the fact that she was participating in it. They even made a Saturday morning cartoon based on the whole thing. Of course, the WWF had to do other things to keep the momentum going, but the momentum had to start somewhere. Heck, I never even heard of the WWF until that feud broke out. Lauper was a roman candle, burning bright for just a little while, then flamed out quickly, but she was big briefly back when MTV was the Mecca of all things music (something it lost a long time ago). It might be she isn't interested in being in their HoF. She seemed to turn away from it then, and never looked back.
  2. Yeah, but Lauper was a HUGE celebrity back in the 1980s when she surprisingly appeared on "Piper's Pit" with Lou Albino. It was that feud storyline that started on that segment between her and Albino (and eventually involved others like Piper and Hogan) that really put the WWE (then the WWF) on the map nationally.
  3. Ford will be 77 in 2019. Lucas won't be a part of this if he stays retired. Not sure where they go with this film. As long as that awful Mutt character isn't in it.
  4. I'm so glad that the Redskins' days of negotiating deals in the media like this are seemingly over.
  5. Garrett is a good yes-man and puppet for Jones. Jones doesn't want a strong HC that will but heads with him and have his own ideas (like he did with Parcells). He wants someone he can control. He has that with Garrett.
  6. Why not? It is about as close as they will get to one.
  7. It's hard to believe that so many in the sports media during the Summer were not only picking the Dolphins to be contenders, but would seriously challenge the Patriots for the AFC East. Does that seem like a long time ago now.
  8. It's not just about those two characters. It's about screwing up the ending of a far superior film ("Aliens"), just because they could. Of course, there is more than just that mess that makes "Alien 3" so bad. The thing is, if you read about how they came around deciding to go in the direction they did in "Alien 3", it had disaster written all over it, but they evidently couldn't or wouldn't see it. As to your question, well, I'm not much of a Renny Harlin film follower. You'll have to be more specific.
  9. The only two good "Alien" films were the first two. "Alien 3" was dreadful. It took the ending to Cameron's "Aliens" and pissed all over it. "Alien: Resurrection" was just stupid. It looked like it wanted to try and fix things from the disaster known as "Alien 3", but it was dumb. Hopefully, "Alien 5" (as it is now called, but I don't think that will stay its name) will have Hicks and Newt as themselves, (not as some clones) and "Alien 3" and "Alien: Resurrection" are treated like they never happened. That's what I want anyway.
  10. They are reporting on ESPN that Garrett is close to signing a 5-year deal with Dallas.
  11. I have said in the past that I felt that the pursuit of Cutler was genuine, but the talk of Sanchez was for show. The Redskins talked up a lot of offensive prospects before the draft. There may have been some thinking to bring a lot of attention to offensive prospects and trades for them in an attempt to cause a run on them and get a couple of teams to move up and get someone they covet. It might've worked some. Like the Raiders surprisingly taking Bey. That way, a player the Redskins REALLY wanted, like Orakpo, fell to them. That sounds like the work of an evil genius. But I feel that the Redskins were trying to manipulate things to an extent.
  12. I don't think it is at the top of Zorn's priority list. Does Zorn even get the say so of what color the Redskins home/away game uniforms will be?
  13. Their best bet would've been to say nothing on Monday. Just show a series of some of the greatest matches from past PPVs, until things became clearer. It should've sounded an alarm bell that they were hearing that everyone in the house was dead, and that several in the WWE were getting strange text messages from Benoit (prompting them to call the police and check things out). I haven't watched wrestling in YEARS, but I do remember Benoit. He was a great wrestler, but if he did what they said, he didn't deserve a tribute last night. Hindsight is 20/20 true, but, the WWE is going to take some understandable heat for this.
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