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Everything posted by SkinsGuy

  1. My bad. It was the Raiders and the Saints, and they didn't get any money taken from them. They just weren't allowed to cash in on the Redskins and Cowboys penalties: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/7677375/sources-dallas-cowboys-washington-redskins-lose-millions-cap-space
  2. IIRC, I think it was those two teams, the Raiders and the Bucs, that got real paltry cap penalties. Like $10,000 or something. Not sure if it was those two teams, though.
  3. The Raiders did actually, I believe, as did the Bucs. Just not to the degree the Cowboys and Redskins did.
  4. The Redskins will knock the stuffing (and turkey) out of "dem cowboys" come Thanksgiving.
  5. In fairness, I don't think Brady was trying to do the bow and arrow move. He had just run for a first down, and I think he was doing the first down signal. I thought he was about to do Cam Newton's annoying "dab" move. It would be hard to say the NFL is giving Brady "special treatment" when he is coming off a 4-game suspension.
  6. Nobody drinks more Kool-Aid than me.
  7. He was too busy being self-righteous to us happy Redskin fans. Don't you know? The Redskins suck, and we aren't allowed to talk trash. Even on our own fan board.
  8. Messed that up. We only have one loss in the NFC. And we are ahead of the Giants either way because we beat them in head-to-head competition this season.
  9. Rskins06, You might want to edit out the pics you quoted in these two posts. They are getting after posters that are quoting pics.
  10. Why? The Bills defense hasn't been all that great. Not to mention he'll want to bring his brother, Rob along, and he sucks as a coach.
  11. Feel better, and **** the Cowboys!
  12. So concussions are crippling. Hopefully, he is right. However, my brother has Matt Jones in our fantasy league, and he isn't starting him.
  13. Can't wait for the game to start. For me, at least for tonight, I am not too worried about establishing a strong running game. Offense 101 tells you to attack a defense at its weakest and to use where you are your strongest. For the Steelers, their secondary is the weak point, and the Redskins' strength is their passing game. If the Redskins can get a strong running game going, then great. However, the Steelers had a good run defense last season, and it is pointless for the Redskins to try and batter up against it, only to keep putting themselves into 3rd-and-long situations if their run game isn't working. They will probably use a short passing game to the RBs in place of a running game to keep the drive moving if there are no running lanes. Do what they did best in the second half of last season, and they can win this game.
  14. Only if one of George Allen's teams wore a design like that back in the 70s. Which means no.
  15. I wouldn't go as far to put it on par with Christmas, but it is special. I would compare it to the start of Summer vacation when you were in school. Too short, but sweet while it lasts.
  16. Didn't watch the whole game, but so far, I could only see one hit that should've drawn the flag. Haven't seen every play, though, but I've seen a lot of the hits on the morning sports programs.
  17. I thought the original reason for the twitter thread was to prevent fifty new threads a day being created just to put up a single tweet. I remember Tandler or Keim would put up a tweet saying "Practice starts at 1:00pm", and someone would start a new thread for that. I figured that was why the twitter thread was born. Am I wrong about that? Maybe the mods feel that now that fans have a better handle on twitter, one giant thread isn't necessary. I don't understand the concern over the lack of thread starting, though. It is always slower here in the offseason. Even in the preseason, there is only so much to talk about. However, once the first game of the regular season is played, it seems like thread creation escalates sharply. To the point that many topics get pushed off the front page before they are cold. Maybe that is just my perception, but threads to read and interact on don't seem a problem once the real games start.
  18. Watching some of the new show of FS1: "Skip and Shannon: Undisputed" A complete clone of ESPN's "First Take" Skip is Skip, but we'll see about Shannon. I miss Stephen A. cutting Bayless to pieces about his Cowboys.
  19. Doubtful, since the Cowboys and Giants play each other. Let's hope they beat each other senseless into a pointless tie.
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