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Everything posted by SkinsGuy

  1. Did you check all the applications at the bottom of the page? You should be able to download to just about every system set-up.
  2. You can try this one: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ It is a VLC Media Player. It will play everything (so it says). I downloaded it a few months ago, and I've been able to play things I couldn't play before.
  3. Fortunately, the rain held off until around 10:00 pm tonight. It was pouring here in Richmond about an hour ago. It is more of a moderate rain now with more heavy rain on the way. Don't know if that will affect tomorrow's walk-through or not.
  4. Same thing happened to me (though not on FB). Five years ago (in 2012), at a website board I visit, I put up a gif I found of Griffin and his 76 yard run against the Vikings. I entitled it in my post "A Little Slice of Awesome!". Now here in 2017, someone bumped up that thread on that website, and I saw my post again. All I could do is give a little sad sigh as to the belief I had then that the Redskins had found their franchise QB, and the team was set. Five years later, Cousins is my guy, and Griffin is out of the league. You just never know.
  5. Opening day of camp, the weather was awful. Hot and humid. Who wants to stand around in that. Too bad they aren't holding a practice here in Richmond today. Sunny and only in the low 70s right now (we are only going to get to 80 degrees today), which is unheard of around here in late July. Usually, it is always the "3 H's" this time of year (hazy, hot, and humid). The board is more quiet than in seasons past, but I get the impression of more folks lurking rather than simply not around. Guess they don't want to get their hopes up reading some of the camp stuff, but the Cousins thread proves that they are still here.
  6. Good for you. Now turn in your fan card.
  7. "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff passed away at age 74. I didn't know that George "the Animal" Steele had died as well: http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/legendary-wrestler-ivan-‘the-russian-bear’-koloff-dies-just-one-day-after-george-steele/ar-AAn5cPS
  8. According to CSN, he didn't get in. Again. http://www.csnmidatlantic.com/washington-redskins/former-redskins-ot-joe-jacoby-misses-out-hall-fame-again
  9. Doesn't matter if it was football-related or not. The players of an NFL team are responsible for their conduct on and OFF the field. You can bet this would've been dealt with if the Redskin players had done it. I agree. Considering all the crap Beckham has done and it's ignored, the Giants get away with murder.
  10. What was their penalty for trashing the airplane they were on after losing to the Packers? Nothing.
  11. Nah, I figured because he has talked about playing on a team where he was from. Since he was pretty much raised in Michigan, the Lions would be the obvious choice, but it may very well be the Bears.
  12. I've read this several times, and I find it kinda silly. If Cousins REALLY didn't want to be in Washington, he could talk his way out of town. Cousins and his agent have taken the stand that his contract negotiations are not about how much he wants to be here, but how much the Redskins want him to stay. It is a different tactic, rather than gushing all over the team you play for, but I don't believe he is trying to get out of town. Having said that, I think that if Cousins had his choice of teams, he's be QBing the Detroit Lions right now.
  13. Yeah, we kicked your butts earlier this season, so everything is good.
  14. Oh well, we hated you guys last year when you kicked us out of the playoffs.
  15. Trust me, while I haven't seen any Cowboy fans face-to-face (at least I don't think I have... they take off all their Cowboy gear once they lose ), the whining they've done is loud enough to hear everywhere. I haven't really thought much about the defense, because I just don't think we will see much.
  16. It won't be easy. The Falcons offense is explosive. Ryan is a much better QB than Prescott (might be MVP this year), and the RB duo they have is deadly. Of course, let's not forget Julio Jones. I'm expecting a shoot-out.
  17. Congrats. Put those miserable Cowboys in their place. Now you have a tough game against the Falcons in Atlanta.
  18. He may or may not be an "alright dude", but he started in with me with his "Wrong as usual, buddy" comment in another thread. I'm finishing it. I don't take any crap from a Cowboy fan on a Redskin board.
  19. It describes the Cowboys and bandwagon fans like you to a tee. Deal with it.
  20. I'm not upset. Just keeping you in line. Like the meme? Here's another:
  21. Your trolling could use some work, too.
  22. No, it wasn't a great year. It was a failure. The Cowboys had the best record in the NFC (13-3). First round bye and home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. They had everything...... ......and they couldn't even win one playoff game. Nothing. One-and-done. Jerrah was Super Bowl or bust. That makes the season a failure. Just like your trolling is a failure. So try again.
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