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Everything posted by hail2skins

  1. What is Andy's role at the station going to be once the Super Bowl is over? Doesn't Sheehan perform the role Andy used to do on the Tony show? I guess they've given Andy a Saturday Redskins-centered show, but what else? I always thought Andy would be good paired with Loverro at noon and Sheehan would be good with Czaban in drive-time, but that was before the creation of the Drive.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised to see them hike parking to $50.
  3. TD, that is a big part of the problem. I can see hosts like Sheehan, Czaban (who actually plays adult hockey), and Galdi making it work. The others on both 980 and 106.7, I'm not so sure about. Which is a shame, because I would think "large breadth of sports knowledge" would/should be a prereq for a local radio sports talk show host.
  4. TD_w probably gives the best explanation of hockey's problem here. Ix, I know you and many others disagree, but the one way to solve the whole "ratings" thing would be for the hosts to throw open the phones for folks to call in and talk about what they want to talk about. But you claim, "callers are morons"..........but is someone like Czaban really any more insightful than the average caller? And I like Steve, but please. And yes, there should be room made for the beat reporters/announcers of the teams, but if you have to fill a 3-4 hour show, there's only so much time the beat reporters will take up. Obviously right now you're get a lot of time spent for people wanting to talk Skins. But it'd be interesting to see what folks would talk about once the Skins and NFL playoffs end. Another thing to consider is that folks like to talk about teams which are performing not up to par. There's very little you can seemingly find wrong with the Caps right now. If anything, I could see folks wanting to nitpick more about the Wizards and Hoyas.
  5. W's finally were worn down and lost tonight. Time to start a new streak I suppose.
  6. RIP Ken Beatrice, the original DC sports-caller. Passed away from pneumonia complications yesterday. Don't remember listening to him much in the day, but he was always polite to his audience.
  7. SGP, I'm not a hockey guy either, but don't mind listening to guests and callers talk about the Caps. Another problem with sports talk on this area is that there are too many hosts who only want to talk about the Skins. Which is fine during football season. But from February thru August, you gotta include a lot of other stuff.
  8. Guess it was because I grew up listening to sports talk in the Philly area in the early 80s, but I got used to the caller-driven shows and just felt those shows flowed more smoothly. Sure, you can get idiots who still think we should bench Cousins and start RG3 or some that just ramble, but many callers have good points of view and are no less valid than those of the hosts or even the guests within the sports that appear on the shows. Plus it would be entertaining to hear someone like Howard Eskin in Philly dispatch of morons. I listened to Czaban/Pollin for a long time in PM drive time and while I like the aforementioned podcast they've been doing weekly this season, the flow of their radio show would drive me crazy. They'd cover a topic for 10 minutes and then it'd be time for commercials/sports update and then move onto something else. Horrible.
  9. Last night: Wiz beat the Cavs, one of the best teams in the league, while the Lakers, one of the worst teams, lose to THE worst team in Philly. Tonight, the Wiz lose to the Lakers. How does this make sense?
  10. I think the Cowboys are at best 6-9 heading into the last game of the season against us: however, I predict they beat Carolina tomorrow.
  11. Cowboys remaining schedule: Carolina @Skins @Packers Jets @Bills Skins As much as Romo might make the difference in winning games versus the close losses they endured in his absence, running that table, or even going 5-1, is going to be a very tall order.
  12. Well, that's because the Cowboys can emerge as a playoff contender. There's only one NFL team for which paloffs are always now! I'm happy to be playing meaningful games in December, and as of now am still holding out hope for 10-6. However, I am somewhat old school in thinking that if a team doesn't have a winning record, my enthusiasm for that team's playoff-worthiness diminishes. So once the Skins hit loss number 8, I'll still be watching the games and cheering for us to win, but the playoffs will sort of just be gravy in my mind.
  13. If the Skins win three more they'd be 7-9. Barring an 0-6 or 1-5 finish, I think Gruden stays. He might not wind up being the answer, but so far this season has at the very least been an improvement over the past two. I don't want to keep a coach who will probably hover around .500 for time immemorial as Norv probably would've, but we can't continue the churn and burn of having a new coach every two years. Jay stays at least thru next season.
  14. Wonder what Mike and Mike's ratings were before "Man Cave" took its place on 980. This will seemingly leave Andy Pollin with no role (Bang weeps) other than the MMQB show, unless they decide to resurrect that show he was doing on 570.
  15. Do the Skins have the steam to make the paloffs? Time will tell, but in the meantime, we should all show a little positivity!
  16. CP was taking pics with fans in the club level before the game, and saw him walking on the owner's level as we took the escalator down after the game. We yelled to him and he waved. Different reaction than our standoffish owner when people called his name when he was walking in the same area once.
  17. Generally no issues with the club level, but if you buy tickets in the aisle on row 10 (seats 5-6 on one side, not sure what seats are corresponding on the other side) you might have to deal with looking at a metal railing and glass that goes up.
  18. T, I think a new stadium will get us one SB here in DC, but that's it. And its independent of size, IMO. Just think the league is going to largely stick with having the games in sports which are likely to be warmer in early February, like Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, and SoCal (especially if/when LA gets a team), with the northern places that build new stadiums getting their token one big game.
  19. I think they are listing FedEx at around 75K right now but I have no idea how they've come up with that number. From a high of 92K, they've ripped out a good 20K from the upper deck and more from the club level......the SRO section of the club is now tarped off. I think its more like 70K now, And Levis Stadium has a listed capacity of under 70K, and its hosting the SB this year. The new Minnesota stadium under construction is also under 70K and I believe has already been awarded a SB. Don't know whether these stadiums can expand to more capacity.
  20. Hopefully they're taking this into consideration when designing the new stadium. I'm thinking the new place should have 30K in the lower bowl, 10K tops in the club, and 20K tops in the upper deck.
  21. The largest six sections on each side of the field have 21 rows now, down from 29. At kickoff the top four rows in the outer most of those six sections looked empty, but filled in some as the game progressed.
  22. What the Skins are doing these days is giving the face value per season as $4100, $5200, or $6800 (depending on the zone) and then selling them for 40 percent off.....so the cheapest I've heard folks getting them for is $2400/season (plus tax, etc). Don't think you have to sign up for more than a year. Still, the Stubhub option blows that away.
  23. Menu for the all you can eat premium buffet on the club level this week includes chicken breast, ribs, a couple of salad options (tropical garden and pasta), a few sides (cole slaw, green beans, baked beans), corn bread, and cookies and brownies. The Redskins are asking $99 for this. I think they are on drugs in Ashburn.
  24. Should've told them that you'd pick up your club level tickets on the upper level like last year Can't wait to see how much success they have peddling that $99 club level buffet
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