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Everything posted by hail2skins

  1. Man, I really want to beat Dallas on Thursday and somehow take the division, which would likely mean a first-round bye and possible HFA throughout, depending on how Seattle finishes. But the thought that the Cowboys can merely go 3-3 and win the division UNLESS we win out is daunting and a serious reality check for our chances. I don't even know who is going to provide the competition for the WC slots. Will be hilarious if we play the Giants in week 17 with both teams squarely in the #5 and 6 seeds, and arguing about where we'd rather travel to face the NFC North or South division winner.
  2. Czabe says his national morning show will end: http://czabe.com/the-post/crap-seven-clear-the-line/
  3. Anybody else park in the orange H lot off of Morgan Blvd today? We got to the lot around 1130 and someone was directing us to an entrance towards the very back of the lot. We took the right in and noticed a line of cars appearing to see if they could pull up and turn into a closer row. Unfortunately, the rest of the rows along Morgan Blvd were all roped off keeping folks from entering, and as we were passing by, you can see tons of parking spots that, alas, you couldn't get to. I asked one of the attendants what was up and he says "we full." Uh no buddy, "we obviously are NOT full." They were making folks turn back around and head the other direction on Morgan Blvd. We were able to snag another attendant's attention and he stopped oncoming traffic and allowed us to make a left back into the lot. Still, seemed very silly, and on the way in asked other attendants the rhyme or reason, and nobody seemed to have a clue.
  4. Below is the link to what is mentioned above: https://www.gobankingrates.com/personal-finance/ranked-expensive-stadiums-nfl-fans-watch-football-game/?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=hpuc2&utm_campaign=mostleastexpensivenfl_0906 I'm always dubious about these studies because you don't know how current the info is or what they base the cost on. The average ticket price of $87 at FedEx even seems a bit low to me, especially since they've removed a lot of lower cost seats from the upper deck in recent years and also because of the "flex pricing" that makes the regular season games more. Of course, if they figure the SRO upper deck areas and 200 level OV areas into the equation, that could drive the average price down. Also, they have parking at $57.50. How do they arrive at that, since almost all of the spots at FedEx are $50? Do they average in the few $100 spots? And I've often seen it cited, including this study, that normal parking at AT&T Stadium is $75. Is that really true?
  5. Good to hear IX. I went to one of their pregame shows at a restaurant in the Tysons area 12 years ago (Gibbs first season back) and JP, EB, and Cakes did a good job of coming up to the tables of the people watching the show and chatting during breaks. Lurch was the only one who always hung back at the broadcast table, and its funny remembering how low key EB presented himself, in contrast to the drama queen persona he seems to amplify these days on the air. JP and Cakes also hung out and watched the first quarter of the game before leaving.
  6. Don't mean to derail the STH thread, but was looking at Stubhub today at some of the home games in October and November when the weather should be ideal and there are some good deals to be had if you're interested in treating yourself to the club level. Prices (including fees) are starting at $90 each for clubs for the Cleveland game and it appears like there's a decent amount in the low $100s for both Philly and Minnesota. Of course these prices may go up if the Skins get off to a hot start, but found it fairly surprising that prices for those games are that low 2-3 months before the game. Obviously, tickets for the other opponents are pricier.
  7. I think Pollin and Loverro would make a decent mid-day show. Then pair Bram with Czabe in afternoon drive.
  8. From a local perspective right now (early June), its pretty tough. Only major sport team currently playing is the Nats (and the Os), and they're doing well enough that there's not going to be a lot of discussion generated from the "what's wrong" perspective. Which leaves the NHL Finals (which the local hosts don't care about), the NBA Finals, and, perhaps for the next few days, memories of Muhammad Ali. I'd fully understand if talk show hosts were filling their entire show for the next week having guests and callers talking about Cavs-Warriors. Because that's pretty much it right now. The other day Czabe said something about "100 days until the NFL regular season" starts in terms for this time of the year always being a tough one for sports talk.
  9. Mr. Tony's show to end in late June.....he will start a podcast. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dc-sports-bog/wp/2016/06/02/tony-kornheiser-to-leave-d-c-radio-after-24-years-to-launch-podcast/?hpid=hp_local-news2_kornheiser727pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory
  10. If you want to sit in the club level, I doubt the Redskins will offer the seats below the $250 per game (per seat) price point. I would go the Stubhub route. Given the opponents coming into FedEx this season, clubs might not be as cheap as $100, but you should be able to buy them for significantly less than what the team will ask.
  11. Turtle, I agree with you that STHs should make as many games as possible, but I would think most of the people who are STHs that post on ES are relative diehards who probably do just that. And if they can't go, I'm sure a fair number try to utilize the classified section on the board, where you have a pretty decent chance (though not foolproof) of the buyer being a Skins fan. I'd be curious to hear how successful people generally have been of selling tickets they can't use via the classified forum. However, when you see opposing fans, I do think there are likely more seats in FedEx than you think that are bought by larger entities (non-individual). Those entities either give or sell tickets to employees, and they don't care who the person is a fan of. Also, for this season, three of the eight regular season home games are night games. Granted, STHs should know from history that we have tended to have a good amount of home night games. In the instances where an STH can't make those games, I think night games are fairly difficult to find someone to buy them (in comparison to Sunday afternoon games). Thus, someone trying to sell them is more likely to not be as choosy when selling.
  12. I'm intrigued by the Sheehan and Cooley show. Sheehan is going from a two-hour show with Loverro to a four-hour show with Cooley. Be curious to see how it does ratings-wise against the Junkies.......I just hope that it maintains a sports-centered content instead of going all over the place like the Junks.
  13. As someone else posted, it seems like a waste to just have Galdi on from 5-7 am. This is how I would've arranged the lineup: 6-10 am: Galdi and Cooley 10-12: Tony 12-2: Loverro and Pollin could discuss DC sports and boxing from the 1970s 2-4: Jackson, Mitchell, and Doc 4-7: Sheehan and Czaban 7-10: whatever new show is being proposed However, no matter what lineup there is, it won't mater, as many of the personalities still won't go outside their comfort zones and will still be devoting countless hours to the Redskins in early June, even if the Caps are in the Cup Finals
  14. I remember after the Pats-Seahawks SB that Andy was doing his "first caller guesses the birthdays" spiel on his morning show and the caller didn't really care about guessing the ages, which annoyed Andy. Then the caller went into how Pete Carroll was a racist because he didn't give Marshawn the ball, which sent Pollin further into a tizzy. Too funny! It'll be interesting to see what Andy and Czabe focus on when the show comes back on. Hopefully the Caps will still be in the midst of a playoff run. Will they devote much time to it? We'll see.
  15. Bang must be totally bummed that "Squeaky" Loverro is out! I like the idea of Sheehan getting a shot at morning drive.
  16. This is somewhat off-topic, but recently the DC Sports Bog had an entry indicating the Caps are raising ticket prices for the eighth time in nine seasons. I saw a friend of mine who has season tickets down low and told me that his prices are going up from $130 per game to $165 per game. Over a 41 game season, that's almost a $3000 increase for two seats. Granted, I'm not sure how much other NHL teams have raised their prices. And folks will say "oh, the Caps always make the playoffs"......but 16 teams make the playoffs in hockey. And yes, they are having perhaps their best season yet, which hopefully will result in at least a Finals appearance, if not winning the Cup. And their owner certainly seems to have a sunnier disposition than Dan Snyder. However, it just seems from a "gouging the fans" standpoint, that Ted Leonsis gets somewhat of a free pass in this town.
  17. Whichever way you slice it, ticket prices will have remained the same for four straight seasons (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). I'm not the biggest fan of the Skins PR machine, but don't know how else you want them to say it (if you think they have to mention it at all).
  18. That's how the Pats did it, but S&S is correct that Bruce's letter said it'll be two-tier, with the preseason games being less and the difference being made up in the regular season games. We'll have to wait until after the schedule comes out to see how it shakes out.
  19. If the Skins followed the model of the Patriots that I linked above, here's how it would shake out for this season: The face value of the two preseason games will be half of what you paid this season The face value of four of the regular season games ("premium games") will be the same as what you paid this season The face value of the remaining four regular season games ("marquee games") will be about 25 pct more that what you paid this season. In other words, if you had a $130 seat, that seat will be $65 for the two preseason games, $130 for four of the regular season games, and about $162.50 for the other games. The higher-priced games this season, if I were to guess, would be the three divisional games and the Steelers game. Although Green Bay and Carolina are also coming in, so it'll be interesting to see how the tiering shakes out.
  20. This is how the Patriots broke it down when they adopted variable pricing in 2014. Basically broken down into three tiers: two preseason games, four premier games, and four marquee games. IIRC, last season their opening game against the Steelers had its own "ultra-marquee" face-value price. http://www.patriots.com/news/2014/01/31/patriots-introduce-variable-pricing-2014-season-tickets
  21. Skins, like a good number of other teams, will have "variable pricing" starting this season, meaning the face value of the preseason games will be lower, but the face value of some regular season games will be more. The entire STH package cost will be the same. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dc-sports-bog/wp/2016/02/13/washington-redskins-announced-introduction-of-variable-pricing/
  22. Just a question for those who are more knowledgeable about the finances of the NFL: With the TV contracts becoming more and more lucrative for the league, how much of the TV money goes into funding players and coaches salaries, etc? In other words, is there any reason for any team NOT to spend up to the salary cap? Granted, all of the owners still want to maximize profits (see the Rams owner moving to LA), but was under the impression that stadium attendance and parking revenue were probably less important in funding a team's operations than they used to be. Is this correct?
  23. $400, or $40 per game. I know everything goes up in price, but remember $10 parking when FedEx opened in '97?
  24. I'm assuming you're able to see if any prices (tickets or parking) went up?
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