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President John F. Kennedy's 100th Birthday


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I remember him so well, how inspiring he was. A multimillionaire, he and his family strove to relieve the human condition of poverty, inequality, and prejudice. He was dedicated to education, science, and the advancement of technology as mechanisms to achieve greatness for human beings.


I still have all of the copies of The Washington Post from the week he was killed through his burial. One of the places I will visit, aside from my own mother's grave, is his grave at Arlington Cemetery.


When I think of who is president now, and looking back at President Kennedy, it's hard to believe that we have fallen so far from our country's ideals embodied by Kennedy.


I'd like this thread to reflect on President Kennedy, and what he means to us.


Below is an article with an embedded remembrance by Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and her children, for inspiration.




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He was a very big deal to me, my family (mainly Catholic--Jesuit even), and a whole lot of Americans obviously. Part of a very deep and significant family legacy that looks like it will go on for quite some time. These days we say things about some famous people like "a very flawed man/woman, but...." and then follows a list of praiseworthy traits and deeds, often writ on a very large or even historic scale.


And I think of how many of us could be rightfully considered "deeply flawed",  too,  and don't have similarly inspiring lists of such scope following our "but."


Helps me focus on the praiseworthy aspects and accept the flaws with such people.

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JFK must be spinning like a turbine in his grave right now.  The buster in white house is a complete embarrassment.  i am not sure what going on with the white people in the mid west and down south. Big business has nothing to do with you.  GoP, more like complete bs. Reagan is a patron saint,  he's the role model? Supply side economics is good for the people.  White people need to get over themselves so things like Trump never happen again.  Soon we won;t have anything to fight for.  If the stock market was not looking so god there would be more up roar.  Russian collusion?  IS that what JFK got set up for?  Oh yeah I think he was set up.  One bullet hitting two people four times, interesting.  They didn't like JFK in Dallas, seems like he was to friendly to black people.  Seems like this country will never learn. JFK was like Biggie Smalls in LA.  This is your country, but you are far from home.  They will kill you to maintain their position. Night night. 

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I saw the thread title and I was coming in, morning coffee inside me, to write on what a good, great man he was aside from his human flaws and how well respected and thought of he still is this side of the Atlantic. 


But then I read the first few posts. This was my first mistake!


My second, as was ever thus, was letting @Jumbo enter my fertile imagination once more!


I am now perpetually lost in a vision of 'boobies.' But not just 'boobies.' But 'boobimiles.' Miles of boobies! Let me say that again. 'MILES of BOOBIES!' Boobies as far as the eye can see! (Be still my beating ...... heart.). 


If utopia exists, I believe this to be its zenith! My head has literally fallen off trying to comprehend such wonders!


But then if he were still alive, I'm sure Jack's would too. 


Happy Birthday, Mr Presdient. One of history's great men. But we're men. We have our flaws. Shrugs. 



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