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About MisterPinstripe

  • Birthday 03/31/1987

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Sean Taylor - Darrell Green
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  • Location
    Winchester VA
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  • Interests
    Board games, football, beer

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  1. I think he is saying you don't know where players on the defense are going to be. Like dropping marbles, they could end up anywhere.
  2. I mean, this is a message board so perhaps he does mean a permanent post...
  3. I'm relieved he didn't play more, he almost cost us the number 2 pick. Jerk.
  4. Being able to have a lot more reps in Vr versus just reading the playbook and imagining your reps has got to be a big help just with getting the playbook down. Could see if being very beneficial just for rookies in general if they could run through plays.
  5. I've been wanting Maye this whole time, but at this point I just want it over with whomever it is. Plus I don't know what I'm talking about. I need to know who's youtube highlights I'm going to binge.
  6. Yeah, can you believe they think they can get a top 2 QB without having to go through the agony of a crap season? The arrogance.
  7. Yeah it's funny. If the team picking high already had a QB then sure you can trade. But you have 3 teams at the top all needing a QB in a great QB draft. Why the heck does anyone think they can trade up because they need one. Good luck, just like you can't trade back without a willing party, can't trade up just cause you want to.
  8. The most important event to ever happen. Forever grateful and humbled.
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