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  1. i don't know if this has already been shown here (and i know it is behind a pay-wall, sorry)..... but the Economist predictive model yesterday gave Trump a two-thirds chance of winning the election: https://www.economist.com/interactive/us-2024-election/prediction-model/president (behind a paywall, i believe)
  2. @The Sisko is The Man now..... snitches get stiches (and... i got nothing for you, sorry!)
  3. ... all the best people https://www.espn.com/boxing/story/_/id/40309457/ryan-garcia-arrested-alleged-damages-hotel-beverly-hills
  4. this sort of trash hasn't hurt the GOP nearly enough. they have strongly supported this sort of statement since, well, for-ever... 50-60-ish years ago the GOP consciously adopted the southern strategy and wrenched southern supporters from the Democrats by actively and strongly supported this sort of rhetoric against racial minorities... slowly transitioning over time to "strongly tolerating it within their ranks while trying to discretely wink at both sides of the issue so that they could simultaneously try not alienate an absolutely vital core voting block (unrepentant racists) and pretend to try to court other important voting blocks (everyone else)..." now the GOP is about 10 years into that same curve for gay people.... still closer to "strongly supporting..." anti gay rhetoric and not yet moved forward-to "strongly-tolerating..." but again... it hasn't hurt the GOP all that much at the voting booths, which is a continuing burning indictment of our society.
  5. that is simply not true. according to economist/yougov https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/trackers/donald-trump-favorability the oompahloompah has roughly 50% approval amongst men (of all races) and amongst white people (of both sexes) but 60% unfavorable versus 38% favorable amongst women. This particular graphic doesn't have multiple toggles.... but women are the only thing keeping the felon's approval rate down to 50% amongst white people. and non-white people are the only thing keeping the dipwad's approval down to 50% amongst men. if this election was taking place back in the early 20th century when only white people were allowed to vote (effectively) and only men were allowed to vote (by law!) then Trump would be running away with this election. turdmuffin's favorability amongst women: turdmuffin's favorability amongst men: turdmuffin's favorability amongst white people:
  6. uhm... i believe she is both of those groups. and (correct me if i am wrong) compartmentalizing and highlighting which portion of her self she feels has been more denigrated on a regular basis in her day to day life.
  7. i'm not trying to establish a marketing campaign... i'm talking about what talks to ME. i am not saying what work for me is the path to success.... i still get the print-edition of the Washington Post and the Economist delivered to my door. As far as i know, they deliver it with a horse-drawn western-union carriage. the one-liners, ownage, shouting, cuck-baiting.... all of that **** is just **** to ME
  8. trump is a self-sufficient billionaire spending from his own deep pockets? every dollar the turd has is pried from stupid MAGA hands. every single one. he is just better at milking the dolts than his fellow crooks.
  9. here is a kind-of example.... i can't stand titles like "MAGA lunatic triggered and P'OWNED!!!! MUST SEE!!!!!!" even if i would like the content, i just never click on that sort of thing. but give me a nerdy accountant looking John Oliver with a pompous highfalutin title.....??? i'm all over it like a pothead on a grilled cheese sandwich
  10. have you ever gone to the shore (or next to the whitehouse) and noticed that the groovy T-shirt stands have all sorts of "lets go Brandon", Trump=Jesus" and "Joe and the hoe must go" shirts next to the "best MILF on the beach" shirts... but there are zero pro-Biden or anti-Trump shirts? (and i mean ZERO) does this mean nobody on the Maryland Shore (or in Washington DC) supports Biden over Trump?... or does it mean that Biden supporters tend to turn their noses up and those sort of stands (and Trump supporters that LOVE those sort of stands might go to the next one if there is a single shirt that doesn't grovel at the feet of the Great Impotent Cheeto ?) The counter point is ...there were TONS of those Andy-Warhol-looking "HOPE" shirts for Obama-- when dems were really REALLY enthusiastic. (and oh my did the knuckle-draggers hate THOSE shirts!). There are millions of MAGAts out there that would literally **** on their neighbor or storm the capitol for the pompadoured ****tail weenie, and zero that would do the same for Biden. But those millions only get one vote no matter how rabid they get.... and they are WAY FEWER than half of the country. (and they are probably outnumbered by people that would vote Carrot-Top for president before the would vote for the other orange moron) there are both different markets AND different levels of rabidity of support.... when it comes to figuring out how uninterested-middle-of-the-road-Styrofoam-box-encased-'undecideds" might vote.... its hard to disentangle the enthusiasm from the contempt.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HFStival i went to 90, 91, and 93 before i moved to california..... then i THINK i went to either/or/both 94 95?? when i was back in town for internships i lost my shirt.......... and my wallet..... and one shoe........ and my wedding band ...... to the turf of RFK in 93. good times I figure part of my spirit remains imbued there
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