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    Darrel Green
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    Where the Constitution grants rights to pregnant pigs, and denies them to homosexual humans
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  1. Well, I guess he IS giving us the ability to determine "Is a good chunk of America simply committed to everything that is bad for America, or do they just love it when Trump does it?"
  2. So, your point is "Yeah, they were around even before dinosaurs, but they don't count"?
  3. I like to tell people that Disney's Animal Kingdom has real live dinosaurs.
  4. Yeah. The GOP became an outright existential threat to democracy itself, and an express disseminator of soviet propaganda, because Hillary . . . pointed out that they were headed that way.
  5. While I think we would all prefer it if people never felt like they needed to do this, I feel like society would be better if there was a backup plan.
  6. Or the complaint could be that this law has applied through two administration's, and the existing law bans a function, not a specific technique for achieving it, and SCOTUS decided to ban the rule by invoking the legal principal of "laws do not apply to any new invention unless a new law is passed." Teslas were not invented when the speed limit laws were passed. But I'm pretty sure speed limits apply to them anyway.
  7. Yeah. He's an asshole. But people shouldn't be running to the manager to report an employee for asshole, on his time off. Heck, I want ES' mods to keep their jobs. (Yes, that's a joke.)
  8. Have to say? Part of me does not want us to go down the road of Americans trying to get other Americans fired for expressing an unpopular political opinion. Speaking, for example, as someone who supports inclusion for groups such as Trans. Including the rights for Trans to "reveal themselves" (reveal their existance) to children. A political opinion that I'm certain a lot of Karen's will choose to get triggered over. Now, I can see the argument that this guy may have crossed a line, when he advocated for a (very low version of) terrorism, against somebody else's freedom of speech. But I think he's at least close to the line.
  9. Think I can copyright the phrase "anchor spouses" in time?
  10. Does explain why the Republicans keep doing things that they know will cost them votes. I vote Dem, and I approve of this message.
  11. Or at least, that's the load that you're trying to shovel, as hard as you can.
  12. Am I wrong, or is it an undisputed fact that the device's sole purpose is to allow firing of multiple shots with a single trigger pull, by using the energy of the weapon's recoil?
  13. I think they should let him promote new scams business ventures. And seize the money.
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