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It's June 17 - What Gives on Sam Adams?


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Anyone getting a recognizable pattern out of the tea leaves on Sam Adams? We've been lead to believe that the Skins are leading contenders, that Marvin Lewis doesn't think he's the man, that Santana Dotson would be an adequate fill in...

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Sam Adams is less than thrilled at what the market seems to be willing to bear for him. Sam Adams is fat. Fat guys who don't feel they are being offered enough money could find small consolation in not having to report on time for camp...just a theory

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The important words, there, are "overpay". There is a number, where he becomes a good deal. And his number (I assume) is approaching our number.

(Hopefully, he's also noticed the lack of interest he's getting, and he's working out).

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The way Adams is being handled really makes me happy with having Mendes in charge of personnel moves. Two years ago, Synder would have been tempted to meet the $8 mil bonus demand at the start of free-agency, simply to wrap up a fantasy worthy Defense. Clearly, Mendes has some restraint, and it's saving us millions at every turn.

Mendes was alwasy a cap guru, but beyond being able to develop creative ways to stuff more salary into one year's cap, he's also convinced the powers that be (i.e., Synder) to buy off on his long-term.

Sadly, it's hard to measure how valuable a good GM is, because often the best decision, involves passing on a free agent, or not resigning (or cutting) one of your existing players. But from what I've seen, the best GM's are the ones that don't make a splash ... the best ones are the ones who come draft time:

- have all their picks,

- have cap room to lock up their nucleous,

- don't have to take the hatchette to their roster,

- and have the luxury of drafting for value rather than need.

I think Mendes will turn out to be great, so long as Cerrato and Lewis continue to make cogent player/pre-draft evaluations!

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Don't read too much into the Raiders and Broncos signing Adams. Both have already spent money on DT's this offseason and both are pretty strapped for cash. To sign Adams(especially at the price he would like) it would probably mean they would have to cut someone to make room.

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I think everyone has made some good points here. I want Adams as much as the next guy if we get him at a cap friendly price. I see the problem being the longer we wait the more out of shape the guy gets. So even if we get him cheaper later, will he be worth it if he is 20-50lbs over his playing weight. Which by the way is already overweight. How do you weigh a guy that big?? Do you put him in the back of a pickup truck and drive him on a truck scale get the weight then unload him and weigh the truck again, the difference is adams?:laugh:

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OPM< I want a stud DT. I think that is the one missing piece to the redskin puzzle right now. Sure we can rotate the guys we have now, but how much better will we be with beer man. And I want Adams in training camp on time and at his playing weight. And I don't want to take a huge cap hit for him. I think he is worth a 4 mill prorated signing bonus and a 3 yr deal worth less then 2 mil a season. He would be worth every penny if he is in shape. He doesn't have to be in camp on time to learn the system. He already knows that. He needs to get back into shape.

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I was trying to be funny :)

On a more serious note:

I think a $3 Million bonus pro-rated over a 5 year contract, minimum in first year, about a 1M year 2, about 1.5M year 3 and either a roster bonus in year 4 or balloon salaries in years 4 and 5.

That would be very cap-friendly over the first 3 years. If he works well, at year 3 or 4 we can renegotiate (we at least would have his rights). We can cut him at that time with very littled cap damage (3/5 pro-rated) and maybe able to choose to cut him early (1.2M in dead money imediately in '05) or after June 1 (600K in dead money for '05 and '06) and the bonus is small enough that we can cut him if he stinks it up.

Only advantage for him would be a large future payday when he'd be cut or renegotiated. He'd be 32 and could still get another 1-2M bonus. We could also throw in incentives and such if needed.

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Originally posted by The Evil Genius

Funny how most of us went from Sam Adams is a dominant run stuffing DT who would be a good pick up to Sam Adams is a fat DT with weight issues (not picking on you Navy Dave!). [/b]

Now I know how philly fans feel. I would have to say that the big butt plug won't sign a deal until at least half of training camp is over.

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