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We're going to the Superbowl. You know why? We have a team again.

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Hey, the more positivity, the better.

I live in Philadelphia, and I'm getting sick and tired of being laughed at by these Eagle idiots. They quickly forget that all of 12-15 years ago it was the other way around. And it was because of Gibbs.

Gibbs is back, I trust in what he is doing, and I don't care what the national media is saying anymore, I trust the stuff that comes off this website more than some of the stuff that comes out of Wilbon and TK's mouth anyway.

While, I'll believe a playoff run when I see it (I am still not sold on Ramsey being "the guy"), this optomism is alot better than hearing about how the Eagles "own the division for years to come."

I'm sure Gibbs and Co. have a thing or two to say about that.

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Originally posted by RypienBoyhoodHero

Hey, the more positivity, the better.

I live in Philadelphia, and I'm getting sick and tired of being laughed at by these Eagle idiots. They quickly forget that all of 12-15 years ago it was the other way around. And it was because of Gibbs.

There is one easy way to get Eagle fans to shut their mouths. Simply say the word ZERO. If needed, explain that word's relevance to the number of super bowl trophies the Eagles have won. Until the Eagles win a SB, their words will hold no weight with me.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

So is syphilis.

And if it goes untreated, in 40 years, you'll be a mindless fool unable to manage your own saliva :)

But on the brightside, we'll no doubt have another SB win or two under our belts by then! :laugh:

I'll gladly trade my control of my drool for a few Superbowl wins.

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He points out the defense and special teams as upgrading even more and the offense picked up some good additions, improvement all around. Superbowl? would love it, possibility slim,

but...skoot over and let me in on the bandwagon.

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Great post. I am happy to see that their is some optomism on this board again. I am with you, I feel like the Skins will be back this year, I still believe that we are a couple of years away from a Superbowl. I will be surprised if we don't make the playoffs this year.

Thanks for the uplifting post.

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Originally posted by KingdomBankcard

Joe Gibbs has totally changed the culture of the Washington Redskins. G

one are the days of laughing, joking, talking on your cell phone to find out where that party is, waiting to get your bling-bling out of the secured jewelry locker.

It’s different now, the players are no longer collecting paychecks and spending them.

Don't forget to send Portis the memo.

No more bling.


No more prima donas or players who "collect paychecks and spend them."


No more parties.


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The point about the line wasn't the jewelry, it was the priorities and attitude after getting your butt handed to you by the Dallas Cowgirls, not twenty minutes after the game. I would personally like to see, depression, anger, dissapointment those type of things

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Portis is guy who gets real pissed off when they don't play well or lose. Did you see him throw his helmet on the sidelines last year I think it was the second to last home game of the season, he threw twenty yards, I don't if the TV picked it up or not.

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Outstanding post. I would agree that Gibbs is trying to get the team concept back that has been gone for so many years.

You also brought up the fact Gibbs loves tough guys. He has seen us get beat by punk teams like Dallas and Philly, and the team was in need of an attitude adjustment.

As for the doing commercials that others have brought up, even Dave Butz used to do commercials sitting on the heat pump.

Does anybody have the Eastern Motors commercial? It makes me laught every time I see it.


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All of the championship teams, in every sport have the same thing in common. The put team before themselves. As Tom Brady said last month about his contract negociation, "everyone hear knows they have to sacrifice, for the better of the team."

Eleven, five, nine it doesn't matter, if they play as one they will destroy a bunch of superstars.

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Sorry boyz, i realize that there is a huge possitive vibe goin on here and we are all feeling real good about the post however, i am going to play devils advocate here.

First of all, I don't really believe much about what ya say Kindom. The stuff that you have claimed to have witnessed could have been done so from the bench as a fan watching the game.

And I know that you are not comparing the redskins to the Patriots. I hate the Patriots but there is no team in football right now that is comparable to that organizations concept of the word team.

And how could all of a sudden everyone on our team have a singular mindedness in this team concept in just three days of voluntary practices. Lavar is pissed about his contract, and its obvious that he is not going to be a Redskins after 2006. Taylor played a great rookie season and already he is pissed about his contract and wants a new contract. Moss just got a mirror contract to what Derrick Mason got and we all know that he is no Derrick Mason.

I love Joe Gibbs and I would follow the guy to hell if he said do it. But You are all going to have to realize that the Superbowl is at least two to three years away. Its going to take that long for our QB's to grasp the offense.

Our offense was horrible last year. You take the aquasitions that we had this offseason and take Jansen into account and i think that we are going to be better. But Superbowl. Come on guys, I will be happy if we beat Dallas let alone going to the playoffs.

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Settle down. I was just poking a little fun at the supposed cultural revolution in Washington, that now includes, among other things, investing wisely in munipal bonds rather than collecting your paycheck and promptly purchasing a diamond encrusted chalice from Jacob the Jeweler.

Take Coles for example. He didn't embrace Gibbs' view of "team," yet he neither clowned around nor strapped on iced out accoutrements befitting a hip hop impresario.

The thread paints out a warm fuzzy picture but, in places, the artist used a roller, rather than fine-tipped brush. Being a team player doesn't necessarily mean you can't act the fool when appropriate, or at a minimum, take advantage of some of the finer things that celebrity status and wealth have to offer.


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