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We're going to the Superbowl. You know why? We have a team again.

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I faxed Tarhog my press credentials you can check with him, now with that taken care.

I walked out of the stadium with Ramsey, after the vikes game. He told me that he felt better physcially than he had in two years and was totally pumped up about next. This is and hour and half after beating the vikes.

In all fairness to Ramsey, he came in as a rookie, learned a stupid offense. Did you know we didn't have a hot read until Jackson started calling the plays? Dallas figured it out and blitzed us the fourth or fifth game of the season and everyone else saw it we were done. We never even had a fricken game plan. No match up game plan. Everything was if the defense does this we will do that, all presnap. No adjustments after the snap. It was stupid.

Ramsey had spend the offseason last year walking in a boot and unlearning this moronic offense that he worked his tail off learning for two years. Before he could learn a new offense. He undestood at the end of last year, Gibbs is looking for him to make it second nature, can he? Yes he can. He will and you will see a lot better QB play this season. Not that it would be difficult to improve on last years QB play.

Ramsey is pumped up, and physically for the first since becoming a pro isn't hurt. this as we all know is very smart kid, he's now had a entire half a season and offseason to become more proficent at this offense. He will get twice as many snaps in practice and preseason as last year. Is he the future for the next five years it doesn't matter. He'll be a lot better than last year.

So will the rest of the team. Guys one more touch down a game and were what 12 and 4 last year.

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So will the rest of the team. Guys one more touch down a game and were what 12 and 4 last year.

Speaking of sound clips, that sounds like one right there. One more touchdown and we might be 12 and 4. Notice that it doesn't matter how we get that touchdown. It should have been the defense because that was the only reason why we lost all of those games by one TD. Had nothin to do with our offense being great.

Sorry if I offended ya Kingdom but I hate it when Redskins fans go into games all pumped up talkin Superbowl. The reason why i hate it so much is you hear the same people on Monday wondering why we always lose to Dallas. Well if you look think about it, its easy to see.

We are going to get better. And personally I think that it might actually get worse before it gets any better. But make no mistake, it will get better.:point2sky

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Originally posted by timitim

Speaking of sound clips, that sounds like one right there. One more touchdown and we might be 12 and 4. Notice that it doesn't matter how we get that touchdown. It should have been the defense because that was the only reason why we lost all of those games by one TD. Had nothin to do with our offense being great.

Sorry if I offended ya Kingdom but I hate it when Redskins fans go into games all pumped up talkin Superbowl. The reason why i hate it so much is you hear the same people on Monday wondering why we always lose to Dallas. Well if you look think about it, its easy to see.

We are going to get better. And personally I think that it might actually get worse before it gets any better. But make no mistake, it will get better.:point2sky

I don't think it can get any worse .. oh wait...I forgot about Arizona

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Our offense was worse than bad last year, it was disfunctional. It was an embarrassment to pro football. For the first six games it like a three stooges show.

It will be alteast 8-12 times better in the most important catagories. Time of possesions, redzone effeciency, and most important turnovers.

Remember it's not that difficult to improve on last years offensive performance. Like Blanche said right before the draft when asked what he wanted out of the offseason aquisistions, "Points."

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I you seen the NFL networks special on Andy Reid then you might have heard him talk about just how long it takes for a quarterback to grasp an offense. Two years if he is a fast learner but three maybe four.

Ramsey is in the second season of this offense. His experience in new offenses is not a good one in the NFL. All this kid needs is a little confidence. A few consecutive passes in a row can do alot for a QB.

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Originally posted by timitim

Sorry if I offended ya Kingdom but I hate it when Redskins fans go into games all pumped up talkin Superbowl. The reason why i hate it so much is you hear the same people on Monday wondering why we always lose to Dallas. Well if you look think about it, its easy to see.

We are going to get better. And personally I think that it might actually get worse before it gets any better. But make no mistake, it will get better.:point2sky

Riding the fence like an Arizona Cardinals or LA Clippers fan. :puke: Lets all go into every week from now on expecting to lose by 3 TD's and then act totally surprised when Joe Gibbs has a winning team. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by timitim

Sorry boyz, i realize that there is a huge possitive vibe goin on here and we are all feeling real good about the post however, i am going to play devils advocate here.

Enough said. I did not read a word after that last sentence.

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I know we will be a much better team this year.

I saw it in Gibbs face during the last game of last season.

Earlier in 2004, Bugel made a comment about Gibbs being "back" at some point during the middle of the off-season. I think that was premature. Gibbs needed a season to shake off his own rust and dust. But the look on Gibbs face during that last game gave me goose-bumps. He was back.

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