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EA NCAA Football 2006 has new coverboy

Dead Money

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Originally posted by BruinSkin

Wait, are people serious? They didn't know what the Heisman pose was? Wow.

My friends call ugly girls Heisman(s) because when they get near them, they do that pose to their face.

now that is funny, I may have to start using that:laugh:

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I was ssaying that in highschool... um carry the 5... um 17 years ago..

"Did you guys hook up?"

"Nah I gave her the heisman"

It was generally used in regards to a group of girls who partied a lot who we called "the linebackers" :doh: the good 'ol days.

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Originally posted by ryerye05

Redskin great charley taylor told me that desmond howard was the dumbest player he had ever been around including his playing and coaching days

I'm not surprised. I remember reading once that the first week of camp a number of the vets were saying off the record that Howard didn't belong in the NFL.

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I guess no one wanted the Cover Jinx.

EA and ESPN did not "merge". Visual Concepts was the developer of the ESPN Sega 2k series. They have not merged with EA.

What happened was EA bought the EXCLUSIVE rights to the NFL and NFLPA as well as the rights to use the ESPN branding.

Therefore no one else can use the NFL team names, logos or player names in their football games. So basically there won't be a NFL 2K6. They can make a 2K6 but it cannot have any reference to the NFL or ESPN. So that makes it a tough sell. I really hate that the NFL allowed EA to buy the exclusive rights. I much preferred the 2K series over Madden. It also doesn't give EA much incentive to improve their product since it will be the only NFL game in town. No Sony or Microsoft NFL games either (not that many will care).

Things that don't have competition tend to get stagnant.

By the way, Sega has sold the 2k series (football, baseball, basketball, hockey) to Take2 Sports.

If Take2 wants to make a 2K6 football game using the city names and editable team and player names I'd buy it. It's a good football engine.


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Originally posted by MCnDaHouse

I guess no one wanted the Cover Jinx.

EA and ESPN did not "merge". Visual Concepts was the developer of the ESPN Sega 2k series. They have not merged with EA.

What happened was EA bought the EXCLUSIVE rights to the NFL and NFLPA as well as the rights to use the ESPN branding.

Therefore no one else can use the NFL team names, logos or player names in their football games. So basically there won't be a NFL 2K6. They can make a 2K6 but it cannot have any reference to the NFL or ESPN. So that makes it a tough sell. I really hate that the NFL allowed EA to buy the exclusive rights. I much preferred the 2K series over Madden. It also doesn't give EA much incentive to improve their product since it will be the only NFL game in town. No Sony or Microsoft NFL games either (not that many will care).

Things that don't have competition tend to get stagnant.

By the way, Sega has sold the 2k series (football, baseball, basketball, hockey) to Take2 Sports.

If Take2 wants to make a 2K6 football game using the city names and editable team and player names I'd buy it. It's a good football engine.


You are right with the EA + ESPN deal although that does not take effect this year it will be the next football season you start to see direct ESPN influence in the game.

I have read places that the NFL was actually looking for an exclusive rights partner and Sega was looking to purchase the rights as well but were outbid by EA...i will try and find some info on this.

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"It would, in fact, be the NFL's fault should that come to pass. Despite conspiracy theories that have sprouted up on various message boards, the league put out a call for bids this spring for the exclusive license. Among those bidders was Take Two."

So the idea that EA wanted the license is true but the NFL asked for bids, EA just won that bidding war.

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Originally posted by MCnDaHouse

I place no blame on EA. It was strictly a business decision. I hate that the NFL decided to do it that way.

On a side note, I believe TakeTwo has exclusive rights to Major League Baseball beginning in 2006.


Yes & No. The deal they signed is exclusive to 3rd party games i think, but console manufactuerers can still prduce baseball games...so Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo can still create games.

I understand this one, although with Madden (i am a madden guy) and 2k there was good competition...neck and neck....

but IMO in baseball MVP is strides above the rest....although i hate to see it in both, because while im sure EA will still upgrade thier games, they might not upgrade them with the same need that they would have previously.:2cents:

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