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Who Will Start QB Come Week 8???


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Midway through the season, who will be the starting quarterback?

This is a serious question that deserves serious thought.

At first glance, Ramsey is the quarterback of the year. However, given Gibbs' recent history with Brunell and the first round pick of Campbell, the question could have several viable answers.

Although I am personally biased toward Jason Campbell, I respect the decision to put Ramsey there should he earn the spot. However, is this what we expect from a Washington Redskin quarterback?:


I am confident that this year will bring glory back to the best franchise in the history of the NFL. But who will be leading it?

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Any else but Ramsey would not be a promising situatiion for the Skins. Either he's injured or doing extremely bad (0-8) for Gibbs to replace him. I'll say with confidence that Ramseyt will be our QB throughout the year based on our starting O-Line. We will be in the Playoffs this year.

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What is up with everybody so opposed to JC? I mean, hear the guy out:

"It will be an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to be playing for a legendary coach, like coach (Joe) Gibbs," Campbell said. "To have the opportunity to play under him and participate in this organization is tremendous. It's going to be an Auburn family reunion in Washington with Carlos and (former Auburn linebacker) Marcus Washington."

Is that not far cry from Patrick Ramsey's holdout during his rookie year? Ole' P-Diddy Ramsey holding out because he wants to be "Dollar McBaller", or was he just too busy NOT attending training camp?

Give JC a chance to perform. We're all Redskins now, including JC and Ramsey, so let's hope for the best man to lead our team- which I believe is Jason Campbell.

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Originally posted by tedskins334

What is up with everybody so opposed to JC? I mean, hear the guy out:

"It will be an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to be playing for a legendary coach, like coach (Joe) Gibbs," Campbell said. "To have the opportunity to play under him and participate in this organization is tremendous. It's going to be an Auburn family reunion in Washington with Carlos and (former Auburn linebacker) Marcus Washington."

Is that not far cry from Patrick Ramsey's holdout during his rookie year? Ole' P-Diddy Ramsey holding out because he wants to be "Dollar McBaller", or was he just too busy NOT attending training camp?

Give JC a chance to perform. We're all Redskins now, including JC and Ramsey, so let's hope for the best man to lead our team- which I believe is Jason Campbell.

If you want to throw this season away, put Campbell in. That's not a knock on him at all, it's the facts as far as rookie QBs are concerned. We didn't draft anyone with the last name Manning, so there isn't any pressure to bring him in early. Roethlisberger only came in because Maddox got hurt and was playing in an extremely quarterback friendly situation. He was so flustered his first few games Hines Ward had to call some of the plays. That would not fly on a Joe Gibbs team. Campbell needs time both to learn the system and the complexities of NFL defenses. He may be a great quarterback someday, but this is not his year.

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Originally posted by tedskins334

What is up with everybody so opposed to JC? I mean, hear the guy out:

"It will be an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to be playing for a legendary coach, like coach (Joe) Gibbs," Campbell said. "To have the opportunity to play under him and participate in this organization is tremendous. It's going to be an Auburn family reunion in Washington with Carlos and (former Auburn linebacker) Marcus Washington."

Is that not far cry from Patrick Ramsey's holdout during his rookie year? Ole' P-Diddy Ramsey holding out because he wants to be "Dollar McBaller", or was he just too busy NOT attending training camp?

Give JC a chance to perform. We're all Redskins now, including JC and Ramsey, so let's hope for the best man to lead our team- which I believe is Jason Campbell.

Um, was Gibbs the coach Ramsey's rookie year??...It's kinda hard to say something like "It will be an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to be playing for a legendary NFL coach" when your coach is fresh out of the college ranks. And at least give Campbell a chance to hold out before you declare him the Mother Teresa of football...lol...

As for your question, like practically every other poster on this thread, I think Ramsey will begin and end the season, barring some sort of injury.

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Your response is appreciated and well thought out. I also understand exactly where you are coming from; I do think that Campbell needs time to develop as a quarterback- one could look at what he did in Auburn, with four years to make him the best quarterback in the country.

However, my point of contention is about Ramsey and the perceived negativity on forums like this and throughout the Redskin community regarding Campbell (and choosing Rogers over MW as well). It seems that people are picking sides in the quarterback controversy, if we have one, as opposed to choosing the Redskins first and foremost. (On a side note, I believe it is this same negativity that denied Auburn a chance in the Orange Bowl, but that is a separate matter)

My main point is as follows:

What has Ramsey done to warrant all of this loyalty?

-Held out on the Redskins, delaying training camp so that he could pull in some more 'big bucks'

-Had an abysmal rookie year, followed by a still subpar sophomore year, only to be followed by an atrocious third year (using QB rating as a basis for comparison) with our team

While people may second guess Dr. Gibbs' selections in the draft, may they be reminded of the excellence exhibited by JC on and off the field and the potential for Him to be best thing to hit D.C. since sliced bread.

Whether we agree or not on the means, we all wish Superbowl ends and it is my hope that Gibbs knows the way to get us there.

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Originally posted by tedskins334


While people may second guess Dr. Gibbs' selections in the draft, may they be reminded of the excellence exhibited by JC on and off the field and the potential for Him to be best thing to hit D.C. since sliced bread.

Not too much different than those who conveniently forget that it was "Dr. Gibbs' " decision to declare Ramsey the starter for this season and claim the Redskins are "his" team....not Brunell's, not Campbell's...Ramsey's team.

So do we "question" Gibbs' decision to draft Campbell, or do we question Gibbs' desire to put his faith and loyalty behind Ramsey this year??...Either way, we're questioning Gibbs' decision...lol

By the way, you can find boatloads of complimentary quotes by Ramsey about Gibbs and the Redskins...if you wanted to, that is.

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My God, no one is against Jason C. But give the kid a break. He needs to learn a complicated Gibs's Offense, and he needs to get used to the NFL.

I hope you are joking TedSkin and don't have another agenda. You don't right?? LOL! It is just because Jason is a great quarterback right? LOL! Give me a break!

I guess the fact that PR had a 93 Passing rating the last 5 games means he is destined to failure. LOL! What are you really trying to say my friend???

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Tedskins, your analysis of Ramsey's play as being "awful rookie year," "atrocious 2nd year" and "even worse 3rd year" is...


You're yet another one of these voices from left field that somehow ignore facts and decide to STILL LATCH ONTO THAT DAMN HOLDOUT.

What did Ramsey hold out for, 2 weeks?

Gimme a --- break.

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No, I don't have an agenda other than to see the Redskins win.

I have been a Redskins fan since birth. Although I am also an Auburn fan, I root for the Redskins in the pros (ex: I take Washington over Stephen Davis's Panthers, Ronnie Brown's Dolphins, Cadillac's Bucs, so on)

You can call my opinions idiotic, but the numbers speak for themselves: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/statistics?stat=pass&sort=rat&pos=off&league=nfl&order=true&season=2&year=2004

The bottom line is that Ramsey had not produced. Yes, he did play in conference usa in college and performed well and he was picked in the late first round, but the blind allegiance to Ramsey is deplorable for Redskins fans who keep it real.

Give JC a chance- While Ramsey may have had an acceptable "last 5 games", Campbell has got the right stuff to hopefully improve to be the winning quarterback that we all deserve.

Peace in the Middle East. Boom.

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Ah, statistics, the final refuge of the undiscerning football eye.

Sorry, you forget that the Giants and Bengals game gets included in Patrick's final rating. That the 4 yard pass offense when he first came in also affects that rating.

So you CANT IGNORE the last 5 games and his rating and performance.

You cannot ignore what he did in his rookie season, especially with such a system being incorporated that took out support from under him.

And his second year? You mean the year he broke his foot but before that played well and had a winnning record? The same season that Spurrier's system was fully exposed and he didn't even add hot reads and the like until Tim H had to play?

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