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Wait, Gibbs and Cerrato don't disagree?


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Here's a quote you're about to see from Gibbs online.

"Right now we've had no discussions with anyone about trading away the ninth pick (in Saturday's NFL draft)," Coach Joe Gibbs said. "Are we considering any options we are presented with? Yes, we'll consider anything, but no one has presented a compelling scenario."

I thought he and Cerrato were disagreeing about the offers to trade the No. 9 pick :). Obviously the team will consider any trade option it feels works for them. Just as obviously this draft is said to be a buyers' market, so, sellers need to make sure they aren't too obvious in order to get value. I think the team has done a nice job of doing that with this whole process.

We don't intend to trade that pick, but, sure if the right offer came, we'd have to consider it :).

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The Washington Redskins will use their first round pick to select a player in this weekend's upcoming draft, the team announced today.

"We have no intention of trading the ninth pick of the draft," said Vinny Cerrato, vice president of football operations. "Anything reported to the contrary is incorrect."

The Washington Post incorrectly reported on Tuesday that the team was in discussions to trade the team's first-round pick to the Oakland Raiders in return for cornerback Philip Buchanon.

"Right now we've had no discussions with anyone about trading away the ninth pick (in Saturday's NFL draft)," Coach Joe Gibbs said. "Are we considering any options we are presented with? Yes, we'll consider anything, but no one has presented a compelling scenario."

The Redskins will host a media session on Wednesday afternoon at Redskins Park, with owner Daniel M. Snyder, Gibbs and Cerrato expected to be in attendance.

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Originally posted by richard saunders

That's funny...Bram just commented on this quote too I think.

Saying there's conflicting press releases coming from the park.

Except, there aren't conflicting press releases coming from the Park.

There are very stupid or simple-minded people who refuse to see that everything is being said the same way. The Redskins would consider trading the No. 9 pick if the right offer came. They haven't had that offer yet. And, they have no intention of seeking an offer, preferring to wait for offers to come their way.

Now, there is NO doubt the media will band together a little to pretend what Cerrato said and what Gibbs said are conflicting. But, we know better :).

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Of course, if we DO end up trading that pick, the Post will have a field day with it.

However, that doesn't change the fact that both Gibbs and Cerratto have said we aren't SHOPPING the pick around, which is the crux of the Post's story(s).

EDIT: Yeah ... what Art said. :)

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Originally posted by Art

Here's a quote you're about to see from Gibbs online.

I thought he and Cerrato were disagreeing about the offers to trade the No. 9 pick :). Obviously the team will consider any trade option it feels works for them. Just as obviously this draft is said to be a buyers' market, so, sellers need to make sure they aren't too obvious in order to get value. I think the team has done a nice job of doing that with this whole process.

We don't intend to trade that pick, but, sure if the right offer came, we'd have to consider it :).

I think they updated their release because of the Post article. I think that release was poorly written and the media was running with that Cerrato quote.

Though I don't think they were conflicting, just written poorly.

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Originally posted by SlobberKnockinFootball

Good job Andyman, I mean Art :laugh:

I have posted as Art on message boards and "Board Monitor" at TSN :). Otherwise, I'm just Art. I promise, I'm not Andyman. He's been MUCH more sharp than I can be.

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Originally posted by Henry

Of course, if we DO end up trading that pick, the Post will have a field day with it.

However, that doesn't change the fact that both Gibbs and Cerratto have said we aren't SHOPPING the pick around, which is the crux of the Post's story(s).

EDIT: Yeah ... what Art said. :)

Henry, I concur---but I'll add to it.

No matter what happens with the number nine pick.....we'll have made a mistake (according to the media- WP, Pastabelly, King, Dr. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz etc.). Here's the scenario:

1. If we keep nine- no matter who we pick: Pacman (too small, takes too many risks- skins needed a WR, Rolle (not fast enough, should be a saftey), Merriman (not right fit for Redskins D), Williams (too slow, not fast enough, missed a year not worth #9). The End result: The skins did not have enough draft picks to make up for the loss of Coles, Smoot and Pierce and should have traded down and got more picks.

2. If we trade down- look at the talent that the Redskins lost by trading down what a mistake to trade a sure thing at #9 for project players that may not make the team.

See my point:mad:

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Conflicting stories? Is anyone else getting as tired of this as I am? No my house isn't for sale, but if someone comes along and offers me $2 million in cash for it, your damn right its for sale. Does this mean that I'm telling conflicting stories? If someone offers the Skins trash for the #9, well that's not compelling. But if they offer us Peyton Manning and we do it, I suppose that makes Joe Gibbs a liar according to the Post. He'd be a liar alright, but a happy liar.

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Originally posted by SlobberKnockinFootball

I know man, i'm just bustin some balls dude.:D

I know. I just like making sure whenever "he who's name must not be idly mentioned" is mentioned, that we flatter him shamelessly to make her feel pretty :).

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All along I thought that Gibbs was referring to offers are

being made.

Between now and out pick, teams will be calling and

feeling us out. First, they want to see what it would

take to trade for our pick in case they want to move

up to get their guy.

Teams are also trying to figure out who we're after.

The fact that the 49ers still don't know who they'll

take #1 makes this draft interesting. One off the wall

pick will have a domino effect.

The WP doesn't have anymore idea than anyone

what is really going on in the Redskins War Room.

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Yeah I thin the WP is really tipping its hat against the Skins FO trying to make a story . Like they blew up the cutting of Danny W. and Kenny Watson as the end of the Spurrier/Snyder relationship which in the end became self forefilling.

The statement looks like Viny saying we are not trading the pick for Buchanan which would be a real stupid trade and with the rumours flying around at the moment... maybe a third for Buchanan which would give us some flexibility at No9 especially if we can get a third for Rod the Gardner on way or another...

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