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Is our "D" line as good or better then last year

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I was thinking that as well and it's a tough question to answer. To my way of thinking, Wynn is not as good as Coleman overall, but he's younger. Dotson, to me, is better than Lang, but he's older. Right now I'd say we are not quite as able as last year. Another solid addition to add to the rotation and we'll be in MUCH better shape.

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I agree Art. One more addition and we're in considerably better shape than we were last year. The question is, after the Dotson signing, do we now focus a little more on a DE to fill in for Bruce against the run? I think we do. Dotson is a great addition, but we still have a little more work to do with this line before we have a well-balanced line that will perform strongly against the run and the pass.

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I'd say better. I'd take Wynn over an injured Coleman. Dotson is a better tackle, age notwithstanding, than Lang could ever hope to be.

Dedicating Bruce to pass-rushing would be an improvement, too. The only question, then, is, who platoons with Bruce?

Any real word on the bevy of young guys, i.e., "My Man" Leverette, Arp, etc.?

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Sonny is right. When comparing Dlines, you have to take into account a Marco Coleman who was probably never more than 60% last year. And a Bruce Smith with a bad shoulder.

I think we will be considerably better against the run and about the same vs. pass rush (which aint good). But once again, let's keep in mind that Marvin Lewis comes from defensive backgrounds where EVERYONE is used to rush the passer. His recent defenses were the Steelers of the early 90's and the Raven defenses of the mid to late 90's. Not bad. :cheers:

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Yes, let's not forget about the Powell boys.... Englehardt..... Arp..... Will Beck (monster size).... and Delbert Cowsette.

I'm pulling for Cowsette to crack the DL rotation. I like his bowling ball size, and I remember him having quite a motor when he played. With the right coaching and scheme, he could become a solid starter.

Which one of the Powell boys came from Chicago? Sean or Carl. And... wasn't Englehardt leading NFL Europe in sacks when he was there? Arp... don't know much about him, but I remember the past regime really liking him. Will Beck, the guy is definitely considered a wide body at 329lbs.

Should one of these boys show a competitive fire, wouldn't it be nice to pass on Adams and use the salary cap savings to extend some of the foundation blocks (Jansen...Bailey).

As for Stephen Davis, my hunch is that he'll (and his agent) will price themselves right off of our roster next year. Be prepared to see him in another uni, regardless of how good he would look in the Skin Retros.

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Are our players better than last year?

We'll have to wait and see, right now it looks like last years players(healthy) are a bit better than this years but once again, we'll have to wait and see.

Will our D line be better than last year?



Marvin Lewis.

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If it turns out we have confidence in the current kids on the roster to pass on Sammie and they produce that will be a major surprise because of the youth and lack of Cap implications from them.

We could lock up Rock Jansen and Champ and have two less Maalox moments in the next offseason.

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