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Xbox 360 to be unveiled 2 days before E3


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Microsoft has the most riding on this year's show. On Monday, two days before E3 officially begins, the company will finally take the wraps off of its next generation Xbox (which will almost certainly be named Xbox 360). Microsoft hopes the new machine will help it unseat Sony from its long-held industry leader position, which won't be an easy feat.

While there are still plenty of mysteries surrounding Xbox 360, a few details have leaked out. All games will be optimized for high definition televisions. All will have some online functionality. And the graphics engine will be more powerful than anything on the market today.


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Anybody know how an HD game displays on an HD "compatible" TV? Meaning I never bought an HD box because I think its a rip, but I have a "compatible" monitor? Do the HD games look different on this type of setup?

As long as you have the HD cables for the Xbox you should get HD picture. The HD compatible tv simply doesn't have an HD tuner but is perfectly capable of displaying HD provided to it. Oh, btw, Xbox games with the HD cables........man! Really, really good.

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I was talking to a guy at the store and he said that the word is that the new gen systems will look like the Vick and TO commercial. That would quite amazing. They had a small picture in a magazine(I think EGM). Either way, PS3 is going to be way better then XBOX 2 because it is coming out a year later. That is the main reason for XBOX being superior to PS2.

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Originally posted by Kevin B.

Anybody know how an HD game displays on an HD "compatible" TV? Meaning I never bought an HD box because I think its a rip, but I have a "compatible" monitor? Do the HD games look different on this type of setup?

Yes it will work and you might want to reconsider that logic on the HD box because you will be blown away by the picure. If you have cable you can get a box for $10 a month and around $250 for Directv

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Originally posted by skins1206

I was talking to a guy at the store and he said that the word is that the new gen systems will look like the Vick and TO commercial. That would quite amazing. They had a small picture in a magazine(I think EGM). Either way, PS3 is going to be way better then XBOX 2 because it is coming out a year later. That is the main reason for XBOX being superior to PS2.

Right, and the GameCube is better than the XBox since it came out 3 days later. Whatever.

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Originally posted by Canyonero!

Right, and the GameCube is better than the XBox since it came out 3 days later. Whatever.

PS3 is going to be significantly more powerful than Xbox2, but the games will decide which system is best. I don't care because I'll be buying all 3 systems regardless.

I'm going to E3 this year, so I'll get to play the Xbox 2 in only a little over a month. :)

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Ok, here's the specs, unofficially of course as the system has not been officially announced yet.

The Guts of the Next Box

# CPU - Xenon's CPU has three 3.0 GHz PowerPC cores. Each core is capable of two instructions per cycle and has an L1 cache with 32 KB for data and 32 KB for instructions. The three cores share 1 MB of L2 cache. Alpha 2 developer kits currently have two cores instead of three.

# GPU - Xenon's GPU is a generation beyond the ATI X800. Its clock speed is 500 MHz and it supports Shader 3.0. Developers are currently working with an alpha 2 GPU. Beta GPU units are expected by May and the final GPU is slated for a summer release. The final GPU will be more powerful than anything on the market today; in game terms, it would handle a game like Half-Life 2 with ease.

# System Memory - Xenon will have 256 MB of system RAM. Keep in mind that this number should not be equated to typical PC RAM. The Xbox has 64 MB of system RAM and is a very capable machine.

# Optical Drive - As many have speculated, Xenon will not use Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. Games will come on dual-layer DVD-9 discs. While the media is the same as that of the current Xbox, the usable space on each disc is up to 7 GB. The drive is slated to run at 12X.

# Memory Units - Xenon will use 64 MB to 1,024 MB memory cards. 8 MB is reserved for system use, leaving a 56 MB to 1,016 MB for user data.

# Hard Drive - As many have speculated, Xenon's hard drive is optional. 2 GB of the drive will be used as game cache. The final drive size is still being determined.

# Camera - Xenon will have a USB 2.0 camera. It's capable of 1.2 megapixel still shots and VGA video. Photos can be used in-game and for gamer profiles. The camera can also be used for video chat. It's unknown if the Xenon camera will allow for EyeToy-like gameplay. Developers are currently using a simulated camera driver.

# Sound Chip - Xenon does not have an audio chip in the traditional sense. Decompression is handled by hardware, while the rest of the chores are handled by software. DirectSound3D has been dropped in favor of X3DAudio. The former was deemed too inflexible.

Xbox 360

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Man, not using Blu-ray I think will be a big mistake. The PS3 will have one, and it will be able to hold 3X the information per media. They may be betting the hardware can't handle a blue-ray amount of data, but by the time it comes out, the hardware of the PS3 should be beter then the next gen x800.

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This is what Madden could look like. I hope so, this is amazing!


EA CFO Talks Next-Gen Consoles

Including a glimpse of how the games might look.

by David Smith


Jenson kicked off the presentation with a brief tease of what EA might be able to produce with the technology offered by Sony and Microsoft's next consoles. "Imagine that the characters in a football will be capable of showing real emotion," he said, among other possibilities. "That's what's going to be possible with the next generation of technology."


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Originally posted by SoCalSkins

Yes it will work and you might want to reconsider that logic on the HD box because you will be blown away by the picure. If you have cable you can get a box for $10 a month and around $250 for Directv

I have the DirectTivo and the HD satellite is just below the rooftops of my neighboring condo building, so where I am right now I couldn't get it from direct tv if I wanted it. I'm moving 1100 miles later this year so I may address it then.

My cable bill used to be like $128 a month and it pissed me off that I would have to pay another $15 for HD... I thought for that much money they could suck it up (thus the "rip" comment.) I bought the HD compatible big screen monitor so I could eventually do it and it looks like I will be "watching" more games and attending less with the move so I'll probably look into it when I move.

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