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Redskins vs. Broncos Superbowl on ESPN NOW!!!


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Guest BleedinBurgundyandGold

I've got the original tape of that game's entire broadcast at my house, my dad has taped every playoff game in '87 and '91.....almost as if he knew.....

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after watching Timmy Smith's 50 yard TD run its clear to see that our offensive line needs major upgrading. The down block on the DE by the tackle that is absolutly necissary for the gap and counter plays to be effective was a missing part of the run game. Jansens injury hurt us more than i had realized.

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Originally posted by Chopper Dave

Oh man. I was too young to remember this, actually, I think it was a couple weeks before I was born, but it still gives me chills.

Can you believe it? We're actually going to be this good.

To believe we were a wild card team that made it to and won the big show =)..

Our record that year was 9-7 if I am remembering right.

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Originally posted by HoGz - For - Life

To believe we were a wild card team that made it to and won the big show =)..

Our record that year was 9-7 if I am remembering right.

Actually, our record was 11-4, and I think we won the NFC East. We beat the Bears in the first playoff game.

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Originally posted by ramseyskins

Interesting... that year Joe Montana had his only 30 touchdown season. Too bad we won the superbowl! :D

Yea, that was also the year Jerry Rice caught 22 TD passes. Of course, the vaunted Niners were upset by the Vikes in the playoffs, who of course, lost to us in the NFC Championship game.

What memories :)

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When you watch the Skins highlights from when they had "The Hogs" it is clear that it is not the system, but the offensive line that is responsible for the lack or rushing production, and hell even with our porus offensive line, Portis still had 1300+ yards this season.

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I have such great memories of that Super Bowl. It was only a few years removed from the Bears and their "SuperBowl shuffle", and in that corny era every team thought they should have a little rap. And lets not forget the "Three Amigos" crap cooked up by the Broncos. Lotta good it did them. :nana:

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

When you watch the Skins highlights from when they had "The Hogs" it is clear that it is not the system, but the offensive line that is responsible for the lack or rushing production, and hell even with our porus offensive line, Portis still had 1300+ yards this season.

I know, Mike. I've been saying this since week 2 when the entire board was on the blame Brunell wagon:laugh:

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I like Frank's quote..."The first horse out of the gate, does not always win the race." How right he was that night. Also, the narrator when he said.."After this unbelieveable 2nd QT, everybody in the stadium knew the words to "Hail to the Redskins." I thought everybody did....:laugh:

I have it on my DVR and was just watching it again...hahaha...that 2nd QT., gave me chills, after hearing Frank say "Touchdown Washington Redskins", 5 times, my hairs on my arm were standing straight up and then hearing "Hail to the Redskins", I got teary-eyed...:cry: . I am such fanatic, some say even obsessed (like my fiance and my mom and dad), but I love my 'Skins and watching these highlights and the '91 highlights makes me fall in love all over again. I know I am going on, but with this site, I know I am not the only one who loves the 'Skins as much as I do.

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Originally posted by GrimReefa

The only Wild Card teams to win a Super Bowl were the Raiders, Broncos, and Ravens.

I've seen the SB XXII highlights a few times now. I want to see the SB XXVI highlights, but they've never been on as far as I know...

They always have a marathon or two around Super Bowl time, be on the lookout.

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ahhhhh the memories...I watched it when it was on earlier. good stuff. I remember I was over a friends house watching it..he was a Giants fan...but was rooting for the Broncos to beat the Skins...he went nuts when Elways thru that first bomb right out of the gates and they went up 7-0. then 10-0. but oh boy....then Doug, Timmy Smith and the boys got to work...and the Onslaught ensued...I loved every moment...my friend the Giants fan got very quiet....42-10. oh man!

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Originally posted by GrimReefa

The only Wild Card teams to win a Super Bowl were the Raiders, Broncos, and Ravens.

I've seen the SB XXII highlights a few times now. I want to see the SB XXVI highlights, but they've never been on as far as I know...

For those that have the NFL channel, they are doing a Superbowl marathon on the 30th. Every superbowl ever played. Man, my butt is going to be glued to the couch that day :D

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