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Babe Alert!

Glenn X

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Well now. I would like to just take a moment and um ....reflect on.....and just menti.........I mean er.....that uh.......Ah hell. To quote the late great John Belushi....."HOLY SH**! (clears throat). Sorry Blondie. Who said Tailgate wasn't any fun. Hey! Anyone know kefka's email? These women are dressed modestly don't ya think? :cool:

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admins.....i have no problems with this....errrrr material....but we need to corden it off into a dedicated container....say "Hot Licks" or some such. why the concern? well, i skim thru fedex pretty fast at work from time to time......this stuff can get cached and next thing you know i'm in the hot box (so to speak!) rationalizing a violation of corporate policy - as well as risking a sexual harassment suit from the PC crowd. not against it, mind you. just need it quaranteened (as it were).:cool:

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Actually, my concern here is that blondie and possibly a few of the other female participants on Extreme may choose to fight back and decorate tailgate with pictures of......shiver....shudder. Guys. Now wouldn;t that just upset the applecart. :puke: :doh:

Fancine, until your request is addressed, I'd be careful where you point and click. :cool:

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A "Babe Alert" thread is as sectioned off as you can make it. If you are worried about your computer cache, then clear your cache. It's easy. But, there's not much more isolated you can get something like this than it already is. You enter a "Babe Alert" thread at your own risk and reward :).

PCS, let me assure you that we are not an equal opportunity skin showing site. Trust me you have no worries about the applecart getting upset :).

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