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The Own3d Thread.(Keep it clean)


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Only thing I have to say is...WHY?

But I will add, I wonder what happens when he hits 40 and then suddenly realizes he doesn't want to look like that anymore? At least he can see his boogers and he doesn't have to dig very far.

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Why? The mayors of multiple cities are openly campaigning to discriminate against a business based on the opinions of the CEO, which is illegal. This toolbag is the CFO of a company and harassed and berated an hourly employee because of the CEO's opinion. The company that employees this toolbag decided hs actions reflected poorly on the company so they fired him. Actions have consequences. His consequence was his job. Hope hs feeling of purposeful-ness was worth hs job.

Agreed. As far as I can tell, we still live in America & the !st Ammendment has not been repealed which means that a man who owns a huge company still has the right voice his opinion when asked it. The intolerence toward Christians in this country is a bit...unsettling, if you ask me.

Now, can we please leave the CFA & politics out of here?

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Anyone see this show?

I watch the Soup all the time. I've never watched that show (and never will), but what I want to know....who the hell was desperate enough to get laid to actually lay down with something like that? And then create the monster child that they did.

Edited by pjfootballer
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