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The Wire - Official Mega Merged Thread


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They've got to pull a rabbit of their hat after killing off one of the coolest bad guys ever.

I agree. Killing String sorta closed the show, but I guess it will continue. Maybe this is good b/c he brought a sophicated approach to the businesss and now that that's gone, more blood and guts!!!!

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Glad to hear there are other fans of The Wire on here. I, personally, love the show and think it's easily one of the best shows on TV. And for the record, they are filming right now.

For those who are interested, my brother and I interviewed Lance Reddick (Lt. Daniels) and Michael K. Williams (Omar) for our website, HoboTrashcan.

You can read either interview here: http://www.hobotrashcan.com/interviews/

We'll most likely try and interview someone else from the show when it gets a little closer to the start of season four.

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I love this show as well.

Too bad the dvds are so damned expensive. I got season one as a x-mas gift, it was like 85 bucks or something like that.

I was under the impression it was supposed to start airing when the new season of entourage starts, but I believe they are behind on filming a bit.

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  • 4 months later...

Snoop is a female, I believe.....although I'm not really certain either.

I missed this week's episode but Comcast airs it OnDemand and you can watch Episodes 1 and 2 currently. Episode 1 aired this past weekend on the regular schedule but next week's episode is already up for viewing at OnDemand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright everyone,

I'm not one to shamelessly plug, but I feel a one-time exception is acceptable. My brother and I run a website called HoboTrashcan, which you may or may not know of. Through that website, we have done several celebrity interviews.

In my personal opinion, the best interviews we've done have been with the cast members of the best show on TV, HBO's The Wire. Because I feel more people should know about the show, I've come to you. Check out the interviews and then watch The Wire. You'll thank me.

To check out the interview with Robert Wisdom, who plays Maj. "Bunny" Colvin: http://www.hobotrashcan.com/interviews/robertwisdom.php

To check out the interview with Lance Reddick, who plays Maj. Cedric Daniels: http://www.hobotrashcan.com/interviews/lancereddick.php

To check out the interview with Mike K. Williams, who plays Omar: http://www.hobotrashcan.com/interviews/michaelkwilliams.php

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I love this show. Personally, this and Grey's Anatomy are my 2 favorite shows right now (and just about all that I will go out of my way to catch). I became a fan after reading Homicide and the The Corner. It's cool to see some of that background bleeding into the show. One can see how much time he spent in Ghetto Baltimore and with the police.

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I just started this summer, just like the Sports Guy did, and I have been HOOKED. This is a GREAT show. Not sure I care a great deal for the main writer's seeming politics but often truth in art transcends the intent of the individual artist. Thought Colvin was/is a great character and loved the Hamsterdam experiment and felt it tried to portray 'legalization' in an honest manner (while still demonstrating that it's preferable to Prohibition.)

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I just started this summer, just like the Sports Guy did, and I have been HOOKED. This is a GREAT show. Not sure I care a great deal for the main writer's seeming politics but often truth in art transcends the intent of the individual artist. Thought Colvin was/is a great character and loved the Hamsterdam experiment and felt it tried to portray 'legalization' in an honest manner (while still demonstrating that it's preferable to Prohibition.)

I think the Sports Guy jumping on the wagon will definitely help the show. I just wish the guy would have been around two seasons ago. It's killed me having to wait to hear if HBO felt like picking it up for another season year in and year out.

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