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What Its Like Being A Skins Fan In A Fraud OF A Town


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Hello all, hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. It is in this vein I have decided to start posting a little bit more. And as a result, I want to take a moment and describe for those of you lucky enough to still be in the Washington area what its like rooting for a stroried and tradition rich franchise like the Redskins in a city like Atlanta, home of some of the most fairweather football fans on the planet, as they root on a team that is extremely vulnerable, and for the most part, and my opinion at least, won't make it past their first playoff game.

I moved here over a year ago to work for CNN, and one of the most difficult parts of the whole thing was that I was going to be leaving the DC area, and the Redskin fanaticism that comes with living there. Born and raised there, Id been and still am, a Redskins fan, all my life. Now, here I sit, in Atlanta, where the Falcons are frauds, the fans are obnoxious, and Michael Vick is being beat up week after week, where he will probably not ever live up to the hype. Not that he isnt good, he just cant live up to the expectations set for him.

So I found some friendly folks at a local bar, where we watch the Redskins every week, and it makes it much better to be around those who are from the DC area, and know the pain of what the last 12 years or so has been like for us. All the fumbles, the Stephen Davis injuries, the changed coaching staffs, the owner signing everyone under the sun, and so on and so on and so on...But anyway, when I express to local "Fans" who my team of choice is, often times I get the laughter, and then they say "Man, Snyder is screwing everything up up there." It burns me. It really does. This coming from fans who A) Have NEVER had a winner B) Jumped ship as soon as Vick went down last preseason and C) Watched their team under the guidance of JERRY FREAKING GLANVILLE!!!!! Anyway, I just wanted to rant, and tell you that while I love living here, and its a wonderful city, I have grown to really dislike the Falcons and their fans. Mostly because they are stupid, but secondly because they are ignorant and have no clue what tradition and history are.......anyway. That's that. Just wondering if others have interesting experiences being HARDCORE Redskins fans in other cities......:wewantd:

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I hear ya man. I've lived in Connecticut most of my life....stuck with mostly Giant fans and a few Jets and Pats fans sprinkled throughout (at least in the southern part of the state). Once the Giants go into the tank everyone wants to talk about who the Yankees can pickup as a middle reliever.

I'd love to live in the DC area and be around the Skins (fans and news coverage) all year.

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I was stationed away from DC from 1979-1996. I missed the glory years. I remember listening to games on the runway in Guam at 5:00 in the morning. Only game they showed was the SuperBowl when Riggo ran wild. Then i remember going to the rec center and watching on the big screen the Second Super Bowl we won. After the great second quarter, everyone left but me. i sat there alone and watch the clock tick away. A few years later, I remember going to the NCO Club and watching the Skins beat the Bills. Then I got stationed in Oklahoma...Cowboy country during their superbowl wins and the Norv's years. Once when I was TDY to North Carolina, I happend to catch a skins scrimmage during training camp on TV. That was before they had the panthers so i guess the Skins were their team back then. But whether I am at a game or watching on TV, there is nothing like a Redskins TD or a win!!!

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X-Factor, I was you for 24 years of my life...now I am 25, and for the last year, I have been without Redskins Report on Channel 4, and George Michael (even though I hate him) I have been without him and the Redskins news.....so imagine THAT one!!! All Redskins All The Time to BOOM!!!! NOTHING

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SRVFan... I too feel your pain! I live in Basketball country, where football is a second thought! I actually ran into a guy who didn't even know who the redskins were!!! Can you imagine!?!?! Trying to get TV time at the local sports bars is pretty tough, half the TVs are on things other then football.

But I still remember my first year away from DC. I was in Denver during the '91 season and the height of the Elway era. It used to make me sick hearing "Elway this" and "Elway that" and "Oh Elway is soo cute!!" Of course to make matters worse.. they didn't care for the skins too much after the Superbowl upset we handed them.. so I used to get a lot of grief when I tried to watch the games at the local bars. But the beating we gave Denver that year made it soo worth it!!

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I live in Virginia Beach, just a three hour drive from D.C., and yet it seems like this town is becoming more and more a Dallas town every day. I can't stand the level of football stupidity that swarms this area. So I understand, probably to a lesser degree, but I do understand.

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SRV, I feel your pain.:(

I have been down here since 88.

The first time I went to see the Braves, it was BYOB and sit any place you want.

This year the Falcon fans are coming out of the woodwork, its worse than when they actually made it to the SB.:doh:

Two weeks ago Vick was a superhero and this week he is a bum.

Just do what I do, I wear my Skins gear all the time, all year long and smile. These people, most of the ones I know, don't know what it means to be a true fan.

:cheers: :point2sky

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Damn, there is alot more people in my predicament than I thought!!! I cant imagine living in the Phillly Burbs......That must SUCK! I have always heard that in Dallas, Redskins fans are often times greeted with respect, and that the actual Cowboys fans WHO LIVE IN DALLAS arent nearly as bad as the bandwagon punks that seem to be in every corner of the earth.....anyone on this board FROM or live IN Dallas? Just a question....and Lowghost, yes, VICK IS A BUM....BUT AN EXTREMELY TALENTED ONE.............

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Originally posted by SRVFan72

Damn, there is alot more people in my predicament than I thought!!! I cant imagine living in the Phillly Burbs......That must SUCK! I have always heard that in Dallas, Redskins fans are often times greeted with respect, and that the actual Cowboys fans WHO LIVE IN DALLAS arent nearly as bad as the bandwagon punks that seem to be in every corner of the earth.....anyone on this board FROM or live IN Dallas? Just a question....and Lowghost, yes, VICK IS A BUM....BUT AN EXTREMELY TALENTED ONE.............

The funny thing is the 75% of the Dallas Cowboy fan base lives no where near Dallas. That is why fans of the opposing team are in great force and are greeted with respect out there.

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