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What Its Like Being A Skins Fan In A Fraud OF A Town


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As someone who has lived in Atlanta for the past 10 years, I have one thing to say to you.....

F YOU!!!

Seriously. Atlanta is a great town. Put your attitude aside for two seconds and you might find that out.

Until then, get over yourself.

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Hey Posse....Had you read my post, you would have noticed I did say I love this town, and it is a great place to live. My only beef is with the NFL fans who have no sense of tradition and history...and that isnt really even THEIR fault, moreso the fault of their moribund franchise which has sucked for so long...but that must explain why they abandon ship so quickly. As for you, hey, Im not offended by your comments, but did find them a little harsh. I was merely making a statement about the sports environment here, and I guess if you had reada little more carefully, you would have noticed that. So no, actually, F you. This IS a great town, your right. Too bad it's got people who get all ****ty over little things like that. Sorry pal, hope the bitterness subsides at some point.

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Originally posted by SRVFan72

Hello all, hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. It is in this vein I have decided to start posting a little bit more. And as a result, I want to take a moment and describe for those of you lucky enough to still be in the Washington area what its like rooting for a stroried and tradition rich franchise like the Redskins in a city like Atlanta, home of some of the most fairweather football fans on the planet, as they root on a team that is extremely vulnerable, and for the most part, and my opinion at least, won't make it past their first playoff game.

I moved here over a year ago to work for CNN, and one of the most difficult parts of the whole thing was that I was going to be leaving the DC area, and the Redskin fanaticism that comes with living there. Born and raised there, Id been and still am, a Redskins fan, all my life. Now, here I sit, in Atlanta, where the Falcons are frauds, the fans are obnoxious, and Michael Vick is being beat up week after week, where he will probably not ever live up to the hype. Not that he isnt good, he just cant live up to the expectations set for him.

So I found some friendly folks at a local bar, where we watch the Redskins every week, and it makes it much better to be around those who are from the DC area, and know the pain of what the last 12 years or so has been like for us. All the fumbles, the Stephen Davis injuries, the changed coaching staffs, the owner signing everyone under the sun, and so on and so on and so on...But anyway, when I express to local "Fans" who my team of choice is, often times I get the laughter, and then they say "Man, Snyder is screwing everything up up there." It burns me. It really does. This coming from fans who A) Have NEVER had a winner B) Jumped ship as soon as Vick went down last preseason and C) Watched their team under the guidance of JERRY FREAKING GLANVILLE!!!!! Anyway, I just wanted to rant, and tell you that while I love living here, and its a wonderful city, I have grown to really dislike the Falcons and their fans. Mostly because they are stupid, but secondly because they are ignorant and have no clue what tradition and history are.......anyway. That's that. Just wondering if others have interesting experiences being HARDCORE Redskins fans in other cities......:wewantd:

Be gald you didn't move to the Armpit of the Sports World-Philadelphia. :laugh:

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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Originally posted by dks1240

im currently looking into hiring a body guard to protect me from the endless sea of ravens and eagles fans here

I would love nothing more than to pound on Eagles :kungfu: & Ravens :nutkick: fans for a living, but I'm sure my wife wouldn't appreciate it. ;):lift:

:laugh: :ravensuck :eaglesuck

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I've been to a sports bar a few times and there were always a couple of Skins fans that showed up. But sites like this really help ameliorate some of that 'fan loneliness.'

Dang, Ghost. I had to look ameliorate up in the dictionary. :laugh:

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Originally posted by posse

As someone who has lived in Atlanta for the past 10 years, I have one thing to say to you.....


Seriously. Atlanta is a great town. Put your attitude aside for two seconds and you might find that out.

Until then, get over yourself.

Atlanta is a great town. But it's a terrible sports town.

So..umm F*CK YOU..;)

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im currently looking into hiring a body guard to protect me from the endless sea of ravens and eagles fans here

Where so I send my application? :point2sky

I hear yas, I think I have you beat though. I live in the burbs of Philly as well, and I work at a sports bar partime. Talk about tough, I didn't really hate the Eagles till I started working there. Talk about a bunch of jackasses. It's funny, I will wear the opposing teams shirt just to piss off Eagle Fans. They will jump off the ship quicker than any teams fans.

Ala Mitch Williams, they hated McNabb, now they adore him.

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Living up in Towson around a bunch of Ravens and Eagle fans and Yankee fans cause I never see any Giants jerseys or Jets or anything...but yea since we've been bad all they say is Redskins Suck and I really can't talk to much trash right now to them cause they just mock me..same old story not as the same back in Mont County watching Redskins report with Wilbon Riggins and George Michael who is a douchebag but you need a jacka$$ like that to make you laugh..yea home sweet home

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Originally posted by The X-Factor

I can't imagine living outside this area. The sports world revolves around the Skins and I have no problem finding programming regarding the team. I don't know what I would do if all the sudden I did not have access to all that stuff.

I grew up in the DC area, and lived there for a good part of my adult life.

Being away from home sucks.

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haha sorry afparent, ill get back to studying momentarily ;)

alright i have a good story for this thread. i was at a party playing beer pong and the guy i was playing against was such a jerk. he kept making obscene gestures (you get the idea) and saying really gross things to me (and my partner). Well i happened to have a shirt on that showed my tattoo and when he saw that he went off about how the skins "suck" (he is an eagles fan). this became really old really fast. I did my best to defend my skins but drunk people are stubborn (surprise surprise.) Anyway, i suppose God happened to be at the party that night and as soon as this loser was hitting his peak of jerkness this HUGE guy came into the party decked out in ALL skins gear (which is a rarity around these parts)! I had no idea who the guy was but i said to the skins guy "hey! this guy over here is talking sh*t about OUR team!"

needless to say, this guy handled things rather nicely (the other guy was so insanely frightened) and I haven't heard crap from that jerk since :laugh:

oh yes, and if you want to apply for the body guard position please fax your resume to 555-HTTR.

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