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**Official Holiday Thread**


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HOME! i cant wait to go hoooome with my family and my dogs, haha. its sad, im 20 years old and ill still wake up in the middle of the night this xmas eve to go look at the presents under the tree, haha.

next question:

Anybody ever been to the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade?

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Originally posted by dks1240

HOME! i cant wait to go hoooome with my family and my dogs, haha. its sad, im 20 years old and ill still wake up in the middle of the night this xmas eve to go look at the presents under the tree, haha.

next question:

Anybody ever been to the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade?

Yes sir. I can't wait for winter break, all my friends coming home from college for a month, being at home. It's going to be great!

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Been to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade twice, if you count marching in it once with the school band. Marching kind of sucked at the age of 12, but going to see it when I was 17 was killer.

Next question, do you open gifts on Christmas morning or the night before?

I'm Italiano:D, so my family spends Christmas eve feasting on fish which is an Italian tradition. Gifts are for the morning in our family.

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My family in Fl is so small at this point, I see everybody often. We haven't gone back north for the holidays in a while, but when we do, my cousin John is my favorite to see.

As for dreading to see a realtive. My uncle Billy, and his son Mike. You have to fight for food when those two are around.:doh:

Do you decorate the Christmas tree prior to the holiday, or on Christmas eve?

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We start to eat around 1pm, and finish about 7 or 8 with about a half hour or so between courses.

Do family arguments ever get out of hand? We have had people sent off to the hospital a few times:doh:

Oops, a little slow on my post

Favorite dish.........stuffed artichokes

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We always do the following

Thanksgiving Day- Watch parade and Eats lots of food

Day After -shopping

Saturday- Christmas decorations

We always open presents early at our house since we spend Christmas day at Pez's parents house (my parents come too)

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Thanksgiving- eat around 2, lay on the couch from being stuffed and watch football.

Christmas Eve- Take the kids out and look at Christmas lights, come back home and let them open 1 gift

Christmas Day- Kids go nuts at sunrise, eat baked ham, mashed potatoes, green beens, my wife's awsome deviled eggs. Just enjoy being with the family.

Day after- Take down all the lights and tree. Sick of it by now.

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Thanksgiving, my school team is actually doing well(though we'll know this weekend), so I may have to stay for that weekend cause of band, oh well. I'll prolly go home tuesday and come back friday though.

Christmastime, my family and I are going to Italy from like the 20th to the 1st or something, it should be a great time, though I wish Italy was a little colder round december, Christmastime should be cold I feel.

I've been listening to Christmas music since September!!! (especially TSO!!!)

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Thanksgiving. Plans call for enough food to feed family, neighbors, and possibly evryone else in a 3 mile radius. :silly: The of course, I clean. :)

Christmas. Not sure yet. Usually play that by ear. But love it though. Christmas music after Thanksgiving. Lights and stuff go up after Thanksgiving too. :)

Same question?

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Originally posted by Mr. S

Christmastime, my family and I are going to Italy from like the 20th to the 1st or something, it should be a great time, though I wish Italy was a little colder round december, Christmastime should be cold I feel.

I've been listening to Christmas music since September!!! (especially TSO!!!)

You lucky bastage:laugh: I can't even get my wife to go to NY / NJ for Christmas, never mind Italy. Where in Italy are you going?

Thanksgiving will be at Moms place. Antipast to start, then escorol and bean soup. Turkey with all the fixins. Sweet mickeys, candied baby carrots, home made cranberry sauce, a killer sausage stuffing, the stuffed arties are the highlights. There will only be 5 of us this year:( but I'll bet Mom will have enough to feed about 20. Italian mothers:doh:

It's midseason for the soccer team (4-3-2) I'm coaching, and the tourney starts on the 15th. They worked it so there's no weekend games being many go away for the 4 days. As luck has it, there's a turkey Shoot Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That's a special tourney held every year for Thanksgiving, but this is the first I've heard of in this area. From what I got last night at practice, I should be able to field a select team of 6 girls to compete.

Pretty wild set up, it's arena style. 4 vs 4, on a small field. It's got a 3ft flexable fense around the entire field, with small goals, and no stopage. So this year it will be soccer, soccer, and more soccer for the weekend.

Bounce Sports

Next Question..................Favorite holiday drinkables

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My brothers and friends all get together Thanksgiving morning, rain ,sleet or snow, and play a few games of football. We have been doing this every year for the last 15 or so years. Its always a blast. We have had turn outs of anywhere between 10 to 40 each year. It also helps keep in touch with friends that we don't see much through the year because they all show up for the big football game. As we are getting older , our kids that are old enough to play are starting to play too. After the game we got spend time with our families , stuff ourselves and watch football.

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Christmas eve is the present time for me. Everyone comes to my house.......open presents. I make a light meal and desserts.

Christmas day I travel to my sister's house. But to tell the truth, I have not gone to her house the last 4 years. My mom remarried, and although I really like my step dad.......and he would do anything for me.........I miss my dad on Christmas day. He has been gone for 10 years.......but that day still pains me.

THIS Christmas day......I will head toward the hotel where the Skins are staying and say Merry Christmas!


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I try to get my wife to let us open presents on Christmas Eve, but we have to wait. I will get up at 0'dark thirty with my boys

to see what Santa brought.

After presents are opened, I'll make our tradional sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast. The main meal will depend on if we want to do turkey and Smithfield Ham again. Sometimes we'll

do fried oysters.

We will visit my family on Christmas Eve and my wife's family later on Christmas Day.

New question...what is your family's traditional breakfast and/or

meal for Christmas.

Note: I will try to find a piece of dried salted cod fish to fix for

my breakfast.

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You must have some Italian in ya 44. Dry salt cod is a traditional dish on Christmas Eve. Never had it for breakfast though.

No special breakfast on Christmas, but traditionally for dinner we start with antipasto. Weeding soup is the next course, and home made ravioli the size of you fist as the main course. Home made gravy (we call it gravy not sauce) with sausage and meatballs goes with the ravioli. Desert is a number of things from Russian coffee cake to Ice box cake which is my favorite. There are many things called ice box cake. Ours is just layers of crushed graham cracker and chocolate pudding, topped with whipped cream.

Next question. As an adult, do you get toys as gifts, or just adult stuff.

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