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RE: Ranks and post totals... questions answered.

Die Hard

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Ok... here's the dilly.


RE: the drop in post #'s.

- UBB essentially keeps an ongoing tally of every post you've ever written. VBulletin only keeps a tally of all the posts that currently exist.


(1) On UBB... if you posted posted 10 messages... and an admin/moderator deleted all 10 messages... you're post total didn't go down. On VBulletin it will.

(2) Pruning/deleting bulk posts to cut down on harddrive space. This is a common practice for message boards. However, we've only intentionally done it once since we've started and it was a very long time ago. But while it didn't affect your post totals on UBB... because they're not here in the 62,000 posts in FedEx Field... you're not going to get credit for them. We promise not to prune messages. With the new dedicated server harddrive space is no longer an issue :)

(3) Over a year and a half ago - when I threatened to close the site and before Blade took over - we moved to a new webhost and in the process... we lost over 20,000 posts. Again, while it didn't affect your totals on the UBB... the VBulletin runs a tally of all the threads here... and doesn't recognize those posts... so you're not going to get credit for them.

(4) The import from UBB to VB didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped. There's a few thousand posts that didn't make it over... but it looks like all the ones in FedEx Field did... and that's what's important.

For Park City, Mardi, Inmate and Art who posted frequently on The Tailgate forum... they took it the hardest... losing about a few hundred posts each.

SUMMATION: With all that being said.. VB DOES have the ability to edit user's post totals. And we still have the UBB for reference. So we will begin editing every user's accounts manually. We realize how important those totals are for you. Just realize it's a labor intensive project and it's going to take some time. Be patient.


RE: drops in ranks...

- Alright... people wanted ranks... well we created more ranks. Even some new ranks which Bulldog and NavyDave haven't reached. However, in doing so, it was unavoidable in scewing the numbers for each rank. Sorry. Call it creative block or whatever... but it was too difficult maintaining the current ranking system and coming up with multiple new ranks BEYOND "Heavy Hitter". So we added some new mid-range ranks and it threw the rank totals out of whack. If anything.. again... this is a TEMPORARY change. Once you starting posting again.. you'll achieve those rankings before you know it.

Quit yer b!tchin about not getting enough playing time... we're the coaching staff and you are what we say you are :D

FTR... here's the new ranking/icon legend: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/misc.php?s=&action=showavatars FYI... it is always available by logging in... hitting the "User Cp" link at the top right... clicking the "Edit Options" button... scrolling down to the bottom where it says "Avatars" and clicking the "More info..." link.


RE: Rank pics...

Alright... we do have the rank pics available... and the reason why they're not showing is easy enough. It's a bug. And we'll fix it shortly. We did say REPEATEDLY we're under construction ... and the best way to fix bugs is go LIVE. Be patient. We're aware of many of the bugs and we're working to fix them. It may take a few days or weeks... but we'll get them corrected at any expense.

And just a note about the feature... when the feature is running as we'd like.... when you achieve a certain rank... you'll have the option to change the avatar (ie. rank pic) from a few selections for each rank. Gives a bit of variety.

For example: Last season... if you achieved 'rookie' status... you would be able to choose between Rod Gardner, Fred Smoot, Sage Rosenfels, or Darnien McCants :)

Just give us some time. We'll get it right.

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

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Actually, Die Hard, it looks like Art GAINED about 1000 posts. Go figure.

I lost about 700 myself, but it didn't affect my ranking. No biggie ... I doubt very seriously I was going to go back and look at those anyway.

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This site just continues to surpass even itself. Graet job guys. I think I lost a couple of thousand posts myself....:D No really:halo:

Once again great work guys.:cheers:

P.S. the smilies are really great. Whats the chance of creating individual team smilies that can be thrown in when were talking about them. At least the NFC East teams?

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Good eyes C.T. Very crisp indeed. A few hundred posts eh? Man, I got earholed Huh? :) That's okay, I'm not going on I.R. . Put me in coach! Put me in! :cool: I really don't see myself losing a whole lot of sleep over the number of posts I lost. Not why I'm here. I'm here for that new bar :pint: Especially since it appears it's always happy hour. :cheers:

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I am amazed at the fine work you all have done here and the many sacrifices in time, effort and brain power you've endured to produce, maintain and improve the best Redskin's board on the net.

All done without once requesting financial support from the Extremeskins community. It is a labor of love which has benefitted everyone here and it will stand forever as a shining example of how a board should be run even during troubling times.

Most refreshing and rare in these days of unbridled worship and allegiance to the dark demigod Mammon.

This does not go unnnoticed. Thank you kind sirs!

I bow low.


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I think PCS has it right. I might have ****ed about now only being a benchwarmer but im sure i and everyone was just kidding.

you guys are doing a great job without asking for anything in return. the new site is awesome. the new smiles are SO cool! there are 1000 other little features that make it work better. im sure all the bugs will be worked out soon enough until then dont stress out too much. we'll be patient, or at least i will and the others who arent need to shove off or ill take care of them :box:

I must say i LOVE these smiles

:toilet: :evil: :stupid: :jerkoff: :moon: :asta:

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For the record, in the last two board changes I've lost about 800 total posts. I've been over 3000 two different times and I'm back below now again :). But, I'm not complaining because I get the guy who yells at you as an icon :).

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Yomar - As it stands now.... yes do you have the ability to retain a rank picture - backwards compatible - even though you have moved up in rank. However, we do intend on changing that. Though you will have the option of selecting multiple pics per rank. In due time.

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I'm liking having moved up to member #6. Sorry to everyone who's shoulders I trod upon in my rapid ascent. Descent?

It's wearing these big ol' shoulder pads again that's taking some getting used to ... :cool:

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Ok.. a clarification on how the rank-images will work:

You will NOT have the option to choose a rank pic until you reach a LARGE number of posts... until then, you will go through the rank-pics just like the old boards.

the UPGRADE is that you WILL have the chance to pic a rank pic eventually...

Also, Om... problem of the two rank-images has been corrected

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