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All three "bad calls" last night made by same official.


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The back judge, Jim Howey. :banhim:

After Gerry Austin and the other three officials pointed in the Redskins direction on the fumble, the back judge came in and said he was down by contact. Austin looked shocked by went with the call.

Three or four plays later that same guy called interference on Harris. I read their lips and the guy said "It was definitely pass interference"

The final flub was the raping of Rod. The sideline official was behind the play, so couldn't see jersey grabbing. So the guy who should've made the call was the guy under the goal post. You guessed it, the same guy.

It's amazing how one guy's bad night can totally change the course of the game. I recommed we make sure good ol Jimbo keeps his butt away from Fedex.

I'm not whining. Just pointing out the facts. :cool:

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facts is facts..

we got 2 guys pointing Skins ball and he comes in and overturns it..

ever since Jerry Jones had Switzer he learned how to win a totally other way. Before that, the Boys were coo,l and the rivalry was great.

Now in the immortal words of Barry Switzer after the SB victory over the Steelers.."We did it out way..Baby!!!!"

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Yeah, if not for that bogus interfernce call on Harris, we win the game 17-14. It is interesting that it was all one guy making the calls against us.

The cowboys fans are b!tchin' about the same thing on Cowboyszone. They are complaining about calls that didn't go their way. :laugh: HELLOOOOOOO! YOU WON, DUMBAZZ!!!


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Is it the same judge who missed the trapped no-catch by Portis just before halftime?

Or is it the same judge who missed the tackle on the trapped no-catch by Portis just before halftime that gave the skins a 1st down and allowed them to kick a FG?

Is it the same judge who missed the blatant pushoff by Gardner on the last play of the game?

The first pi call was made against Washington because the DB impeded the route of the WR makinf the WR bump into him. Difference was the WR was looking for the ball, the DB was not. Yes, the WR did push the DB, but that was after the DB blocked his lane to the ball. The ball was in the air, the DB impeded the WR's lane, the WR ran into the DB going after the ball, the WR pushed the DB to get to the ball. The DB intiated contact by blocking the WR from the balls route. You can't just run down the field and step in front of the WR, block his lane, and then have the WR run into you when the ball is in the air and the DB isn't even looking at the ball. That's why he got the penalty and not the WR.

As far as the punt, it clearly showed the ball was touched, and the returner jumped on it, was down and once he's touched, he is down by contact. The did pop loose after he was hit, but once one finger touched him, he was down. Should have been an unsportmanlike conduct penalty on Washington for a late hit and uneccesary roughness.

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He even LOOKS like a Dallas fan! He has the same dull uncomprehending eyes, the stick out ears of the inbred, and the upper lip that practically covers his chin, indicating low intelligence.

Even if he didn't look like a Cowboys fan, his name would give him away. Isn't his name, Jim Howey, a little too close to that of former Cowboys player Chuck Howley to be a coincidence?

And he's from South Carolina! Isn't former Cowboys player Dan Reeves from South Carolina, too?

There you have it, the proof that the fix was in! I rest my case.

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Reminds me very much of the Florida vs. FSU game a few years back in the Swamp where UF thoroughly dominated every aspect of the game and were absolutely robbed by the refs. It was even worse than our game last night.

I was reading Gatorzone after the game, and they were posting his e-mail address, his phone number, and the address of his business.

Which leads me to this question. Does anybody in the know have the e-mail address of this guy? I know it's listed out there somewhere. Nothing would please me more to give him a piece of my mind.

Not only is he a horrible ref, but he looks all the world like Alfred E. Neuman.

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I wanted to murder that f**ker, I was so pissed. We got RAPED on those calls. Sadly, I can't say I'm surprised though, since it seems to happen to us all too often.

Still, I won't lay the blame for this loss on the refs, though they had their part. We had our chances and couldn't capitalize. As far as I'm concerned the Cowpr*cks didn't beat us, the clock did.

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Originally posted by ClownPuncher

Is it the same judge who missed the trapped no-catch by Portis just before halftime?

Or is it the same judge who missed the tackle on the trapped no-catch by Portis just before halftime that gave the skins a 1st down and allowed them to kick a FG?

Is it the same judge who missed the blatant pushoff by Gardner on the last play of the game?

The first pi call was made against Washington because the DB impeded the route of the WR makinf the WR bump into him. Difference was the WR was looking for the ball, the DB was not. Yes, the WR did push the DB, but that was after the DB blocked his lane to the ball. The ball was in the air, the DB impeded the WR's lane, the WR ran into the DB going after the ball, the WR pushed the DB to get to the ball. The DB intiated contact by blocking the WR from the balls route. You can't just run down the field and step in front of the WR, block his lane, and then have the WR run into you when the ball is in the air and the DB isn't even looking at the ball. That's why he got the penalty and not the WR.

As far as the punt, it clearly showed the ball was touched, and the returner jumped on it, was down and once he's touched, he is down by contact. The did pop loose after he was hit, but once one finger touched him, he was down. Should have been an unsportmanlike conduct penalty on Washington for a late hit and uneccesary roughness.

Either you didn't see the same game we did, or you don't have any way to go back and look at the game. Walt Harris was looking back at the ball. That's when they ran into each other, which should have been incidental contact, not including how the WR pushed him down to the ground when the ball came, which is pass interference on the WR. The fumble call was a close one, I'm not too upset about the call. What upset me was that there was no whistle, and they called is redskins ball. It should have been skins ball, and Parcells should have had to challenge it.

I notice how you don't mention Newman's PI at all.

Actually, Ports did catch that ball, but he was down. I'll give you that. But let's count the points. Take away 7 of yours for the incorrect PI call on Harris. Take away 3 of ours because of the non-call on Portis, and add the 7 or 3 that we would have gotten from the PI call that should have been on Newman. Either way, we win 21-14 or 17-14. You need to admit the refs gave you that game.

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

Yeah, if not for that bogus interfernce call on Harris, we win the game 17-14. It is interesting that it was all one guy making the calls against us.

The cowboys fans are b!tchin' about the same thing on Cowboyszone. They are complaining about calls that didn't go their way. :laugh: HELLOOOOOOO! YOU WON, DUMBAZZ!!!


They have to. To validate that win.

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Originally posted by Opiate-Zeo

Either you didn't see the same game we did, or you don't have any way to go back and look at the game. Walt Harris was looking back at the ball. That's when they ran into each other, which should have been incidental contact, not including how the WR pushed him down to the ground when the ball came, which is pass interference on the WR.

Harris stuck his arm out and impeded Glenn. That's an automatic pass interference, whether he's looking back at the ball or not. And for Glenn's grab to have been interference, Harris would have had to have been making a play on the ball, or Glenn would have had to create separation by doing it. Neither of those occurred. Still, if the refs had called Glenn for pass interference, too, it would have been offsetting penalties. And the Cowboys would have still had the ball in Redskins territory.

The fumble call was a close one, I'm not too upset about the call. What upset me was that there was no whistle, and they called is redskins ball. It should have been skins ball, and Parcells should have had to challenge it.

So you're upset because the refs didn't get the call wrong?

I notice how you don't mention Newman's PI at all.

Would Gardner have caught the ball without Newman's hand on his shoulder?

But let's count the points. Take away 7 of yours for the incorrect PI call on Harris. Take away 3 of ours because of the non-call on Portis, and add the 7 or 3 that we would have gotten from the PI call that should have been on Newman. Either way, we win 21-14 or 17-14. You need to admit the refs gave you that game. [/b]

You forgot to take away Gardner's long catch that should have been offensive interference, the roughing-the-passer call that shouldn't have been, the delay of game that wasn't called, the blatant holding that wasn't called and the overly generous ball spots in the Redksins' favor. Final score: 14-7 or 14-3, Dallas.

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Originally posted by AdamJT13

Harris stuck his arm out and impeded Glenn. That's an automatic pass interference, whether he's looking back at the ball or not. And for Glenn's grab to have been interference, Harris would have had to have been making a play on the ball, or Glenn would have had to create separation by doing it. Neither of those occurred. Still, if the refs had called Glenn for pass interference, too, it would have been offsetting penalties. And the Cowboys would have still had the ball in Redskins territory.

So you're upset because the refs didn't get the call wrong?

Would Gardner have caught the ball without Newman's hand on his shoulder?

You forgot to take away Gardner's long catch that should have been offensive interference, the roughing-the-passer call that shouldn't have been, the delay of game that wasn't called, the blatant holding that wasn't called and the overly generous ball spots in the Redksins' favor. Final score: 14-7 or 14-3, Dallas.

1) Harris didn't stick out his arm, Glenn grabbed it. Harris was thrown to the ground by said arm. Learn to see.

2) We're pissed because they did get it wrong. I think Madden, Michaels, all the ESPN analysts, along with most of the people on this board, know better than you. The call was wrong; that's undebatable.

3) Yes. Gardner would have caught it. And does it matter? Would Glenn have caught that ball if he hadn't of thrown Harris on the turf? Who cares? You still got the yards.

4) Gardner's long catch (at the end, I'm assuming) was with 3 seconds on the clock, and besides, if the refs did their job, the penalty would have been offset by RW's helmet to helmet hit. And how many times did Dat Retard (Wiley, not the MLB whose last name I can't spell) punch Brunell in the head without a call? Also, we stopped the delay with a TO.

And don't get me started on generous ball spotting (I'm not even going to make a Parcells gay joke here... you can fill in the blanks).

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