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NFL 2K5 makes the QB decision for me.


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I've been playing a season with the Skins in NFL 2K5 and so far had stuck with Brunnell for the first 8 games. It was extremely frustrating since he throws the ball way off target about 30% of the time in the game, especially on anything over 15 yards and to the sidelines. Through 8 games my QB rating was a 28.4! and my completion percentage was 35%. I was still winning due to Portis breaking a big run just about every game and the defense holding it's own most of the time. Yesterday I was playing the Eagles and pulled Brunnell in favor of Ramsey because of the likelyhood that Ramsey will play on Monday night. The Eagles D held portis to 60 yds due to exceptional pursuit speed(ESPN is all over the eagles nuts in this game) so I had to rely on Ramsey and the passing game more than usual. Suddenly I have a 55% passing percentage and a 102.4 passer rating. Ramsey simply delivers the ball more acurately, especially on the long ones. So there you have it! Ramsey it is! LOL! :cool:

P.S. Has anyone else who plays this game noticed it's annoying tendancy to cheat for the computer? If you get ahead it will do some strange things late in the game, like pulling your DB's off of receivers that it throws to. Example: db running stride for stride with receiver, pass is up, all of a sudden db runs directly sideways and out of the play for no reason. This was in Man coverage mind you, not some convoluted zone. This happens at least once o twice a game. Also the blocking on offense seems nonexistant when you are ahead, defenders shed blocks like nothing. I just find that annoying.

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Here's what you should do:

Run a game simulation (computer vs computer) one time Skins vs Cowboys with Brunell, and one time Skins vs Cowboys with Ramsey.

Compare the stats and see what you get.

If you get really bored, run more trials and compile the outcomes.

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Originally posted by Arsenic

It's all in your head. Brunnel has a better accuracy rating in NFL2K5.

I don't think ratings tell the entire story. I've been playing the NFL 2k series since it's inception, and ratings don't really matter ... much!

Having said that, I too have Ramsey in as my starter. I played in franchise with Brunell starting, but my passing game was sub-par. The problem I was having with Brunell was his arm strength. When I would throw it deep, let's say to Coles about 25 yards deep, he would always put too much air under the ball. Even when I was trying to throw a bullet. That would cause Coles to slow down, and the defender to make a play on the ball. Those problems would go away when Ramsey was in the game.

I've found myself a lot of times putting Ramsey in, around the end of a tight game, when my running was struggling. He would always hit the key passes I needed to get the first or the TD.

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2k5 has a lot of inequities between the running and passing game. But once you get the hang of passing (and it takes a LONG TIME and a lot of trial and error) you can succeed with almost anyone. Your improved performance is probably more due to you than your QB of choice.

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yea i use ramsey on nfl 2k5 as well , brunell throws all the INTS for me and ramsey has performed beter in the 2 games i used him in so far , portis has the great ability to break one every game sometimes twice and the D si great i do notice the cheating a little bit but madden does it as well i think madden is more annoying cause it does it and hurts your stats at the same time , like morer INTs thrown more fumbles blah blah , 2k5 tho lets the puter recover onside kicks more that annoys me but 2j5 owns madden in my mind

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Originally posted by feeshta

P.S. Has anyone else who plays this game noticed it's annoying tendancy to cheat for the computer? If you get ahead it will do some strange things late in the game, like pulling your DB's off of receivers that it throws to. Example: db running stride for stride with receiver, pass is up, all of a sudden db runs directly sideways and out of the play for no reason. This was in Man coverage mind you, not some convoluted zone. This happens at least once o twice a game. Also the blocking on offense seems nonexistant when you are ahead, defenders shed blocks like nothing. I just find that annoying. [/b]

i have the game...and i notice that sometimes, i also notice when they do it to the computer's cb as well...i play on legend...i think that is one of the ways they try to even it out for the computer b/c on all-pro i beat the computer to a pulp...but yeah i do hate when my man is in position and then he slows down...i lost to the Eagles yesterday as a matter of fact...by the way..i got rid of Brunnell after my first season...lol...but i think he should start Monday night though...

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