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Cornelius Griffin...

Zen-like Todd

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other than Bowen's 38 yard TD, the defense played very well yesterday and did against Tampa as well.

the D has given up only half of the touchdowns the Skins have allowed :mad:

Gibbs took Brunell and Portis and Williams was supposedly left with the spare parts and yet Gregg is the one driving the cadillac right now :)

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Originally posted by bulldog

other than Bowen's 38 yard TD, the defense played very well yesterday and did against Tampa as well.

I don't know Todd,

Though Bowen was ht eclosest defender, I blame Lott for his failure to come over and help w/ that play.

Carter got the inside seam on him, and Lott was NOWHERE to be found. That was the secondary's fault, not Bowen's. And if the blame goes on someone, I say it's on Lott.

Notice how the downfield passes stopped when #36 was in???

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Originally posted by freakofthenorth

I don't know Todd,

Though Bowen was ht eclosest defender, I blame Lott for his failure to come over and help w/ that play.

Carter got the inside seam on him, and Lott was NOWHERE to be found. That was the secondary's fault, not Bowen's. And if the blame goes on someone, I say it's on Lott.

Notice how the downfield passes stopped when #36 was in???

:rolleyes: that's what Collingsworth said....except anyone know what Lotts assignmnt was on that play?


didn't think so.

from what I saw Lott was blitzing.......can't do both

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BUbba and Cole, you're both wrong. Lok at Zeb's video. Lott was clearly beat.

And if he ws blitzing, Bubba, then WTF is he doing standing around the endzone?

IMO, it was a split two deep coverage. JUst look at the clip, Bowen is playing zone.

edit: watched it again, and there was NO ONE around Lott. He loafed, and let that TD happen. End of story.

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Just as the endzone camera did during the game, the second angle on the video clearly shows Springs covering Carter on the outside and Bowen on the inside. Bowen allows Carter to get to the post. Lott simply is hustling after the play.

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Originally posted by freakofthenorth

BUbba and Cole, you're both wrong. Lok at Zeb's video. Lott was clearly beat.

And if he ws blitzing, Bubba, then WTF is he doing standing around the endzone?

IMO, it was a split two deep coverage. JUst look at the clip, Bowen is playing zone.

edit: watched it again, and there was NO ONE around Lott. He loafed, and let that TD happen. End of story.

you are right he wasn't blitzing he was covering the opposite side, and was trailing after the throw..... but he wasn't at fault, Bowen just got beat.... he even said so

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Originally posted by freakofthenorth

edit: watched it again, and there was NO ONE around Lott. He loafed, and let that TD happen. End of story.

you are full of it... I have watched on Tivo just now. Springs let him go to bowen, and he just flat beat him.

Lott was on the other side covering, and started trailing the play after the throw in support.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

you are right he wasn't blitzing he was covering the opposite side, and was trailing after the throw..... but he wasn't at fault, Bowen just got beat.... he even said so

Maybe he should have blitzed. We could not have a worse result, even if the blitz was picked up.

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I am not going to blame anyone on this play. Big play's will happen. It's not about how you deal with them, it's all about how you react after the big play. I thought our special teams did an excellent job, Morton was obviously trying to get something going and it was the special teams, that forced a fumble on the Giant 38 yard line. All we have to do is correct the little things and this team will be top-notch. We are close...

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is it just me, or who was Springs covering on that play? From the pics from Bubba, seems like he went outside for no reason, not a good read there. Bowen did get beat, but he tried I guess.

Yes, Griffin has been awesome, i feel hes pretty underrated.

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