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We Were Robbed!


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That is right. I am a diehard fan and I love my Skins. Say what you want, but we were robbed against the Giants. I know, I know, we played bad, but we were still robbed.

Clinton Portis scored a TD right before Ramsey threw the interception in the endzone. On portis run, we were called for a false start but there wasn't any. The Ref said it was Samuels but Samuels was slow getting off the line. The Skins have sent that play to the NFL to show them the bad call. I have seen the replay 3 times and no one committed the penalty.

Talk amongst yourselves.

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Regardless of the missed calls in the game the offense still has to make plays. The refs didn't force the 7 turnovers themselves or cause a player to drop a ball. The team still has to get it done regardless of what calls are made or missed by the refs, simple as that.

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Originally posted by RySkins

I don't think the refs played a role in us losing, but while we're on this subject I still haven't seen a replay that totally convinces me that Tim Carter had control on that touchdown pass.

Yeah I think Gregg Williams need to tell Coach Gibbs that red flag isn't a hankercheif.

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Originally posted by Oldskool

Sorry 7 INT's trump 1 phantom false start call by the ref's.

The Skins lost the game. The ref's didn't win it for the Giants.

Seeing your Cooley pic makes me wonder why we don't try and establish him some more in the passing game (around 4-6 catches per game)? I don't think he isn't getting catches because he isn't open. If we are struggling to get the ball down the field, then we can pick underneath and look for him more. Cooley has shown that he has great hands and can pick up YAC. We already saw him work the field and make a great grab on Quarles in week 1.

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Originally posted by Spear

No. Unless he can go from grabbing the facemask to the shoulder pad without releasing his grip. It was a bad camera angle and moronic commentators. The refs got that one right.

And even if they didn't get it right, you can't possibly equate a 5/15 yard facemask with taking 7 points off the board.

I mean, come on!

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Originally posted by afparent

That is right. I am a diehard fan and I love my Skins. Say what you want, but we were robbed against the Giants. I know, I know, we played bad, but we were still robbed.

Clinton Portis scored a TD right before Ramsey threw the interception in the endzone. On portis run, we were called for a false start but there wasn't any. The Ref said it was Samuels but Samuels was slow getting off the line. The Skins have sent that play to the NFL to show them the bad call. I have seen the replay 3 times and no one committed the penalty.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Yes, Gibbs said during his press conference that that was a very bad call, and that no one on the line moved before the snap. In fact, he said that not only did Samuels not commit a false start, but that Chris was even late off the snap on that particular play.

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Yeah Bugel did say Gibbs and them watched it over and over and said if anything Samuels was late getting started. They sent a complaint in to the NFL.

And yes they missed a facemask on Lavar but then later they missed one of Ramsey. Make up call.

They also called one on Ramsey's run but there were actually 2, one they called one they didnt.

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Originally posted by The Wicked Wop

If one play costs you the game, then in my opinion your deserve to be robbed

While we certainly didn't earn a win, I'm not sure that I can agree that taking 7 points off the board means we deserve to lose. Many games come down to one play that makes a difference one way or the other, but it really ought to be due to the players making the plays, not the refs making bad calls.

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Originally posted by afparent

That is right. I am a diehard fan and I love my Skins. Say what you want, but we were robbed against the Giants. I know, I know, we played bad, but we were still robbed.

Clinton Portis scored a TD right before Ramsey threw the interception in the endzone. On portis run, we were called for a false start but there wasn't any. The Ref said it was Samuels but Samuels was slow getting off the line. The Skins have sent that play to the NFL to show them the bad call. I have seen the replay 3 times and no one committed the penalty.

Talk amongst yourselves.

I know there was one play where they called a false start on Samuels when it was really on Dockery. It doesn't really matter at this point...let's move on & focus on the Pukes...

Does anyone else remember the year before IR returned & the Pats were playing the Bills when Drew Bledsoe was still with the Pats? In the closing minutes of that game, Bledsoe threw a pass that was nearly 2 yards out of bounds, his receiver (whoever it was) caught it out of bounds & the refs called it a catch. There were several calls like that-blatently bad-throughout that game. At the end, the Pats scored a TD on yet another bogus call & the Bills were so infuriated, they left the field before the game was over! They were in the locker room while the Pats were kicking the PAT.

Now they were robbed. We just played poorly & deserved to lose. But, it was a good thing. Now they'll go into Monday night pissed off & ready to kill Dallas!

:wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd:

:wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd:

:wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd:

:wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd:

:wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd: :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :wewantd:

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Originally posted by RySkins

I don't think the refs played a role in us losing, but while we're on this subject I still haven't seen a replay that totally convinces me that Tim Carter had control on that touchdown pass.

If you haven't seen a replay that totally convinces you that he had control, the referee wouldn't have either, they see the same thing that we see on the replay at home. The call would have stood as called.

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Those of you who think that every call and every play do not have a significant role in a games outcome are living in La-La Land. Every play is potentially "the play" and when the refs get it wrong - in the red zone no less - it is killer. True enough, the 'Skins offense made an absurd amount of mistakes. The defense however miraculously kept it close. The phantom call was a difference maker as the offense was starting to get a pulse and some confidence. :wewantd:

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