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What Might Have Been


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Got this tidbit from Aikman's column on NFL.com....


What might have been

It's fascinating to think about how different the NFL would be today if not for Steve Spurrier's two seasons in Washington. If Marty Schottenheimer was still coaching that team, or if Gibbs had been hired two years ago instead of Spurrier, then Stephen Davis would still be the Redskins' starting running back. And then you wonder: Where would that leave the Carolina Panthers? And would Portis still be in Denver? It's interesting when you go back and look at some of the moves that were made and how it would have impacted a lot of what's taken place.

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I was never a fan of hiring Marty but I thought at the time he shoulda been given more time after his 1st year. Spurrier just refused to adapt to NFL play. He thought he could just walk up to the line with just 5 linemen and pass block 95% of the time. We all know you can slow a pass rush up a bit if you run the ball. Now if Stephen Davis just had to go because he so called didn't fit Spurriers system, they at least coulda got something in return for Stephen. To just let him walk for nothing was dumb to me. If the Jaguars can get a 3rd rounder for an aging past his prime Brunell then the Skins coulda at least got that for Stephen. Plus a good coach will find a way to implement a player with Stephens' talent into his offense. Portis doesn't fit the classic big back the Skins usually have in this offense but he's in it. Same way he could've found a way to implement Stephen. Just the difference between a real coach and a Hall of Famer I guess. :point2sky

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Marty Schottenheimer knew what he had in Stephen Davis and he got our players to work harder than Norv Turner did. He would have had us in the playoffs by last season, IMHO. However, making the playoffs in the last couple of years would not have sparked the urgency to hire Joe Gibbs. We've endured some serious heartache since Turner left. (I know Norv didn't do a whole lot while he was here, but I do think this town was behind him as a coach and a good guy.) I think we deserve some good years, as fans and I suppose putting up with the pain and humiliation (of the Robiskie/Schottenheimer/Spurrier era) was what had to happen for us to have Joe back.

:helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet: :helmet:

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Originally posted by Riggotoni

As bad as Spurrier was, I can't believe you guys are defending Schotforbrains. :doh:

There were 2 good things that came from the SS hiring:

Getting rid of Herr Marty.

Getting Gibbs back.

Schottenheimer did more with less than Spurrier did, and he helped get the cap back under control so that we could go out and get other guys later.

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What might have been

It's fascinating to think about how different the NFL would be today if not for Vince Lombardi only coaching in Washington for one year, If Sonny had been healthy that one game. If that screen play wasn't called, that punt wasn't blocked and Marcus Allen didn't go 70 on a broken play. If norv coulda just beat the cards just once in 96, if the turk brothers had not botched that snap, hell, we coulda, shoulda, woulda had another 6 superbowl wins.

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I never understood letting Davis go. He was more than capable catching out of the backfield and once get got in the open field he was pretty fast, not Portis fast but still. We made a mistake by giving him a rediculous contract that never had the possibility of fitting in the cap, but wasn't his release more to do with Spurrier than the cap though?

All things considered Davis is closer to the end of his career and at this point in time I would take Portis 100% of the time over Davis even in a Gibbs system because as we all know Gibbs can taylor his system to the players unlike Spurrier.

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Just goes to show winning a Super Bowl is never easy. Although he was talking about baseball, Tom Hanks could just as easily have been talking about winning in the NFL in paraphrasing "A League Of Their Own" when he said "It's supposed to be hard, that's what makes it great. If it were easy, everybody would do it."

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